Finding a muse and other writing tips

quadraptor's picture
Heya guys, I wanted to give some tips on writing that I feel work really well for me. Try these out if you want to write but have trouble getting started:

Finding a Muse

Ancient Greek writers and poets often would invoke a muse to aid them in their writing. Modern muses are easy to find:

Music is an amazing tool in writing. Personally much of my writing is inspired by music, and I liked all different kinds so there is no wrong kind to choose. If you need something melodic to keep your mind on the writing, try bands like Enigma, Sky Sailing (Owl City), and Thriving Ivory. For those who like to write darker stories, bands such as Halestorm, Nightwish, and Within Temptation are great bands for you. I also like post-grunge bands such as Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, Live, and Shinedown, as they often have great lyrics in their songs that can spark ideas for stories. Try listening to the lyrics of your favorite songs, and see if anything comes to mind. You'll be surprised at what will trigger inspiration. Also try singing along to the songs you're familiar with, you might come up with a storyline from there. (Thanks to Mick Kreiger for the additions)

If you prefer to be more adventurous with music, and you have a spare $10 to spend, try going to your local Wal-Mart/Target and choose a CD at random. Go with a band you've never heard of but that you like the name of, or one that the cover art attracts your attention. Maybe look at the names of the songs and see if one sounds intriguing.

Images can also spark inspiration. Try searching on Google for a landscape that you really enjoy, and work from there to describe the surroundings in your story. You can also work similarly here on the TEF community site: search through the artwork being posted by your fellow members, and try writing a story based on one that intrigues you.

Finally, if all else, having a companion while writing helps. If you have a favorite plush animal, figurine, toy, trading card, ect try sitting them in view while you write. Look back to them and see what they think. You will find that having someone else there to guide your work can really inspire you to come up with new ideas. If you need a trading card guide, I recommend a few of my personal favorite Magic: The Gathering cards: Purity, Mistform Dreamer, and Emerald Oryx. (Though I consider Kamahl, Pit Fighter to be my favorite card, I see him more as 'scary' than 'inspirational')

Personally as far as the trading cards, I think Purity is the perfect muse. Here is a huge picture of his artwork:

It all comes down to what inspires you. Does the thoughts of birds soaring in the sky make you want to grow wings and fly yourself? Are you intrigued by darkness, how it can be concealing but beautiful? Maybe writing about a tropical paradise, lush rainforest, or majestic mountainside will help you find your own personal vacation away from real life. Write about what you are interested in.


Additional suggestions I recommend when writing or thinking of the plot for your story:

Try coming up with ideas in a quiet place during your freetime. I often decide on what direction I'd like to take my stories while at my job, as I am often cutting fruit in the back area and have a few hours of repetitive work and quiet to think of my stories. Try finding a quiet place, sit, think of an idea you've had that you might want to work with, and build on it - decide on where it should take place, what should happen, and who is involved in the story.

Keep a pen and paper with you and jot down ideas when you have them so you won't forget them, and work on building from them when you write your story. (Thanks to Terabetha for the addition)

Think of a way to surprise your readers. The climax of your story is a perfect place to put a surprise twist, and don't be afraid if something has already been done before in writing - many times your reader will enjoy it regardless.

Cliffhangers are good for a few reasons - they keep your readers interested in your story, but also help you take a break so you don't have to write the entire story all at one time. Try coming up with shocking cliffhangers to surprise your reader.

Never be afraid to ask for advice or suggestions. If you need help making decisions on what direction to take your writing, ask your readers. They'll often let you know how they are interpreting the writing, and will give suggestions as to what could happen next. There's no shame in asking for help when you need it.

Including other people's characters can be good, but make sure you follow their biography and get their personality right.

Spelling and grammar are a plus, though not a requirement on here. Spelling words correctly helps your reader follow the story better, and also helps your story seem a little more professional. When writing on a forum or site like this, I prefer using Mozilla Firefox - it has an auto-spellcheck feature that I rely on daily when writing.

Finally, just have fun with it! Writing can often help you relax when you're stressed, or fill your mind when you're bored. If you need to vent after a bad day, try writing a story where you or your deer explores a new place, or even just try writing a poem about how you feel. There's never a right or wrong way to write.

I hope this helps, and sorry if I come off sounding like a snob. Let me know if you have any questions.
Kaoori's picture

great tips.

great tips. Smiling
GingerNut's picture

Ooh~ I likey...

Ooh~ I likey... Shocked
quadraptor's picture

Thanks, and if I come up with

Thanks, and if I come up with anything else to add, I'll mention it.

Speaking of that, I mentioned a few of my favorite Magic: The Gathering trading cards that can be used as muses.

This is awesome, some really

This is awesome, some really handy tips! I find having a little notebook and pen handy pretty much all the time is great for when I get hit with a great idea, that would otherwise be forgotten if I didn't write it down lol.
quadraptor's picture

Mhmm! When I come up with

Mhmm! When I come up with ideas at work, I'll write them down on a piece of paper and later type it up on here.

