...like fanart, screenshots, everything (after their death): Could you post it on here, please, and give me the permission to use it in the video I'm planning to make for them?
Just because I think we owe them a little tribute. And because I've found such a nice song to go with it <3
I'd be truly happy, thanks in advance. <3
Please post them all, that'd be very friendly.
In the title, of course I mean Wudiin by shimmyshimmy, Laurette by PinkPaws40, Raimundo by StarBright5000 and Ravenflight by parrotsnpineapple.
LOL I did a buttload of art
Thank you. c: Though you
Though you were not the only one, weren't you...?
Where are all the others?
I have yet to go through all
I mean that those who have
Or I should search them all up one for one... 8o
yeah...there might be even
Well I think they'll find this blog. Won't be too long before they grab their links
I hope so. My blogs tend to
My blogs tend to get ignored, at least I have the feeling so. xD
I'd contribute my two Wudiin
I found this on your dA, and
I'm pretty sure I have some.
I've got one by you saved
You have permission! 8]
Yay, thank you. 8D
You are! I just scanned two
I just scanned two about Ravey from Polt, but one of them is merely a sketch. But if you like, you can use them too. Let's see:
X The sketchh
X and a traditionally coloured. If you can use em, go ahead XD
Bawww, these are so awesome,
I have this one..
Ooh thank you, Kaoori.