|D yeah gah i've been Cirrus ALOT lately o_o
That's not Aura, it's...secret doe 8D with Deja
A closeup of Witcher, Sakura and I dunno.
8D Cirrus meeting Scape for the first time in a while. Scape loooks all "Ewwwww" XDDD
Seele and Cirrus butts XD. Seele...somehow kept the Devout pelt on my TEF O_o but didnt for Misako.
XDDDD Corvus and Polt. Corvus: Yes?
|D Ren couldnt resist taking advantage of this situation and "drank"....yesthat'sRintaXD
Cirrus:...what about me? :c
When lag was killing my TEF, it was worse then at an Abio o_o
Now a bunch more LorakxCirrus pictures I took today XD
AHHH <3 These are so epic
The LorakCirrus pics are WIN.
-takes mind out of the gutter-
-- Dannii <3
Blog, Updates, Pictograms, Biographies
YAY c8 xDDDDDD Cirrus: >D
Cirrus: >D yessssssss *tickletickle*
DraakxMitra C:
*lols at the Scape "eww"
Those Lorak x Cirrus pics are making me go "awww".
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
8D Awwwwwwwwwwwww!
DraakxMitra C:
Uh whoa I thought that Seele
Cirrus looks so pale without a mask X"D Scary! But cute non the less <3
--Stays a lonely Seele
xDDD Sheepy Seeley 8D
Yeah xD I couldnt resist making him drink to look like he was actually eating |D. Yeah 8o when I came on Polt was white. I thought she'd gone permadevout for Wuudin XD I guess not 8O. Scary.
xD it seems so weird seeing them without masks, yeah 8o she needs a sun tan XD.
DraakxMitra C:
Awwwws....I miss seeing
and that silver stag sitting next to her is Roland, Luis' best friend. He is played by Rouda
Awww poor Luis :c. Me too D:
Oh ok XD
DraakxMitra C: