Torfastr Legacy blog (mood blog) 2

Vessan's picture
only muse song he ever needed ;o; / whole album

The forever here | Torfastr | In mind | Art and musing

Current appearance

Humble is the soul of the hunter who lived and matured
with nothing to call his own. He knows to cherish food
when he starved in the forest.
He knows the comfort of the welcoming fire
when he was cold in the winter.
He gives his heart out, for knows how it is to have nothing.
He never expects a thing in return,
for nature never gifted him either.

Loyal is the heart of the viking, who's bond's
are chains stronger than those holding down Fenrir
Cunning, speed, strenght are in his blood.
For otherwise the deep woods
would have been his grave a long long time ago.

His knowledge of nature is unsurpassed.
He knows more than the ferals to whom their patterns
of behaviours seem mundane.
He has them all studied and more...
he is a stalker, a tracker, a trapper, a killer.

His creativity , a carver of bone antler and wood.
Channeling his hate into passion of work...
Perhaps even to erotic degrees.

To misunderstand him is a mistake.
But wronging him is fatal.



Considering moving elsewhere where he could build a propper home for himself. Mostly to get out of Vargheim.

Considering building personalised warp points between key locations like Hlif's old home and some other more notable locations between his friends, family and Heimet.


"If things go wrong, if times go hard, my loyalty for you will be as ever strong, my side will always be there beside your's and my devotion to what already is there won't falter...those feelings, I'll never let myself change no matter what we go through, you've saved me from the dark and light is what i live for."

Spending the remainer of the day at the pond, gazing at the clouds as they drift past the forest canopies, deep in thought.


Woke up from the brush surprised to have runa snug against him. LAter left after she departed for a while.

-reserves this post for the godawfully massive yule celebration update- REEEEEEEE


On an expedition with relatives and their friends.

Also player is wondering about potenting any relationships with torfastr. Its getting time Hmmm.
-player wonders.-


Vess found a voice that sounds real close to what I imagien torfastr to sound like!
Met Persephone and learned that she's Ingolffr's auntie. After a bit of chattery he offered to lead her to his father after learned of her desire to go there.

Atm on the trip and adventuring through Riki.
God knows what sort of baddies they end up meeting.
for now.


Practicing on his hobbies. Often now goes deep into the woods in Riki, high in the mountains where the air is thin just so he can practice singing LOUDLY and BOLDLY. Loveth always told how nice his singing voice was. So it seemed practicing was in order. Doesen't tell others that he is, however he can be heart melodically humming tunes occasionally.
When in town he can be seen practicing his flute. He knows quite a few songs now.

And as far as the forest goes, finally feels he reordered some things at home to go relax in the forests where the weather is still mild. Thinking what to do this winter with his tent.
Still wodnering of any land to own if he'd start his own home...HMM
As per his nature, keeps delaying these things untill it's too late.


Participated in the sumemr riki games. Enjoyed himself very much. Placed third in wrestling and third in Archery. After the swimming competition, he brought a bucket full of the harmless jellies for the children to play with.

The grand finale was obviously getting in a fight with a bunch of men, inclufing Ingolffr and Hraustr. Unlike the other two, Torfastr pretty much enjoyed himself. Hm... Torfastr likes a good drunken bar brawl. Also the time spent not moping up his blood was to dance with the others.

Snow 04.08.2018

After a lon long while entered the forest and was pleasantly surprised for the temperature dropped, and the sky had darkned. A soft snow would fall from the sky.

Torfastr spent his time in the blue bowl, hidden in the folliage, later joined by Runa.
Eventually tor would fall asleep among the flowers, her and the gentle snowfall.

Return & Drama 26.07.2018

Was quick to visit his family, and explained some of his travels to his nephew and niece before gifting them a puppy and shawl. Also left a cloak for Lysa at her home as a surprise before learning that Runa was at town.

Was very elevated to see her again after this long and they both hit it at a tavern so he could better explain his travels, spoils, culture, people and possibly horses with some good'ol homeland booze.
Probably mentioned the various armies he was with and showed off the their banners. Show off a cavalry sword too.
Probably mentioned that one castle in the west has miniature horses the size of dogs as pets.

