Let me be your hero [Honeyfur]

Honeyfur's picture


Is already mated, so has no interest in romance. Is only participating for the social aspect and meeting new faces, along with old ones.

Bio - fixed the broken pic :' D

Mental 95% | Emotional Curious, confused, tired | Physical 74%


Had spent her day underneath the willow tree by the pond, no reason to move anywhere else. Was approached however by a fawn. Sniffed him, his scent unfamiliar, yet his appearance struck a cord. Was suddenly reminded of a certain stag that had caused much trouble in the past, Walter. Couldn't believe that this fawn might be him, but she realized that there had been no sign of the stag anywhere. Still unsure, but if the fawn is him, he must have no memory of his past, for he showed no recollection of her or any aggressive behavior. Figures that he'll need some positive guidance from many if he were to avoid being what he once was, and so joined him in a mini romping session. Took it easy and didn't go overboard because of her wounds, but couldn't play for too long before she had to stop. Watched as Walter joined another group nearby. Took this as an opportunity to grab a drink before sitting down again, but not before she was bombarded by a group of fawns. Politely bid them a good day and turning down any play they might have wanted to strike up, feeling a little overwhelmed and wanting to rest her injuries some more. Finally settled back down in her spot under the willow, though sleep didn't come.
Joined later by Deimos, happy and relieved to see her son. Reassured him when he showed his shock and concern for her health. Wasn't surprised when he grew angry when she filled him in on what happened, though did her best to comfort him and let him know that she was recovering at a good speed. He stayed with her for the rest of the evening and through the night.

Was resting in the poppy glen (LOLYEP NO SURPRISE) when she heard Pho's call not far off. Answered back and ran to greet him. Lots and lots of herping and derping through the forest like spell-spamming and butt-nuzzling. Came to rest beside some small rocks in the birch near the Playground.
Waited there while Pho went to go fulfill his hunger with some blueberries. Noticed a bigger animal circle her, and came closer. Got to her feet, sniffing it after it sniffed her. However, it kept circling, sniffing every side of her; started feeling uneasy. Startled when it lunged for her, calling for her blood. Ran toward the pond before turning around, meeting the predator head on. She was not going to be hunted today. Fought the creature, lashing out with her antlers and pummeling it with her hooves, teeth knashing at whatever flesh she could bite down on. Had two sections of her own flesh ripped off by the others' powerful jaws. Took a moment to compose herself, limping heavily on her right shoulder. Protected a mini from those salivating jaws, swinging her antlers at the beast to make it turn its focus back on her. It worked, and watched as the predator slunk away, out of sight.
Limped down to the pond for a drink and possibly a good soaking. Clambered out only to meet that beast again. Had enough, and turned and ran as fast as she could away from the hungry predator. Was chased across the birch all the way back into the first forest, completely out of breath and her strength starting to fail her. Much blood loss from the gaping wound on her shoulder and one on her back. Fought the creature a little longer before it relented again, this time for good. Watched it leave, legs shaking from exhaustion and heart racing.
Phobos charged up to her, horrified. Was helped over to their initial resting area by the rocks, and immediately set to work healing her wounds, making sure they were completely covered in her saliva. Needed a leaf for the one on her back however, so asked Pho to fetch some for her. Spat onto one of the fern leaves and had him rub it in to the wound on her back. Started joking with him in an attempt to lighten the mood, until he said something that got her heart racing. It was something that friends normally didn't say to one another..it was something usually lovers say. Couldn't believe her ears, but hoped it was true. However, Pho seemed to have caught himself and denied it indirectly. Looked away then, momentary hopes beaten down. Didn't meet his gaze again for the rest of the night.
Joined later by Naru, overjoyed to see the young doe again, though wishes it were under different circumstances. Appreciated her company, and ended up falling asleep with her two companions, utterly exhausted from her escapade.

