November 2, 2014 - 1:12am — Imago
I'm not very clear on how this goes, but this page shall be the beginnings of my doe Imago's bio. Hopefully all will go smoothly in its creation with a little time and patience. We shall see, haha.
But until that time, I shall leave a quick description of her should anyone wish to know what the little spirit looks like:
=Phantom doe
=Small in size; almost fragile looking
=No hooves, fades out from knees down
*But surprisingly you can hear hear walking
=Almost completely see-thru but has a soft grey tone to her
= wisp-like tendrils tend to flow around and behind her as she moves
*they tend to be pale blue, purples and grays
=no one knows how long she's haunted these woods sadly
=soft spoken; less shy, and more towards cautious
*If she speaks to you then you'll hear an echo effect, seems to come with being dead
=more to come as she grows.....
Pretty... track.
Gonna keep an eye on this.
Welcome to the forest!
Thank you all so very much.
Gonna Track this~ :3
You are to kind, thank you.
It was here that I discovered loneliness, and it is here where I will continue to dwell within its grip.
Walk. Walk. Head lift, and breath.
Behold: the living.
They seem so full of, I suppose.
I would giggle at my own humor but I fear I would scare many if not all the harts away.
I tend to sound hollow these days.
Walk. Walk.
Stop and watch. And watch. And hide were shade resides.
Old hat, honestly.
If I said hello, would you hear?
If I came near, would you see?
Would you care for a doe who has no hooves to greet?
But if you did....oh yes! I f you did, I would respond in kind.
I do so enjoy a conversation.
But please.
Do not touch.
For your sake, I assure you. Never mine.
I am afraid the riders upon my coattails would not enjoy your boldness.
There nip is worse than winters kiss, and once they have a taste...
No. No best to walk.
And walk.
Sigh.....I would like to say hello.
Just once.
interesting OuO