hiya peeps : D my birthday is next monday, feb 7th... and i dont have ANY art of my deer yet >.< i didnt even draw my own art of her yet D:
so im hoping,..... maybe....
some of you SUPER AWESOME EPIC NICE FRIENDLY AWESOME people of tef can do some art of Shiekra for me for my bday? >u<

this be my picto.

and this be shiekra... she lieks trees o3o
dont ask.
im working on making her a bio... but for now. this will do o3o:
name: shiekra
gender: doe (female)
age: ageless (appears to be young adult though)
size: medium. not gigantic. not a mini. just slightly smaller than a bull deer.
eyes: BRIGHT yellow
Personality: Quiet and fairly "out of the herd"
with friends: vocal, silly, funny, playfully violent.
Bit of a show off
has a fairly big ego and knows it.
loves skull masks o3o
FAVORITE SPOT(s) IN THE FOREST: the bright green willow trees around the pond.
the cage in the graveyard
in shroom circles
standing in the pond
by the twin statues
in that field full of the tall blue flowers.
if anyone is willing to do art of shiekra, THANK YOU NEW BEST FRIEND : D
and to the people who do really nice work of shiekra, ill probably do a drawing or two of one of your characters as a thanks XD
ex of my art:
im not gonna flood this page so ill just put one o3o

this was from... what 5 months ago? its the only decent drawing i have on my cpu right now that isnt... GIGANTIC. lol
I'd like to try drawing your
sj,hdfkasjhd THANKIES NEW
lol im sorry if i seem spastic o3o
-drank about 2 liters of mtn dew-
hyperness yes.
but thank you XD
~The sun dies down, darkness makes it lay.
~The moon shines bright, there is no more day.....
~We are the fighters of the shadows.
LOL, careful with the Dew.
I'll probably post it by Sunday, if that's allright. ^^
lol i will be i promise
and take your time. its fine whenever it comes XD
~The sun dies down, darkness makes it lay.
~The moon shines bright, there is no more day.....
~We are the fighters of the shadows.
♥ ♥ ♥
didn't have much time happy
happy birthday
Happy Birthday!
dawww thanks everyone theyre
~The sun dies down, darkness makes it lay.
~The moon shines bright, there is no more day.....
~We are the fighters of the shadows.