Also gift her that saddle.
After the chitchat departed home.

Later apaprently drama. the missing Vargsson, Hreidarr appeared. And apprently him and Hraustr are not o good terms. And apparently Hreidarr has a son. Who does not like said father because obviously Varg and Hreidarr can't keep it in their pants and then the kids they have running around amok make living hell to eachother because they've just never been braught up proper siblings should.
Not like that his opinion on the male family members is already as low as it is :')
However did as his duty was as a loyal to the nobles and tended to the wounds of Hreidarr.

Would later seek out Varg to tell him the whereabouts of Hraustr, a message he would forward from Liam.

After that he would go back to his tent and sleep it out.

Explenation on departure and return 22.07.2018

He boarded a small sailboat, a ticket to distant worlds. He longed for something different, perhaps exploring the unknown again. No more did he desire the same tracking routes, the same frosted woods that lo longer posed suprises for him. Perhaps there was some longing for his youth when he was still a fledgling under Svana and a guest in her homeworld full of curiosity and danger not seen in any world before. And perhaps he longed for his mentor too.

Two weeks at the pitchless black sea when the night was upon him. Rain and waves would begin to swallow the boat, and lightning took swift notice of the mast. Wood would break and fall, and just as he was knocked unconscious. Torfastr awoke to a place mild, a wide river of turquise colour and the boat was unharmed.
He sailed it to riverbed and tied the sailboat to the shore. The trees were dense, but beckoned for him to enter. Was it early spring here? The leaves were fresh and the air was pungent of sweet scents...likely a meadow was nearby with many flowers blossoming. However the tall, boarmasked man was quick to gain interest from the local population.
First he was intercepted by slim men with dark hair and colourful clothes, some of whom had a wolf pelt headdresses, others had pheasant ears tucked behind their ears. They were curious, but also showed some signs of agression before they decreed that he is not one of the people they warred against. A foregner whom they took among him for a short while. They teached Torfastr the local languages that would come useful, especially their tongue first.
He learned that they were the wildmen of the local land and in war with the lords who wanted to claim their land for their own. This pacticular group was the swallow platoon and they welcomed him among his ranks despite his human origin. His height wadmireable, and despite the fact that his body was of the man, he was a hunter and tracker like the wildmen, no common peasant.
He llearned that he was in kingdom of Livonna, right at the border that was marked by the grand lake that his boat was stationed in. For a short while he traveled with them and joined various skirmishes. Quickly he was to learn that his homeland was inferior in war. Every soldier here was equipped with mail and a sword, metalurgy was common here and metal was not hard to acquire. He was granted a curved sword, some coin and a hauberk to better aid them in battle.
After a while however he leaved the platoon, and was thanked warmly for his aid in battle and help in resuplying them with fresh meat.

He learned of other lands and soul sail noth, where prosperous kingdoms lay, passing Rowenia, Aldera, stopping by Miran on the other side of a giant lake where he met a poet that goes by Loveth, his name was actually Vaern Toureu, whom he took with him on his trip further north wherethey would arrive at a port between four kingdoms. Through the trip he would sell himself as a mercenary, ammasing a small fortune and many battle scars with Loveth as his side. They battled, ate and slept together. They were as one a unit untorn.
The people lived in vastly different houses than back in his home, they were taller and more secure, and some palces were large keeps out of stone and castles vast in size. The lords of these lands lived in castles that stood proudly upon the villages beneath.

In one of his mercenary trips where he stayed for two months, he went deep into the country Rein, which was closed off by many mountains. The horses the troop hand were tireless and took them far. The skirmishes in this warband were on horseback. He used a lightly curved sword that was sharp on only one edge. By now he used his own, newly bought equipment to use instead of the handed down, arms and armour that he gained from the wildmen. The battles here were on horseback, where they would slice through the enemy as if they were blades of grass.

