Some Impressive Title screenshots are at the bottom.
I glitched when my TEF reconnected, so Toukan was stuck like this 'til I restarted. |D
Six wanted in on this too. B| *shot*
Spell-and-run fawn got Flyleaf.
Flyleaf's censoring the orca pelt? |D
Oura dropped something.
So Quad Hummingbird ate it.
Toukan: HA!
Oura: lkajdlkj D8<
I think you forgot something when you left.
Toukan: *stares at Walter suspiciously out of corner of eye in case he does something* <<
I heard that he'd been sparring before that, so I figured that was why he seemed calm. |D
Of course. |D
And I died of cute.
Oh hi over there.
Saw you guys getting pelt spells for that very stubborn pelt. ...and then saw Draum steal some dreams. |D
Impressive Title ahead.
Kusa: *noms Alyx*
The Dells is a pretty map.
Haru, Six, and I explored the Labyrinth for awhile, seeing if we could solve it.
Six won. |D Apparently you need to refind the entrance to it. IT HAS NO REAL SOLUTION.
Like some giant creature raked its claws over the ground...
Really really tall waterfall coming from a floating island.
in the last one, toukan looks
I see Fly has always his head
@Mick: Maybe that's why the
@Fly: He must think he's an ostrich. XD