Total Inspiration Blockage

Clora's picture
I have a serious Inspiration/Art block. I usually have it for a day, maybe just a few hours. I have had this one since starting school again. It's like that place is so boring and dull, it's stolen many ideas that where in my head. Even on holiday my head was filled with loads of ideas.

I like to be productive, and sitting there staring at paper doesn't exactly help. I've gone for walks, tried some new things, listened to music, looked at other peoples works, read new books and kept my mind off drawing.

I've asked friends what I should draw, but despite them trying they don't really help.

What usually happens is something will give me a small idea, and then it's gone. The only small piece of inspiration I've had all day is listening to people talking about animal testing, and I done a rubbish little doodle and that's the end of that.

I'm fearing this'll last for months. It has happened before, and I'm not patient with myself. I'll be grateful for any help, but it's not like I make beautiful pictures like everyone else. All mine are scruffy and anyone can point out all the mistakes I've made. Help at your own risk.
quadraptor's picture

I made this post a while

I made this post a while back, although it was made for writing I'm sure you might find some use for it with artwork. If all else, you could open up requests with a few slots and see if that helps you get back on track. Eye

Quad actually has a blog full

Quad actually has a blog full of great Art-Block-Breaking ideas, let me find it...
edit: OR Quad could just link you himself XD lmao
Clora's picture

Oh shi-- It's times like

Oh shi--

It's times like this I wish I didn't have a fear of 'Search' buttons. And 'Log out' buttons for that matter.

Thank you both, Quad for writing the blog, it helped quite a bit, and Terabetha for caring and mentioning the blog.

Although I'm not cured yet, I'm on my speedy way to recovery~!
Once {Epon} A Time.

Yaaay! Another Art-Block on

Yaaay! Another Art-Block on it's way to being busted! 8D lol