Oh my goodnessssss! don't let her id blow away! Oh! and by the way, I saw toystory 3 last night! It was so sad though, but sad happy is what I mean by that.
Dude, you need to work on your grammer when you post comments Splinters, but yah I did. ! Staying at my grandma's house was really fun, I wish you could come
harweeeim posting your
By the way...Splinters, I
i sorry! Ask your mom if u
Dude! I can't sorry...though.
Huggers!* OHhhhhh I forgot to ask you! How do you make herds and stuff on the game? that's the one thing I don't know how to do.
Oh my goodnessssss! don't let
XD lol! Noone here knows her,
Dude, you need to work on