Started off her day in a patch of lilacs near the Old Oak. Wasn't there long when she scented Phobos off toward the creek. Ran to meet him, almost having a head on collision. Much nuzzling was exchanged before the two headed off to another flower patch, where they sat until Pho had something to show her; a flute. Excited at the prospect of seeing another flute, having been in her high school band several years ago back home. Followed him to his stash tree, where he brought out the wooden instrument and played a note. Even though it was one note, was impacted greatly by it, a flood of memories and nostalgia overcoming her thoughts. Sat down with him afterward, and told him about high school, since he asked what it was. Wasn't too thrilled on the topic, since high school was pretty much centered around pointless drama, but was eager to tell him something of her old home.
Noticed a small fawn off in the distance (Sierra) after Pho did. Got up with him and greeted the fawn, who, unsurprisingly, seemed timid toward them. Joined by Seed, happy to see their old friend. A cuddle pile formed, with Sierra in the middle, who was now comfortable enough to rest with them; warmed by the young fawn's presence. Approached later by another fawn (Indigo), who knew the female fawn. Perhaps siblings? Watched them play, a smile on her face the whole time. Unaware that they are Sianna's offspring, though even if she did would not blame the children for what their mother had done in the past. After the two fawns carried their play elsewhere, fell asleep.

Awoke later to notice a figure off in the distance. Got up, eyes wide and ears erect. She knew that figure, but it couldn't be. Took a few paces forward, sure that she wasn't mistaken. Didn't realize that Pho was beside her, asking her who the figure was. Didn't even hear the impatience in his voice. All her attention was for the stag near the pond. Suddenly lurched forward, running full throttle toward the stag. It was him! Their long lost son...Deimos! Pelted him with nuzzles, letting her tears of jubilation run down her cheeks. Nuzzled over and over again in return, her son equally happy to see her as well.
The moment turned tense however when Phobos finally approached, Deimos turning to him, but not rushing over. Couldn't blame either of them for how they felt, but wished that it didn't have to be this way. Let them converse, their exchange neither words of welcome nor hostile. Each wanted to know where the other had been. Surprised when their son said he had been out looking for Phobos, having used the portal and traveled to different areas in search of his father. Asked why he didn't tell her, but he hadn't expected to be away so long. Could only listen as he pushed Phobos to answer his only question, why he himself, his father, abandoned him when he was so young. Followed Phobos when he said he'd tell them the whole story in a more secluded location. Traveled into the birch, where the three sat next to a thin tree. Both mother and son listened carefully with wrapped attention as Phobos told them of his past life, before he ever entered the forest, and what happened during his absence. Felt an array of emotions at what he told them. There had been a war going on, and he had been in the midst of it before he came here. He was dragged away again right after Deimos was born, his family slain. Felt nothing but sorrow for him, and fear that he had been fighting in a war this whole time. More tears were shed and emotions running high as father and son embraced for the first time, their warm reunion finally taking place.
Suddenly told by Pho that she and him needed to discuss something alone. Promised Dei they'd be back, and walked a little ways off to talk. It was about them not being together, and how to break the news to their son. Couldn't bear to discuss this topic, it hurt too much. If they put it in words, it would be like finalizing it. She wanted to hold on to that last shred of hope that they would be one again, lovers like before. She couldn't stand them being apart, but didn't know how to bring it up. Wanted to, but their son had just returned. Only saw it fitting to talk about it another day. Relented when Pho verbalized that they should wait, and walked back with him to their son, putting on a happy face for him. Settled down next to him, sitting between her most treasured family.

The Doe

Name: Honeyfur
Nicknames: Honey, HF
Identity: [x]
Gender: Antlered Doe
Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 3 years old
Species: Endless Forest deer/dragon
Voice: Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite
Speaks in #33FF00
# 17
Kirin pelt, poppies, real deer mask
~Saliva has a healing rate of 3-6% a day; depends on the severity of the wound(s)

Honeyfur is a selfless individual, willing to do anything in order to help her loved ones. In her old home, New York City, she was always quick to help others. She still is now, but after spending a year here, she has come to find that most deer don't need others to protect them. However, she will still keep defending those she loves, and those who aren't able to protect themselves. Her soul goal in life is to please others, even if it means giving up her own happiness. Of course, she can tell which one is a good egg and which is a rotten one. That is to say, she won't mingle or try to please those who have a bad heart and soul, but once in a while, if they're willing to listen, she'll reach out to them and try to have them see reason.
Her biggest fears are being unable to help her loved ones for any reason, and not feeling needed or wanted. If the latter is the case, she'll go in a state of silent panic, as she wouldn't be wanted, but still wants to linger in case any trouble comes their way.
She's built a nasty habit of punishing herself for any problems someone dear to her is having, if they involve her, when she arrived in the forest. She'll blame herself for them without thinking. She's trying to work on it, and isn't sure how this habit was brought about, but hopes to overcome this some day.

The Dragon

Identity: [x]

Looks very similar to Jake Long (more like the one on the right). Only she's lime green, and her lime green eyes are very noticeable, not beady (and are human like - no slits for pupils). Her back feet are paws with three claws on each paw. Her hair isn't as poofy on her head, and the black part of her hair runs all the way down to her tail along with the green part. Her muzzle is thinner, and contains two venom glands inside at the very front, one on top and one on bottom. Her tail has two tail fins to assist her with flight (steering).

Honeyfur knows her strength as a dragon, and she knows that she possesses abilities most others do not. While she was quick to use her powers back in her old home, she refuses to do them here in the forest. Her power is that of fire breathing, which can easily cause forest fires if not used correctly, endangering all the other forest inhabitants. Besides, it wouldn't be a fair fight. She's abandoned this ability unless a rare, severe situation calls for it. Otherwise, she will fight with tooth, claw, and her wits.


Jumps to conclusions
Unafraid to stick up for herself and others
Puts the blame on herself if a loved one is suffering

• Whenever she decides to change forms, she'll hide her mask in a hollow in a tree. Has grown attached to it after having it for three years.

• Omnivorous, though eats more plants/fruit than meat. Will tend to have sudden cravings for meat however.

• Scars lace her body, but mostly her forelegs. One gash mark/scar can be seen on her left side from where the flesh was ripped off by a Rock Hound. Also inflicted by the skeleton creature are four parallel scars running across her belly.

• Since she doesn't lose her antlers when most stags do, her antlers stay stationary growth wise for quite a while, unless broken off. Although, they can become unhealthy. For example, if a tine breaks off, it will not regrow unless the antler goes through a complete growth cycle again. To keep them healthy without breaking them off, her antlers will fall on their own after a certain period of time to begin the growth cycle again. Every four months they will do this.

WIP will be adding hovers
I apologize for the color of the hovers. For some reason it won't allow me to change it ;n;
I'll try to figure it out so they're easier to read.


Deimos Biological son through Phobos. Loves unconditionally. Hasn't seen him for quite some time. Worries over him, though hopes that wherever he may be he is safe and happy.
Crucio Adopted brother, adores. Has been through a lot with him, some moments not so pleasant, but it has only made their bond stronger. A cherished relation. Doesn't see him quite often, but when she does, is sure to make the best of it with much romping and spazz-dancing (and perhaps some peacocking, though is normally the one that is peacocked...100% of the time).
Tandem Adopted brother, adores. Like Cru, has been through a lot together, though pulled through each tough moment with a stronger bond. A cherished relation. Also hasn't seen him around very often, but will spend as much time with him as possible when she does.
Ozzie Adopted brother, adores. Known him since fawnhood, making him one of her first friends in the forest. Loves her time spent with him, all very upbeat and hyperactive. Hasn't seen him for a while; hopes that will change soon.
Amelia Adopted niece through Crucio. Doesn't see hardly at all, though has helped her out a couple times in the past, both during fights. Despite her fiery temper, still loves as if she were of the same blood.
Harley Adopted nephew through Crucio. Like Amelia, hardly ever sees him, though cares for and loves him as if he were biologically related.


?Curious of



In Memory
Adele Adopted niece through Crucio and Tandem. Stillborn. Loves. RIP ♥

Art by me


Art by others



CSS (c) Orangejuicemoon, Torn, and Brit; thank you! ♥
Bottom poem by Seed ♥
Top art (c) me
Honeyfur is in-character 99% of the time. Her actions and thoughts do not reflect those of myself, her player. If you have any questions or concerns about her behavior, you may ask me here or through my email, animalwolfgirl@hotmail(dot)com.


This doe, who switches
with honey smoothness between
earnest and game, between laughter
and tears, flowers and bare antlers,
dancing out of reach all the while;

Who blends in with poppies,
with her long green stalks,
with her slender neck, her festooned antlers
with all the glowing red, softening the tips,
with the fields and flowers reflected in her eyes.

Who'd run to shield precious things
until there's no running left,
until the ground breaks,
until the stilt-like legs fall away:
She if needed, Would keep running.

wingeddeer's picture

Phobos: *Adds another

*Adds another nuzzle*

She needs all the nuzzles she can get ^^.

By they way,would you like to RP Honey telling Pho about the fawns on my RP blog,here,or MSN? Or later?



Honeyfur's picture

*lathers 10th page in honey*

*lathers 10th page in honey* WHOO! 8D
DOH, nevermind ;_;
...*throws a bucket of honey on WD*

*nuzzles Phoby* <333

You got that right, poor girl ;3;

How about on your RP blog? =] And, are we counting the RP on the other page, or will he find out in this one?
wingeddeer's picture

Hmm,would it be ok to start a

Hmm,would it be ok to start a new one? With all the recent going ons and such.

*glomps,quickly gets off*
Sorry! Sorry...*loving air hugs*

Honeyfur's picture

Ok! Gotcha ^^ |8 ]8 }8

Ok! Gotcha ^^

|8 ]8 }8 DB>
.....*attempts to hair hug back* "It's...ok" {B> <3
Xemi's picture

.... Oh damn. Eighteen got

.... Oh damn. Eighteen got her leg good, huh?
Guess she's not gonna be running anytime soon. .____.
Better hope Eighteen doesn't catch her alone that. That'd be bad.
.... Probably.

EDIT: LOL HAIR HUGS. 8D madskillgo.

"Oh no! Miss Honeyfur! What

"Oh no! Miss Honeyfur! What happened? Will you be okay? I hope you'll be okay! Who was it? Wait - I don't care. I just hope you be okay, Miss Honeyfur!"

\End Zera Ramble\

Poor Honeyfur ;_;
Why was Eighteen chasing her?
Xemi's picture

He was trying to eat her. >u>

He was trying to eat her. >u> ~

Ohh... that just sucks for

Ohh... that just sucks for Honeyfur :'<
Thanks for clearing it up, btw =)
Honeyfur's picture

Xemi: Yep, she won't be able

Xemi: Yep, she won't be able to run for a while now :C If she encounters Eighteen again, she'll have to fight, again >>;

Bluejay: "I'm alright, Zera. My leg should heal on its own, but it'll take awhile. As long as my fawns stay safe, I'll be alright."

Seed: Again, thank you so much Seed! <3

"Well... So long as you'll be

"Well... So long as you'll be fine.. WAIT. FAWNS? Miss Honeyfur... You... Phobos... Wah..?

Congratulations! I know they'll be lovely!"

Hurr... Honey/Pho fawns... <3
I'm sending Z in to visit her =)
Honeyfur's picture

"Haha, yes, I'm pregnant with

"Haha, yes, I'm pregnant with Phobos' fawns. Thank you very much!" <3

Thank you, HF really appriciates the company! <3
Flyleaf's picture

Hey !! Congratulations Honey

Hey !! Congratulations Honey and to Phobos !!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

Oh, jeez! Now I understand!

Oh, jeez! Now I understand! That's Eighteen... man I'm slow '^^
Honeyfur's picture

Thank you Fly!

Thank you Fly! <3

LOL yep, he's the one we're having a staring contest with xD

For a staring contest it's

For a staring contest it's pretty tense XD

Anyway, sorry, I have to go. I won't get to see how this plays out ;_;
Honeyfur's picture

Lol yeah, it was the most

Lol yeah, it was the most tense staring contest I've ever been in xD"

That's alright, you'll probably hear about it later anyway xD"

Honey need a bunch of belly

Honey need a bunch of belly guards -Nodnod- ♥
Honeyfur's picture

LOL she could use some right

LOL she could use some right about now! <3
Shiori's picture

Eiros: He watched her through

He watched her through the leaves. It was a shameful, wretched thing, after fleeing from her baffled gaze more than once like a coward...but he couldn't help himself. She was so broken...so helpless and yet so strong. More tenacity than he could ever hope to possess for certain... She deserved good health – but they were in the way. They, the sturdy stags and doting friends whos guardianship was relentless. Perhaps he could have worked up the nerve if it was not for their presence. No, perhaps he should have offered his service when he had first laid eyes on her, or when he found her alone in the forest, gasping from the fearful, agonizing run... But he hadn't. He hadn't done anything and it had only gotten worse for her.

It was his fault!

No... it isn't my fault. He closed his eyes against the onslaught of guilt and slowly shook his head, stepping back from his hiding place to gather his better senses. He was wasting time...

[-cough- Just a little something I've been meaning to post. Eiros wishes to offer his services to heal Honeyfur...if of course you accept. I understand if not ^^ Either way, we could RP it perhaps? I don't want to be presumptuous =p]

I didn't do it, I swear Dx

I didn't do it, I swear Dx
Honeyfur's picture

Shiori: (I don't mind at all!

Shiori: (I don't mind at all! I've been looking forward to getting to know him better anyway, since they've had several encounters, so I think of this as a good opportunity =])

The green doe lapped up some of the refreshing water before settling down into the cool liquid. It stung her healing scratches, but it soothed at the same time. Her broken leg was now aching due to transforming into her dragon form earlier to rescue her 'sister', but it was worth it. Hopefully Eighteen wouldn't bother them again, but that was highly unlikely, unless he got a good look at what she really was. But until then, she'd have to keep a close watch on Nane, and despite the pain, she would turn into a dragon whenever that beast shows up again.

Suddenly, she saw movement in her peripheral vision, and quickly turned her head to see what it was. She was now very paranoid, and didn't trust any movement she saw. However, she relaxed when she saw that it was the same stag she's seen more than once. His behavior proved that he wasn't a threat, but it was still quite puzzeling to the doe.

"Hello," she said in a gentle voice. Slowly, she got to her feet, making sure to hold her right foreleg slightly above the ground. He always seemed a bit jumpy and nervous, so she gave him a gentle gaze and a smile like always, to show that she meant no harm. "I don't wish to hurt you, far from it in fact, so it's alright to approach me."

Wiana: OH YOU, xD

*gasps* You don't believe me

*gasps* You don't believe me D:
It's true, I wasn't, really >.<
I went to the pond because I saw your picto and then I thought:
"Oh, look! Someone did the job for me xD"
Honeyfur's picture

Ohh, ok, LOL I believe you

Ohh, ok, LOL I believe you ^^

...*gives Leb the look* B|
uwharrie's picture

Pfffft, Nane ran off like a

Pfffft, Nane ran off like a wimp <3

She'll realize exactly what Honey did and be thankful for it eventually but for now she's just confused and panicked; doesn't know what to think or do... the poor dear.
quadraptor's picture

Quad: "ooh so you're

Quad: "ooh so you're expecting? How awesome! I'll keep guard for you as long as I get one favor...

I get to poke your tummy when it bulges up X3."

Zephyr: "Preggo does are always fashionable, since...well...they're too busy being preggo to worry about trends, teehee! It's a rule, I swear! Look it up in the fashion dictionary!"

Bodhi: "Oh you're going to have a fawn soon? This one would love to be it's playmate! This one will love to watch the process, as it knows very little about this 'fawn birthing' thing."
Shiori's picture

[Yay! I'm glad ^^ Not quite

[Yay! I'm glad ^^ Not quite sure how we'll go about this yet but I'm all for BSing till we get there -chuckle- I would like to sort of go along in the game too but I don't know if that's possible]

Eiros froze. He knew that voice... Turning slowly to gaze back toward the pond he held his breath upon realizing he'd been spotted. Two eerily green eyes peered at him through the leaves, trying to get a better look at him. The blonde stag mentally cursed himself for his carelessness and briefly considered darting off again...but his legs remained frozen beneath him. No. Maybe this was it, the opening he'd been looking for. Her friends had wandered off to play nearby, leaving her to soak her wounds. Leaving her to him. Swallowing uneasily, he took a breath and bowed his head, pushing through the veil of willow tendrils to reveal himself. Her words amused him, drawing a tiny, nervous smile from his lips.
She didn't wish to hurt him...but she would, if her own pain was any indication...

His nerves turned to sheepishness once he closed a bit of distance between them. His hooves teetered at the water's edge further down the shore and he lowered his gaze to briefly glimpse his reflection.
“My apologies...I hope I... didn't alarm you,” he regretted uncertainly, not quite fessing up to the act he had been caught in. His eyes lifted, but not to her, instead rising to eye the antics of the deer on the hill. They would no doubt still be watching.
“I was hoping I could...speak to you. In...well, in private.”
Violet met green as his eyes once again found hers, and for the first time he confidently held her gaze.
Honeyfur's picture

uwharrie: Awww, poor girl ;_;

uwharrie: Awww, poor girl ;_; Hopefully she'll recover soon! 8'C

Quad: (I loled xD) "...Oh alright, I guess you can C: Thank you!" <3

Zephyr: "Oh, well, that's good then! Thank you! Since you're the most fashionable doe in the forest, I believe you." ^^

Bodhi: "Actually, I'm expecting twins! <3 Of course you can! I'm sure there will be others there as well, so I don't mind if you watch C: Birth is a beautiful event, because it brings new life." <3

Shiori: (LOL that sounds like a good plan, since I just make things up as I go along xD Hmm, well, HF is sort of outgoing, so perhaps she might get him to open up a little? Not sure, I guess only time will tell us that ^^)

“My apologies...I hope I... didn't alarm you.”

"Oh no, it's alright. I'm just overly paranoid these days...but I guess that wouldn't really surprise anyone," she said, looking down disdainfully at her broken leg. She felt helpless and weak with this new injury, but hopefully her dragon form would cancel that out. Besides, she didn't want to get into anymore fights, especially now that she's pregnant, but that was a vain wish. Being who she is, most likely more drama will soon follow, it was just a matter of when.

“I was hoping I could...speak to you. In...well, in private.”

Honeyfur looked back up at him, his words snapping her out of her thoughts. This suggestion would've made her hesitate before, but now she was stronger, and more able to take care of herself, as well as the new lives growing inside her. Besides, he didn't seem dangerous at all. The dragon doe was confident that he wouldn't bring any harm to her or her fawns. "Of course! Follow me." With that, she turned her head over to her friends and nodded her head once, showing that she would be alright and would handle things herself. Then, she turned and limped in the direction of the trees, where the underbrush would give them more privacy. Whatever the stag needed to tell her that had to include privacy must be important, and she was a very curious one at heart.

This reminded her...she didn't even know his name.

"Oh yes, I apologize for not doing this right off, but I'm Honeyfur. May I ask who you are?"
Shiori's picture

His gaze might have been

His gaze might have been confident, but the fluttering in his stomach told a much different internal story. His words appeared to give her a jolt that caused his heart to hammer, and he realized too late how awful his cryptic suggestion sounded. Why would she go with him...? She was injured and vulnerable and he was a stranger! Of course, glancing him over, there was absolutely nothing threatening about Eiros. He was a shamefully thin and delicate thing for a stag and couldn't hope to do much damage if he'd tried. Well...at least not in the normal way.

“Of course! Follow me.”

The doe stumbled to her feet and Eiros stepped back in surprise at her...enthusiasm. What other word was there for it? Certainly none he had been expecting. A faint blush kissed either cheek at the absurdity of it and he quickly nodded a silent thanks before tilting his face down to hide it - despite his mask doing an adequate enough job. He politely stepped aside as she hobbled from the water, and a pang of guilt stabbed at his chest as he watched her struggle. Lowering his head, the blonde wandered after her, his violet eyes roving from her leg to the scrapes and cuts on her shoulder and flank. They passed out of the sunshine and into the shadow of the thicker trees, and the stag shuddered.

Finally it appeared they had reached their destination. He had to admit, the doe had a talent for seeking out seclusion... It made him wonder briefly why she did not simply remain there to heal herself properly in the first place. The thought stirred guilt inside him. Not everyone was good at being a coward... She turned to him then, introducing herself and asking for his name. Oh, right, names...he supposed that was important, though in the grand scheme of the idea...Eiros found he would almost rather not know. Except he already did. He had learned her name through his spying days ago, but...it was different coming from the doe herself. More personal. He couldn't deny her the same courtesy. He drew in a breath and lifted his head, summoning the strength to be direct.
“I am... Eiros. Again, I apologize for watching you, I just... I wish to help you, Honeyfur. I want to take away your pain...Heal you.”
His eyes wandered awkwardly to one side before he forced them back to hers and the corners of his mouth lifted in a small, apprehensive smile. He bowed his head respectfully.
“I have the power to do this...if you choose to accept.”

[-reads updates- WOMAN, QUIT GETTING HURT! XD Put your mini on a leash and tie it somewhere >8C]
Honeyfur's picture

(LOL it seems like she's

(LOL it seems like she's always looking for trouble...stubborn, determined, heroic thing xD)

“I am... Eiros. Again, I apologize for watching you, I just... I wish to help you, Honeyfur. I want to take away your pain...Heal you.”

His answer caught her by surprise. A stranger, wanting to heal her? Well, he wasn't a complete stranger, but they hardly even knew each other at all. They've only just exchanged names, after all. She wondered why he was so interested to help her...someone he barely knew at all. Or, maybe, he was, in a way, like her. Helping others was her specialty, whether they asked for help or not, because she hated seeing other people (and now deer) struggling or in critical danger. Perhaps Eiros didn't want to see the same thing either.

“I have the power to do this...if you choose to accept.”

The power to do this...so he was a lot like herself. He might not be able to turn into a dragon, but he still had power, it seemed, nontheless. The dragon doe found herself copying the stag's smile, only her's wasn't apprehensive. The smile on her face was one of gratefullness and gratitude, as well as understanding for Eiros' heroic choice to help her.

"Of course, it's much appriciated." Knowing that she could trust him, she moved her injured leg so he could get a better look at it, and to make his job easier...whatever he was planning to do to heal it.
Shiori's picture

This time, the look of

This time, the look of surprise on her face was predictable - even expected. There wasn't really any reason to react otherwise, was there? Eiros was no doubt coming off as very peculiar. Shying from her, now luring her into hiding alone and talking madness. But he didn't dare think too much about what she thought of him...he didn't care. In a perfect world he would have liked to get to know this doe the proper way before offering such an...intimate thing. Make no mistake of it either - what he offered was one of the most intimate things imaginable. The stag fought back another blush at the thought. He wasn't focusing...

