To tempt fate. ~Night Shade~ Content/language violence warning/ part three

read this. Parts one and two

This = Jack played by alicev
this = Night Shade played by me
this = Asaroth played by Kittycatkita
this= Kita played by Kittycatkita

done -dead- I will fix any major fails later <3

all actions are based on rp in forest
I wanted this to have art and such. but it's going to be a bit long for that..sorry plus my drawing is not at it's best right now. So if you hate my writing... now would be a good time to stop reading ;;.
The reason for doing this. Other than it was (I thought) an interesting story, was to make myself write. I feel bad for not writing as much for Night Shade as I used to. So this story of sorts is to help give a better understanding of her personality and relationships with others. For those who do not know her at all take a look
and you will see why being called fat upsets her so much X)

Part 3

How long she was out, she didn’t know

A minute an hour, it didn’t matter. She could see Jack still lying in the same spot. This fact made her feel a bit better. At least he hadn’t harmed her anymore.

She knew she had to get up now. Her son was waiting on her, probably terribly upset, poor child; she had hidden him in the tall grass and told him to wait for her. She wouldn’t be gone long.

Jack had made a liar of her. She raised her head and gave his body a cold glare. She could see no movement from him, no sign of life.

A horrible hateful thought crossed her mind.

She hoped he was dead, but she knew he was not.
She haden't caused that much harm.

Getting back to her feet was hard, however she did manage. The bleeding had stopped for now at least.

Slowly she stated making her way back to hopefully, where her fawn was still waiting for her.

Each step was more painful than the last.

She felt the warmth return to her side

She was bleeding again.

She would never make it back to him. Not alive anyway if she continued to keep moveing.

As bad as she hated to admit it she needed help.

She could see Kita in the distance maybe she would know what to do.

She really didn’t want to bother her with this. She knew Kita did not understand such things and this would only upset her, but she didn’t have much of a choice.

The white doe grimaced as she approached her.

"....Kita...It's so cold.."

"Is it?"


She was shivering again

"Come lay at my side in the sunlight and just rest."

"It hurts.."

Her sides heaved as she coughed up a small amount of blood.

The doe knew then her lungs had been hit

She was slowly dying.

Kita looked alarmed

"What happened?

"Jack..." we fought..he..fought me with antlers.."

Her last few words were more of a load groan and didn’t make much since

Nothing was making since anymore.

The only thing that was real to her anymore was the throbbing pain in her chest.

"You shouldn't have fought with him.. you should have run away!"

There it was again!

just run away…

Why did every one tell her to run away!

" He would have just chased me down.."

"You are faster than him I am sure.. you could have run to help."




" know i do not like help."

"But if your adversary is stronger than you and has the advantage you look for help! Whether you like it or not.."


" I had to protect myself. He is crazy. It would have ended badly no matter what i did."

"But you did not need to protect yourself alone..."

She wouldn’t understand

No one would

It was just a waste of what little strength she had left to try and explain.

" I know this...he should have left me alone..though i.did start it."

"Why did you provoke him... you know your mate would not approve.."

"He calls me fat "

"What does that matter...? You know you are not? Violence is not the solution"

"It is when it is asked for."

"No it is not. Not over something that trivial."

Kita had mentioned going to the pond to clean her wounds

It wasn’t a bad idea. Maybe the coldness of the water would slow the bleeding again.

She struggled back to her feat.

Kita supported her.

She felt bad. Her blood must have been staining the does beautiful pelt of white.

She shuttered and sunk back to the ground breathing heavily

A gurgling sound was audible with each breath she took.

" I can't.."

"Do you want me to go and find your mate??" -

"He doesn’t need to know."

She lay on her side now

Chest rising and falling in a unstable rhythm

"Are you sure..?"


"I'll go find him!"


"I will, just stay here... Joro will protect you!"

When did Joro get there?

She didn’t know

Who was there…?

Where was she?

Everything was all blurring together

A big dark figure appeared over her.

She couldn’t see who it was, but she knew.

"What happened?"

Asaroth was furious

" Jack..."

She would say no more than that

He already knew


She wanted to get up.

She groaned loudly as she tried to make since of everything around her.

"Rest.. I will kill him."

"Please..just stay safe he is not right of mind ."

"I do not care. He knows not to touch you."

Her tongue dangled out of her open mouth.

"I feel sick.."

She was bleeding to death

She had lost so much blood all ready, but Still more and more poured out.

"Rest, don't talk."

Something warm touched her open wounds and she screamed

He was licking her.

"Just calm down. It will help."

" I..feel like I’m burning up..What’s going on?"

"I am causing the healing to accelerate and seal.. but that is all.. If there is something more it is not my doing."

She was going to die

She just knew it, but she would ask.

"Will...i die..?."

"No." you will be fine."

He was lying

He had to be.

She could feel her life slipping away with each second that ticked by.

The small doe manged to raise her head and lick him on the nose before letting it fall limply back to the earth.

"My..My fawn is ok?"

"Sariel is fine."

A long sigh of relief escaped her lips, at least her child was safe, but where was he?

Nowhere near, she hoped. He didn’t need to see her like this.

Asaroth was letting his emotions show, this was something he rarely did around her, much less with so many others around.

Dread was fealing her heart…if Asaroth was worried. She knew it must be bad.

" you look sad?"

"You are hurt. I was not there to protect you. It is my fault you are hurt."

"it fault...I started it."

"You shouldn't have gotten close.. but still I should have been there to protect you."

"I thought.. I could protect m..myself ."

"You do not fight one who is so much larger than yourself.."

It seemed no one, not even her mate had faith in her.

What a awful feeling

But maybe he was right..maybe she was just foolish to think she could take care of herself.

She could hear the small voice of her fawn asking if she was ok..and if she would die.


She would not stand for this

Her child didn’t need to see her like this.

No child should ever have to watch their mother suffer.

She could tell he was crying..

The doe would not alow her child to feel this way. Especially over her own stupidity.


Somehow she had managed to raise her head again.

"Night" Are you alright..?"

"It hurts still but i think i can sit up..."

He had healed her

She was lucky to have him as her mate

He had indeed saved her life.

"That would be good.."

"Take our son and come back..I will try to move then. I do not want him to see me in pain."

With that he took Sariel away and waited for him to calm down and sleep before her returned to help her find her feet again.

The little doe painfully slowly got up.

Asaroth was right by her side helping to support her.

"I’m sorry."

It always seemed she caused him nothing but grief

How he put up with her she didn’t know

When they first met she had attacked him.

Then when they decided all the resentment they felt for each other was love.

He had to fight not once but three times just to claim her..

A thought crossed her mind.

He must really truly love her to deal with all the things she put him through.

He would never actually admit it, but he didn’t have to

She knew.

"Do not be. He will be the one to pay for this."
After washing off at the pond, she curled up next to him in a sun spot. She still felt a little light headed but much better than before. Still she could not get the thought of death to leave her mind..she had to tell him something.



"I was dying...."

"I know."
She knew he did.

He just didn’t want her to give up and stop fighting,

If he had told her the truth.

She would have given up.

This was the only time he had lied to her.

Although she didn’t listen to everything he said

She knew when he was serious..and when he spoke real truth

One of the things among many that she loved about him.

He was honest. Sometimes brutally but still she loved him for it.

"I didn't want to go..without you."

"I told you I would not let you die."

"If i did die. What would you do then?"

"I too would die."

"The empty hole you would leave in my mind and soul when the connection of being mates was destroyed would slowly and painfully kill me."
"....So it means that much.."


She had no idea.

That was some commitment.

It was true he must really love her as much as she loved him.

She wouldn’t die

Not as long as he was around

She also would not stop fighting.

Next time she would be more careful and know when to quit.

Too many cared about her, for her to just throw her life away so carelessly.

Even those she didn’t know very well had shown a great concern for her.

After Asaroth had leftshe was joined by Kaoori, Jettem and little Amazon.

She would find out later that they and Joro had watched over her while Asaroth was putting their son to bed.

No amount of thanks was good enough for the kindness they had shown her.

She had no idea so many even cared.

To her

Her life was not worth much,but after the nights events and the kindness shown to her,the doe’s opinion changed.

She was worth something

And she would never forget it.

done *kicks the failness*

done *kicks the failness*

(No subject)

<33 fsdfdsf. This was lovely <3 I was quite worried at first actually but then yaaaaay.

(No subject)

<3 thanks ^^

waah! amazing fire! You

waah! amazing fire! You managed to do a climax per-ecxellance in this story <3 awesum

This is really good. o_o :')

This is really good. o_o :')
Kaoori's picture

she's a brave little doe!

she's a brave little doe! Smiling

thanks guys

thanks guys <3

Dawww!! I'm glad it all

Dawww!! I'm glad it all worked out!

I was so sure that you had

I was so sure that you had lied to me when you'd said she'd be okay, but HAPPY ENDING, HUZZAH! <3333

fish..i'm hurt really

fish..i'm hurt really >C

XDDDDD j/k <3

hsssggghhssff. Now, if I may


Now, if I may quote the great work of the game Ghosts 'N Goblins...