But their travels were not only just war. Loveth almost got married on a misconception one night, and the many debaucherus nights at taverns, barfights and odd dares. However alas all that good feeling would come to a passing too.
While sailing up a northern tribunary, where the land would go colder and colder, entering soon a land familiar to his own...Cold, frosted, men of honour, vulguar tongues, and bellies full of alcohol. Homesickness would strike him quikly.
He would call farewell to Loveth and promise to visit him soon enough before he departured, spend his fortune on tradeable goods and items he'd need back home, and of course gifts for his relatives if they'd worry too much for him, to prove them that he was well and took care of himself.

Indeed it was time to go home. A searched for a location of power up a river where he would place his rikian talisman on the ground of the boat. A portal would open and transport him back to the land where he now longed to be.

When he returned home he would sell many items acquired from the trip for money. He would have enough to upgrade his tent into a propepr home once he gets a land suitable for it. He also brought his gear and a nice war gelding, and some gifts for his relatives.

He was already planning to visit all the people he had known.


Healing just fine. Been to the forest many times now and had visits from this and that person. Everything was peaceful. Saw some new faces too, he ties them to Runa and or Porhalla due them mostly apearing whenever they were around him.

Vess was lazy with this update, please forgive me. But I wantedto mention him healing fine while updating those stupid realitionships lol.
I like them to have a chronological 'growth' as opposed to. now they're friends, now they're enemies. That's why they're all in the same category anyway.

sokmeday ssgsgds 05.2018

Entered the foret to chill aroundand was promptly joined by his only male-friend haha.
Then runa came and something happned and tor trashed hehoheho.

Playr placed him back i nthe forest where he remained untill his frand departed.
Remained for multiple hours with runa afterwards, before himself departing bc the player went rip.


BODY: Still hurtin, he survived worse though MIND: Focused on healing MENTAL: still shaky
NOTE: why do I keep updating for the following day rip

Spend the time in the forest in his usual place. Soon joined by hiw nephew Eldgrimr who was eager to protect the Galthjalmr. Though felt uncomfortable with people around at a time where he just felt emotionally and physically weak. Later Porhalla came bay, Runa too... Actually felt a cold shudder.
Later Sigurd came by too and it was a bit too big of a crowd of people and he kind of felt exposed with so many people around.

So he just like, left and literally exposed himself 10 meters or so further from the group because that's the bunny-man logic :eyes:
Runa approached him to have a talk. (Somehow managed to avoid wrath) Was asked why he left. And he wholeheartedly admitted his fault that he should've stayed. But man the event was so heavy on him so the whole ethereal moment. He felt legit sorry for that and disapointing her.
Had a sweet moment that player forgot about but let me just aw
-player needs a breather because aww ;x; there went my kokoro-
Was offeered to go hunt a king hart with her and he felt so honoured.
Looking forward to heal up propperly, declined her offer to get pelt blankets because of her shoulder (Player did not know Runa got hurt again on her shoulder apparently rip lol)
Then an injured Meth came by and Tor just watched. When she returned he snoozed off.

Returned to the human world in some grove on the island where he left for the forest.
Hoping when he heals Runa won't get hurt because seriously the timing of all those injuries is just brilliant <-<
Can't do fun stuff when hurting.


BODY: Hurt, but somewhat patched up MIND: Grateful MENTAL: Slightly uplifted
NOTE: I ADDED NEW MUSIC, CLICK THE THIRD TAB TO BE BLOWN AWAY, The first is called starless dark, the second to las, New eart is also p. savage, and I'm In loveee with it all.

Didn't appear to have moved from the previous day other than for a piss and water further out.
But today was approached by Þórhalla who tended lightly to his wounds so they would not look as bad.
Despite his sorry state is still aware of his suroundings, so did not fret when he was approached.
Grateful to be shown such care. aw.


BODY: Very injured, one wound looks worse than the others MIND: Absent, MENTAL: /

Spends time resting in the forest brush. moves little, speaks little. As if the wounds were new refuses to move much. (Tehnically would not leave the forest even after I log out.)


BODY: legit fucking hurt MIND: also legit fucking hurt/sick/blurry MENTAL: FUCK
-> p.much bleeds for everyone, so let him snooze in peace.

