01110111 01101111 01101100 01100110

BluedeerLegend18's picture
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While playing Robot Unicorn Attack: Heavy Metal, this popped in my head (and I also just realized I forgot the antlers). So I went on paint and drew =)

This might be a future character. I planned out some things, he would be a robot deer, and his name would be "01110111 01101111 01101100 01100110", which is "wolf" in binary code. He was meant to be a wolf (which somewhat explains his name), because they found a dead wolf on the side of the roar and wanted to turn him into a robot. But they were also testing out some things with a white-tail deer, and there was an accident. The deer became the robot. And, he stared into the eyes of the scientists and they all died. He then burned the lab to the ground and escaped, leaving the dead bodies behind, burning.

He found the Endless Forest, but he cannot kill the deer with his stare. He would have to learn to use his strength to fight. I was thinking of this to be his set:

Gray pelt
Skull Mask
Default antlers with red poppies.

His ears and tail would be a flame that would never burn out, and when he ran they leaved a fire ribbon.

But, meh. I have way too many charries already, so'll I'll probably give the design for adoption.
mismatched's picture

This is beautiful; an

This is beautiful; an absolute work of art. Keep practicing!