"Hope..lve please forgive me!? Tobbie I did a verey bad thing, please forgive me!?
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It seems that we had a bit of a misshap in my little Rp. My useually completely faithfullWhisper has played his cards wrong and ended up in a draw with two deer. He wshes to express his feelings here.
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It seems that we had a bit of a misshap in my little Rp. My useually completely faithfull Whisper has played his cards wrong and ended up in a draw with two deer. He wishes to express his feelings here.
Dear Hope
Dearst Love
Im sorry, I whent to far with that doe. I should I have informedher of you the momentshe actted that way. Im sorry. I care for you in a way that you dont know, and I hope...that you could forgive me.
Dear Tobbie
Beutiful Lady
I lied to you didnt I. I never said anything about my Hope. Cause I thought, One someone like you could never find what you have in a stag like I, and Two that my homosexuality was implyed. Oh and the worst part is that it seems I have truely fallen for you.
Dear Self
Bumbeling Fool
You haveyet again strayed your path. I hope they will forgive you, but If I was them I would not. Your given so may chances by peopl You luck has to run out. My luck has to run out. Please. Im sorry. But my skys are gray and I dont think my birds are going to sing today.
I...I'm confused. I don't know what happened. But...I love you. You still...love me, right? I...I want to forgive you, but...I don't understand...what's going on. I don't know what to do...
"I love you,I really do! What happened was I was not faithfull to you, I should have told her the moment I saw her that you ment what you do to me, but it seems, she has fallen for me...I dont know what to do either love"
I...I'm confused. I don't
"I love you,I really do! What
"Well...I...I'm glad. I'm
*Sigh* "As do I..as do I" he
" Whisper, i forgive you.