3.4 new version mini pelts

hmarmstrong's picture
How do you save your mini deer's pelt now that we have the new version? I would like some nice steps please!

Splinters's picture

harweeeim posting your

harweeeim posting your pictures tommoro
hmarmstrong's picture

By the way...Splinters, I

By the way...Splinters, I don't want to know that you posted my drawings for me! DUH!
You will meet someone awsome tomarrow Smiling
Splinters's picture

i sorry! Ask your mom if u

Sad i sorry! Ask your mom if u can pway tomoorow :3
hmarmstrong's picture

Dude! I can't sorry...though.

Dude! I can't sorry...though. I'm going to my grandma's house tommarrow and she doesn't really know you that much.

Huggers!* OHhhhhh I forgot to ask you! How do you make herds and stuff on the game? that's the one thing I don't know how to do.
You will meet someone awsome tomarrow Smiling
Splinters's picture


Sad buummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmer maaaaaaaaaaaan!!! Im going to alexa's...ym.. echoe's house tommorow! Smiling
hmarmstrong's picture

Oh my goodnessssss! don't let

Oh my goodnessssss! don't let her id blow away! Oh! and by the way, I saw toystory 3 last night! It was so sad though, but sad happy is what I mean by that.
You will meet someone awsome tomarrow Smiling
Splinters's picture

XD lol! Noone here knows her,

XD lol! Noone here knows her, to them its just another name! Eye I wanna see that movie! Did joo has fun last night?
hmarmstrong's picture

Dude, you need to work on

Dude, you need to work on your grammer when you post comments Splinters, but yah I did. ! Staying at my grandma's house was really fun, I wish you could come Sad
You will meet someone awsome tomarrow Smiling