The big speech on my Return to Nature Story XI was written at work, I would have forgotten what I had come up with if I didn't write it down.
ShadowsofLight's picture

If I may add my own? I find

If I may add my own?

I find listening to bands such as Within Temptation and Nightwish, can help when one is trying to write something darker, the stories of the songs, in my opinion, resonate with the creative centers. can also try singing along, for me that makes all of the images in my head combine...but that's me.

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
quadraptor's picture

Of course, both those bands

Of course, both those bands are ones I am familiar with as well, and for those who like to write darker stories, totally fits. For you I'd also recommend Halestorm, who has more 'break up with my lover' kind of music but has some beautiful and dark music too. I really drew a lot of inspiration for my spider deer, Nekumbra, from Halestorm's music.

I'll add that in for you, thanks for the suggestion!
ShadowsofLight's picture

I love this band...I can't

I love this band...I can't believe I've never heard them before.

Thanks Quad~

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
quadraptor's picture

I got to hear them at a local

I got to hear them at a local music festival last year, and was pretty impressed with their music despite I can't really relate to it (never had a girlfriend, so I've never had to cruelly break up with one). I really liked "Familiar Taste of Poison" as well as another one called I'm Not An Angel that also makes me think of Nekumbra.

Check your local Wal-Mart or Target, you should be able to find their CD there.
ShadowsofLight's picture

dude. I'm Scottish. We not

dude. I'm Scottish. We not have them.

I'm dling it though. Costing me nothing, because I remembered i still have some of those 90 song credit things for Napster from when I bought my laptop.

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO

Awesome tips^-^

Awesome tips^-^

quadraptor's picture

*shrug* I never know where

*shrug* I never know where everyone lives. This is such a huge community, guess I'm used to talking to American and Canadian people, sorry.

You know, be glad that you don't have Wal-Marts and Targets where you live. They're great for convenience and finding everything you need in one stop, but they lead to small stores and family-owned businesses being closed because they can't compete. I'd rather support the local community personally.

Kmart! xD Quad, this is

Kmart! xD
Quad, this is amazing~!
Alphafrost's picture

Quad, may I suggest, also

Quad, may I suggest, also Red, they have some pretty interesrting songs, that are dark. I used to like them a long while back, but now, they just... bore me. ^^


† Life is a Velvet Crowbar
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
quadraptor's picture

Yep, I have one of their

Yep, I have one of their albums, and they're pretty good too, although it kind of ruins the lyrics for me knowing they're a Christian rock band. I still need to find the first album, but I do like listening to Innocence and Instinct

♥ Because I so

Because I so desperately need this....thank you Quad.
quadraptor's picture

My pleasure! Let me know if

My pleasure! Let me know if there's any kind of music you'd like to look into, or any kind of mood or theme that you need music to be matched to. I might be able to find you something that can help.
3's picture

(No subject)

<3 wonderful


Links & Info

Hmmm well see there in lies

Hmmm well see there in lies the problem. I like to listen to all sorts of music. Hip hop, R&B, Country, Punk, Alternative, Rock...etc..etc Even classical. Plus when I have itunes open when I'm playing a certain character, a song that reminds me of the other character comes on and then I have a hankering to be that characters personality. Also, with each character there are different choices I would for Lust...I tend to listen to BAMFy music ('Smack a bit-h'; 'My Chick bad'; 'Sexy Chick'; etc...etc) Thats why at times Lust will randomly get up and start walking. |D -lame I know. So how do you help one like me that has an epically random music selection?
quadraptor's picture

Because I listen to a variety

Because I listen to a variety similar to that Eye

Here's a small list of my favorite bands:

Asia, Journey, Great White, Bon Jovi, Breaking Benjamin, Shinedown, Buckcherry, Sonata Arctica, Dragonforce, Korpiklaani, Big & Rich, Trace Adkins, Mary J. Blige, Akon, Lupe Fiasco, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, The Killers, Enigma, Nightwish, and so on and so on...

So no worries Eye

LAWL QUAD! I listen to about

LAWL QUAD! I listen to about 3/4's of that. -shot- XDDD
quadraptor's picture

And that's not everyone I

And that's not everyone I listen to either, you know!

I got rid of a bit of my CDs but I still have a really awesome selection Eye


-SEIZURES- OMG Quad. O.......O amazing. that your FULL collection or is there more hiding somewhere? XDDDD
-grabby hands-
quadraptor's picture

That's most of it, I have a

That's most of it, I have a few odds and ends lying around my room but for the most part that's my collection. I sold some CDs I got bored with or otherwise didn't like so much, but they're like my children, I take care of each and every one of them XD

What can I say? I'm adventurous and I love music!
Aegle's picture

-track- I lost my muse many

I lost my muse many months ago and I believe this will be a great help to me!
Thanks Quad.
DEERTH's picture

Oh my.... That deer picture

Oh my.... That deer picture is STUNNING! Wonderful... One of the beautifullest and idyllic-like pictures I've ever seen!

But these are SO great tips! Hundreds of thanks, Quad!

I'm so late...
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin