Name: Rain
Gender: Doe
Mood: depressed
Crush: Aton, I guess...
Current action: sleeping near the Idol
Thoughts: "There is nobody...nobody..."
So I've decided to sum up Rain's bio, all it was before - is a bunch of creepy stories, which were probably hard to follow. Rain has been around for some time now, but I never really talked about her personality. Besides if you want to find out about Rain it will be much easier for you to read this one post than long weird stories) But just in case you can find them here:
So here are the facts you should know about Rain:
What Rain is now - is the reincarnation of her human form that was tortured and killed by inquisition a long time ago. She was a follower of a pagan cult of Eingana - the goddess of Nature, the Great Mother. Rain was occused of causing the plague in the village she lived when really she helped to find a cure.
Most of her time in the Forest she spends near the Crying Idol, which reminds her a lot about the statue of Eingana near her own village. She tries to stay clear the Ruin, as it reminds her of a place she was tortured (the cage in particular).
Rain stays clear other deer. She watches them from a safe distance, she doesn't like loud packs, but she is always polite and friendly, sometimes even seen dancing with other deer for a bit) She has the strongest maternal instincts and always watches over fawns and even minideer when they come around) She respects the privacy of other deer, but when she feels lonely she may follow someone for a long time, so if you don't want her around - just tell her.
Rain is qwite a proud deer, so when a deer she's been running with is distracted by others she may feel left out and depressed immediately, that way she just dissapears in the depths of the forest (usually she is back to the Idol anyways). She used to pay a lot of attention to how she looked, and changed sets A LOT of times, but now I guess she has finally decided on her looks... She may seem strange from time to time, run away from familliar deer, or moarn constantly, but all you have to do there is just bring a couple of fawns to distract her)))
In the game
Peacock feathers, dark deer pelt with white spots, crying Halloween mask.
In art:
Rain has long red hair with peacock feathers braid into them or just peacock feathers, her eye colur changes depending on the mood, it can be green, blue, grey, black, red marks on her face, her pelt is dark brown with white spots, she is average size, elegant
Other facts:
The first deer, Rain met in the forest was Seed )
She chose the name Rain because it was raining on the day she appeared in the forest
The longest she had ever run with somebody was Vindonnus ))
Rain got her precious crying mask with the help of Laruna.
Art made by Snail, sig art - by Vindonnus
~Understanding Rain~
I've decided to add this little guide, because lately I get the feeling that some deer don't really understand Rain and her behavior, and may think less of her. She can be really complex and some may think she's rude, but whatever she does - she has issues... So...
If you meet Rain in some distant part of the Forest and she doesn't react on your greetings or bows quickly and runs off - that means she wants to be alone right now.
If you hear a lot of her mee-meeing around and come near by but all she does is calling-listening and making sad impressions - that means she is trying to find someone and can't, she does that a lot lately and I don't have a clue who she is looking for, maybe she's just lonely.
She rarely joins a party of deer uninvited, so if you see her watch you and your buddies have fun and then slowly passes by - that doesn't mean she lost interest, she's just waiting for an invitation, she is always afraid to be unwanted or annoy anyone, she is very carefull about that.
If she is near the Crying Idol - if not too much trouble give her some privacy, she considers it a place of connection with her goddess Eingana and may not respond to you, on the other hand she may just be resting there. Also she considers this place as close to the meaning "home" as it can be, so when she bows and walks back to the Idol - that means she is tired and is saying goodbye for now...
I guess there is no need for guidance iof her reactions of when she is happy) She loves to dance and laugh a lot (when she is in the mood that is)...
I hope this helps...
And here's the song I think is very likely for her disturbing character and her tragic pagan past...

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Hi I see some of these
I see some of these updates in da community. Are they done automatically or is it we that write 'em cus whenever i press Alt+Tab the TEF crashes to desktop.
Thanks Sandrilyona
Hi) We wright them as part
Hey there! Wasn't Rain
Wasn't Rain looking for that mysterious deer? Because it might be this one, right? XD
--Stays a lonely Seele
OMG!)))) How on earth did
I'm a professional
--Stays a lonely Seele
*gasps* *shocked* XD
Nice to meet her
It would be great to meet
I'll look forward to it)