Saved a pair of children from a fatal attack, sacrificing his body fot the safety of Ragnarr and Torvi. Would capture an assassin and drag him to the interrogation where he let his hate loose on the criminal by crushing his skull when the order for execution had been given.
Patched his wounds up marginally well before departing with the band to another kingdm where they would meet the plotters, three kings. Superbly in pain from showing off that he's 'okay' to the point that his mind started to get cloudy.

And then they were to be executed along with all their near family. Happy for the three to become higher rulers in their own light but that feeling vanished when he felt that a friend felt more unreachable now that before and even more aware of being just a hunter. An expandable.
The next day essentially:

Torfastr would watch until the very last moment of execution, it was almost ethereal when the wings were spread. A soul escaping out of it's unworthy cocoon. As if it was about to fly into the sky, but it's wings crushed by screams and laments. Death's exhale being what brought the fragile wings down... dragged to hel.
There was sublime beauty in this bloody requiem and the stained red dress, coloured by fire-light and blood-splatters, complimented by hair like ichor. Something he could not quite grasp or explain, but all to clear and visible in his glassy-eyes that saw only what mattered to him. Some of it's folds; pain and loss.

But weakness got him at his lowest, vision now visibly blurry, pain deep within of manifold origin and his mind cloudy. He succumbed to injury at last. Body tired, mind tired. There would be no crowning for him to see. He slouched and left like a shamed dog, the white pelt on his back going darker and darker the further he went. From an an unwatchful crowd all enamored with the new rulers, their eyes gleaming in wonder, to the trees who saw all but told naught.

Treaded deep into the forest of this land until there was no more, where the cold leaves embraced him. Here, there was no betrayal, no pain, only truth.
Was it his humanity, or the boar that led him there...


Mind: Solemn and reserved.
Body: Healed but scarred.

Visited Runa in the forest again, but was quickly claime by Por as a living, climbable mountain.
Internally pained for some reason or another, so was mostly quiet through his stay. Remained for a bit longer for Porrunr.
Later left cause he wanted to 'meditate' on his own.


Went to visit Runa in the forest, likely to give her the attention she gave him back then when he was injured. Arrived to the scene where Sigurdr and another cattle-like companion were engaged in verbal conflict with Runa and Meth.
Learned from Runa that Meth's a fighter and a skirt-chaser. Big whoop. (as long as his friends are safe lmao)
Unlikely to act on that. Curious why Sigurdr and his companion came by just to chase off Meth and leave as abruptly as they came

Stayed for Runa with her Brother after everything dissolved.

OH also met some new people a while ago.


Yesterday spend the day in the forest with Heimkell. Just casually discussing and bonding. Eventually the discussion wandered off to families to where the hare-stag admitted that a month ago he would have said 'no' to a having one. Did not mention that was mostly out of fear of them being taken away from him. Can thank Runa for changing his view. Still holds the conversation with her close to his heart.
Did mention that he himself was in short short fling, unofficial even, but felt there was no deep bond and that he was pushed too quickly too far and he just ran off before any sort of relationship even started. Not like he was in a really unhealthy (mentally unhealthy) position for it.

However today while resting in his favourite flower patch was joined in by Runa. Black fur so warm yus. He relaxed quite a bit.
Heimkell wanted to join in later and greet Torfastr but left due him appearing occupied.
Much later in a new face joined and runa scooched closer to them. Cold. thenks. jk.
Torfastr left for a short while and returned with Ale, jerky, dried fruit and sorrel. He himself digging into sorrel and jerky. And offered the goodies and booze to Runa, Heimkell who finally got the courage to come join, and the new guy, Sigurðr to whom he chatted a lil bit to learn about eachother.
Thinks he's rather polite and kind.
Nobody ever complimented a hunter for being a hunter, bunnystag feels so good. Happy, got all the good people around himself and good treats/drink too.


-Tor lacks bro-friends, good to meet new male-pal today <3 -14.04)
-He just be lazy and nap.

-Runa is not ok
-Tor was petted too much
-To scare to ask what wrong
-Let her pet on

-Recovering rather slowly
-Mostly just lazying in forest

Vessan's picture

This is the second legacy

This is the second legacy blog, if you want torfastr's actual blog, go here:

The first legacy blog is located here: