'The spotlight is such a fickle soul... Give it good reason, and it may just shift itself to you, for however fleeting that deserving moment may be. Suitable co-stars are quite uncommon-not often does it feel impartial to sharing...
About myself, I perhaps could say much the same~ ♥'
Secrets not posted: [ 0 - broken links ], [ 0 - personal attacks ], [ 0 - inappropriate ], [ 0 - not!TEF-related secrets ], [ 0 - repeats ], [ 0 - too bigs ].
General information about TEF Secrets: HERE
Submit your secrets: HERE
More about Jester: HERE
Suggestions, comments, and concerns are encouraged and are, of course, more than welcome-please post them here. Of course, feel free to post both out-of-character and in-character responses to this secrets post here on this thread. Thank-you for all your wonderful submissions again guize, these were absolutely lovely-keep them coming~! :3 I will make another secret post once I have five secrets submitted to post-I currently have two, so I need three more! Thankies again for the support~! ♥
I’ve had this set up to post for a while nooow, I have just been too generally busy to get around to posting it-my apologies for the lateness, guize~! At this moment, I should be studying for my final Statistics exam on Friday, but where's the fun in that~? ♥ Buuut, I suppose I should. Stastistical inference ahoy!
Discuss away~! ♥
One of the picture links was
These secrets are so
*Can't figure any out*
Tee hee Oh gawsh aren't they
Oh ueah mine is posted now!!
These continue getting more
-tries figuring them out and breaks brain- Too tired today. D:
Thought it might be about
These are amazing. (:
lol yeah...something BIG is
These are really awesome! I
@ Willet: Tee hee, indeed it
@ Mimi: *rolls about pfffing at your icon* ♥
@ Flyfly: Zomgosh don't they just~?
@ Ama: Amazon's stalker skillz, level up!
@ Unpluggy: *Giggles* Zomgosh yes, it's so amazing what everyone can manage to do with images and words like this, right?
*Giggles* I'm so glad you find it lovellyyy-that secret is actually one of mine. I don't usually put any of my own in but having Jester putting one in about his interactions with Imp was just too tempting!
Thankies so much! I love the image, I was like YES THAT'S AWESOME ♥Thankies so much for all your comments and interest yet again everyooone, these are lovely, and thankies again for the support, eee~! ♥
get really really REALLY
I wonder what the first one
I like the second one. |3