-[Submit Your Request]----[Closed]

Lu's picture

[All above images were drawn by me. They are copyrighted to both Caseatrix.com/myself, as I am one of the site's owners.]

I noticed that a few of the deer I was in the process of drawing either don't exist any more or their creator is no longer on the community site. D: For this reason, I'd like to direct your requests to my E-mail, so that I may organize them and know who still wants what.


In addition to the item-sized images, I'll now also do avatars, such as the ones below.

Transparency is available, but you have to ask for it from the git-go.


Finished Stuff

Do one of my deer Beliar?

Do one of my deer Beliar? His bio is here, and at the bottom of his bio are links to numerous pictures XD

Vira's picture

Draw one of my main deer

Draw one of my main deer Vira? c:
There is a picture of her at the top of her Biography for a ref.

Halafax's picture

If you aren't too swamped

If you aren't too swamped yet would you mind drawing Halafax?
http://endlessforest.org/community/all-growd Picture is here!
I feel silly just asking for a picture so I'll doodle something in return :3
pickle96's picture

could I maybe get one of my

could I maybe get one of my deer Safear? http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj198/Auburnstar/Safear001.jpg


Thistle? I'd rather him

I'd rather him have a real deer face rather than a mask, if thats alright. Also, he has candles in his antlers and amber eyes. Hmm..do you mind if I draw one of your deer in return? :3
lurvis's picture

Should I re-post my request

Should I re-post my request here? Shocked
Kinsmate's picture

I wouldn't mind one, but of

I wouldn't mind one, but of course if you really don't want to do one for me that's fine. ^^ but if you do choose to do so maybe of SD?
"Looking for something I've never seen."

Could you do Faunet?

Could you do Faunet?
Lu's picture

@Lurvis: :3 You don't have

@Lurvis: :3 You don't have to. I'm gonna go off the previous list before I start on the requests here.

trigger_mortis's picture


-tracked- Smiling
Aegle's picture

-flails- Would you do Aegle?

-flails- Would you do Aegle? These are adorable!

Hope I'm not too late Can

Hope I'm not too late

Can you please do my Luis? http://endlessforest.org/community/these-little-wonders-still-remain-bio-and-updates-striped-stag-luis
He has a real deer face rather than a mask btw. A true deer
Baal's picture

Gah! Cannot help myself! XD

Gah! Cannot help myself! XD Such cute critters! Would you, maybe, be willing to draw Jericho? :3

No worries of course if you are busy. Smiling
XxBlackSoulxX's picture

can u draw my Akira?

can u draw my Akira? Smiling thankies! http://endlessforest.org/community/akira-bio-updates-not-forest

© Rell
Meadows's picture

Lazuli please? And if it's

Lazuli please? And if it's not too much trouble could you please include Voodie in there?
~ Meadow

Seed's picture

*ka-track* --- Join Nelle

Kallykat's picture

tracking *wonders if she


*wonders if she should have made her late request here instead*
Sithrim's picture


AWWWWWWWWW GOD, Gwen's one is so perfect fffffffffghwegtrftdfdgf !

Thank you so much! Oh god. *____________________*

Spyrre's picture

<3 *track*



Zeekii's picture

/tracking I don't need to

I don't need to re-post my request do I? :s
Seele's picture

*Stalks* 8D I hope you got

*Stalks* 8D
I hope you got my "picture" of Auge's colours X"D These are so adorable <3...

--Stays a lonely Seele

Weriii's picture

tracking waiting so exciting



so exciting Laughing out loud

.Sorry for my English.

Waiting patiently 83

Waiting patiently 83
Doe's picture

I see your comments about

I see your comments about not having to re-post our older requests, I'm just commenting because ILU, and I need your ref of marvael <3

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

/tracking -------------------

"We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."
Bylah's picture

Tracking, for epic.

Tracking, for epic.

Lu's picture

8'D Ohgoshsomanyrequests. I

8'D Ohgoshsomanyrequests.

I wasn't able to do a whole lot today, as I had class, but tomorrow I'm gonna complete a bunch of these. Thanks for being so patient. <3

trigger_mortis's picture

Nooo, thank you for being so

Nooo, thank you for being so awesomely awesome! Laughing out loud
ToxicCreed's picture

/tracks Khalid The not quite


Khalid The not quite a deer but still a deer stag Laughing out loud

(Incase you didn't catch that one) Maybe I'll see if you can do others later if you're not totally swamped and bogged down Sticking out tongue

~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed, Imperial Claudia and Maliran's Ghost ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
Stark's picture

Can you please please please

Can you please please please do Stark :3 Thanks!

Yurei's picture

i would really love a

i would really love a picture of Yurei please :3 he has the crying mask, DoT pelt and candlers and there's a picture on his bio n.n

-stalk- (This is Mrs.

-stalk- (This is Mrs. Halloween on my new account for my girl Lust)
entumente's picture

I would enjoy one of Mute

I would enjoy one of Mute Smiling
Click my sig to see what he looks like.

I would much appreciate one

I would much appreciate one of Roscoe <3 Laughing out loud
Flyra's picture

Are these still open? Because

Are these still open? Because they're simply awesome. Shocked
If so, I'd really love one of Flyra. Bio is when you click her Elephant self in my siggy. <3
f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Arrikanez's picture

Can... I have one of

Can... I have one of Revtheyr? >>
It's okay if you're full - I won't push it~
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."
adderskin's picture

Can I request? I would be

Can I request? I would be happy to draw one of your der in return?
entumente's picture

Don't worry, I am very

Don't worry, I am very patient. :3

Lu, I'd love to get one of

Lu, I'd love to get one of your avatars along with my first request. ^^
Lu's picture

;3 Can do.

;3 Can do.

-huggles- Thanks luv, look

-huggles- Thanks luv, look out for my email so I can update you on everything. ^^

May I request one of my doe

May I request one of my doe Nexity?
I'd love both an avatar and a drawing of her as well. However, if you're to occupied, I'd rather just have an avatar, if thats alright. :3 Ne wears the nightfall pelt, real deer mask, and the noh antlers, but I'd prefer her to have a real deer face and no antlers. Oh, and she has a star over her right eye. I'll be e-mailing you soon!
Stark's picture

I'm back! :V

I'm back! :V
rakisha1's picture

May I request my deer The

May I request my deer The Gladiator? Smiling
Love your art Laughing out loud <3
-- This account belongs to Moss/3, now. 's picture

Your art is amazing

Your art is amazing o_0
Sorry, I didn't read everything properly becuase I was in a rush to grab a spot xD -will read after to see if spaces are open or something-
Could I please request a picture of my deer Yori?

I also just sent you an email, just incase~
quaesting's picture

Is it too late to jump on the

Is it too late to jump on the requests list?
xXAliaXx's picture

If it isn't too late could

If it isn't too late could you do one on my deer Calli ?
TEF is being mean & won't let me take pictures,but, she has the real deer mask,peacock antlers, & the DOTD,zombie,or the gazelle pelt (I normally use & like the DOTD pelt more)

I read over your description again & looked up your Email and couldn't find it.... >.<;

If it's not too late could

If it's not too late could you do one of the little wolfleopardfursona of mine in my siggy?
<3 Thankies.

Do I need to send an email?
Find me at my "toboe" account
Lu's picture

I'd prefer you sent an

I'd prefer you sent an e-mail, yeah. :3 Just so I can organize these requests better.
That's ~

*cough* Sometime this week I'm going to delete this post and start a new one with rules and a better layout. This un's far too messy.