A majority being my need to rant, because I have very few to rant to.
The rest is pretty hopeless feeling but if anyone has any bright ideas, please advise.
Will hopefully get better pictures soon of the conditions in this house.
Animal control (the decent one), police, home advisement people
(Thanks too - my brain throws options out of the windows when I get really shaken, and this was one of those times)
Really need advice on this because I am....pretty sure my brain is not functioning correctly today..
My friend's (abusive, manipulative, hoarding) family fell for the
teacup pig myth.
Here is the result of that.
Now. Here I should clarify. I am sitting on the
only available space in the house. The only functioning toilet. The rest of the floor/bed/tables/counters/ANYTHING is COVERED in trash, clothes, boxes, other various things of bullshit. To the right, wish I would have thought of this post before taking this picture, was a very full cat box. I couldn't smell it over the rest of the house.
The kitchen is a gnathouse. Gnats. Flies. Flies in everything. Flies in the food.
The 98(?) year old, bed ridden lady (my friend's great grandmother) stays in the equally cluttered dining room. Surrounded by three foot piles of trash. She had a stroke recently, and can no longer take herself to the bathroom.
To explain, further, I have a high tolerance for bad smells. I shared my room with 6 baby chicks for three months and barely noticed anything.
I had to bite my tongue. To not hold my nose. Not even in their front doorway.
I'm not going to even get started on the 6, unneutered cats that somehow have homes in all of this. The three dogs that, until recently, spent their lives on 3-foot at MOST leashes to trees. When not in dog crates in the basement.
What?? Do I?? DO here.
Do I even need to add that "research isn't necessary" was said to my face?
Will actually have pictures of this hoard. Whenever my friend locates her phone from the heaps. Sigh. Assuming they didn't shut my friend's phone off as I left because apparently her forgetting her phone for like..the thirty minutes it took us to
get the pig food, which they did NOT even though they just bought the pig, is obviously unforgivable.
Police?? Have been called on multiple occasions but?? Nope. No care. None at all. What can I do to make sure this pig is okay??
I have some video of when we cleared some floor space for the girl, which doesn't look half bad honestly, but seems only skype will send it right now?
God. I wonder if I just needed to rant.
I don't know what to do. My friend is 20 and cannot leave that house for a while still, if just to make sure the animals get fed. They buy animals and yell at her to take care of them. If she doesn't, they starve.
I would think calling animal
Image © Alhnna
That was the first thing I
That was the first thing I did personally, with what Hen said. They are "too busy" at the time. We should "take care of it".
Another attempt tomorrow.
I love this country. : / If that doesn't work, another county will be called. I can't say I've dealt with this before, so we will see.
My bad, hon \/
Trying that, here.. Witch
Jesus christ... I will pull
With that out of the way, there are more than just the police you can call. But call them, for sure. In addition, if there is a humane society or other animal shelter that will seize animals from neglectful or otherwise unsafe homes, give them a call. Are there any housing agencies or something that will enforce a rule for them to improve their living conditions? Do they rent or own their home? If they rent, find the landlord. If it's an apartment, find the owner of the complex. All of these people, and probably more that I can't think of, can help get the animals out of there and hopefully make them improve their living conditions or suffer the consequences.
After that, I sincerely hope your friend can find a new home. They don't deserve to live in those conditions.
sorry i might have been way too harsh but fucking hell man
Trust me, if I hadn't been
I am not forgiving of these people at all, I just don't want my friend in deeper shit than this house is in. Everything that goes wrong is obviously her fault. But thaaat..that will be done. Fear holding me back from that option at least, but once the animals are out my friend can stay with me. Also afraid that it won't be done in one swoop and something will "happen" to the animals/my friend? Probably my paranoia at this point? Hopefully.
Just we are not in any...cull-de-sack (that house), and the majority of agencies that deal with this are across the city in rich-people-ville. We'll give a try anyways, certainly..
They own their home, and have been in it since I met said friend (in 3rd? 4th? grade). It has always been this bad but...coming back here, no longer a child, it...hit me in the face. That and it apparently got worse.
Thinking about it, depending
I would call the Health
I loathe how animals get
Thank you for being better than them.
A small bump for a small
The pig is legally ours come Thursday.
Do we have a place for a pig right now? Not at all. But I think we will be making room for her.
We're cleaning that house this week. Imposing simple schedules for feeding and cleaning with routine dropping by to make sure it is carried out. House probably under threat of condemnation if not, but process on hold to see if progress is made and kept.
I hope to update with good news about the dogs soon. Both are extremely food/yard aggressive and have bitten humans before, however..
I don't know what more to say, but progress is made. Does anyone have any viable care sheets/facts for miniature potbelly pigs? Ha.
Tiny little