And here's the rest of the screenshots I've built up. |D
This deer was running in place and jumping every so often for quite awhile. I think someone's Forest crashed. |D
I think this was Zach. Didn't get a screenshot before the picto disappeared.
Is this Ranza? You never had a picto for me. |D
>> *pokes the Ruins bar*
Welcomed back Quad. =]
Mr. gray deer didn't wanna join us. |D
It's like we're performing for Demon and Flail. |D And Quad is being a doe magnet apparently.
*pokes Az bunny*
You're doing it right.
I saw what you guys were doing. And yes, I was amused.
I know I know who you are, but I forgot. |D;
<< You again...
Uh, yea.. |D No witty remarks. Just 2 Wyverns. ..or
were 2 Wyverns.
The wedding. =]
Best. Reception. Ever.
Midnight never stops moving. Even when she's not moving, she's still moving.
The AMAZING midnight! Who
Lookit her g--oh too late. |D
Putting the energiser bunny
I STILL haven't seen that bar
"Even when she's not moving, she's still moving." X3
LOL at the Stalker one.
And the jumping in place one. o-o
@Paz: It's very random.
@ocean: 8] |D