Then, after only a brief pause to think, she accepted.

Just like that. Just like that? She didn't question him. Her smile was bright and full of trust and gratitude that momentarily dazzled him. Then his mouth went dry. She didn't ask... so he wasn't going to tell. The stag's smile threatened to fade but he promptly forced it to remain, bowing his head in acknowledgment. When she carefully extended her leg, he held back dry laughter, pressing his lips together in amusement and slowly shaking his head.
“I...we will need to lay down for this. I need to sit very close for it to work efficiently,” he informed her with a nervous edge to his tone, watching carefully for the slightest hint of a negative reaction. There didn't seem to be one. The blonde stag wasn't sure if this was bravery on her part or foolishness, and he felt a sudden urge to scold her as she carefully lowered herself to the earth. Only he was certain he wouldn't harm her...so why did she believe she was just as sure? Why was he even concerning himself with such thoughts? The stag drew in a defeated breath and carefully circled around beside her. A sudden wave of nausea shuddered through him as he mentally prepared himself for the task. He swallowed back the sickness and gingerly folded his legs to lay beside her.

His body slid against the side hers and he shifted to the contours of her form.
“It...shouldn't take too long, once I get started,” he began quietly, again avoiding the details, offering just enough to hopefully put her at ease, “You may feel some...'tingling discomfort', but don't be alarmed that means it's working - and don't... try to get up until I say, no matter what, okay?”
The smile he offered was genuinely shy. Instructing others on what to do clearly wasn't something he was accustomed to. Slowly but surely, the warmth emanating from her body began to intensify. It wasn't just heat, it was a current, tingling and electric; pulsating. Slow at first...agonizingly slow. Turning his eyes away, the stag shifted closer, pressing himself to her almost eagerly despite knowing what was to come. He couldn't help it. Focus. He went down his mental checklist, wondering if he'd left anything out, then suddenly the most important rule hit him. At least it was supposed to be the most important... It was the only thing he asked in return out of all of this and he had forgotten about it! Typical.
“Promise me something first,” he urged, though he knew it was too late. Even if she refused, he couldn't stop...no, he wouldn't stop, “Promise you wont tell anyone I did this for you...”

[LOL he comes off as a total creeper, the poor thing -giggle- I powerplayed a little since she seemed pretty cooperative...I hope you don't mind D8 If so I can redo it, no trouble at all]
Honeyfur's picture

(LOL poor guy, but you gotta

(LOL poor guy, but you gotta love him and all his awkwardness <3 Not at all! I would've had her do the same thing anyway ^^)

“It...shouldn't take too long, once I get started. You may feel some...'tingling discomfort', but don't be alarmed that means it's working - and don't... try to get up until I say, no matter what, okay?”

"Alright," she agreed, her voice gentle. However, on the inside she was a little hesitant. He was extremely close to her, pressed against her side even. He had said they would need to get very close, but she didn't anticipate him pressing himself right up against her. But, she found that she trusted this stag, mostly because he was willing to take the time out to heal her. The shy smile he gave her confirmed that he wasn't a threat, because it indeed look genuine, and didn't harbor any sense of fraud either. Stop being so paranoid. Not everyone is like Eighteen.

Suddenly, she could feel a slight tingling sensation coming within her body, but it mostly came from her right leg. It gradually grew in intensity, until it felt like a small electrical current was rushing through her leg. It seemed it was moving up her leg, and toward Eiros. But how could that be? She felt him shift his body closer to her's, and it made her wonder. However, she wasn't able to think on it for long, because his next words tore her attention away from the phenomenon.

“Promise me something first....Promise you wont tell anyone I did this for you...”

"Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me," she soothed. Honeyfur knew all to well what it was like to keep your powers a secret. She had to do that back in her old home, where your identity was everything. But here, some of her friends already knew what she was, and it wouldn't really matter much if everyone knew about the other side of her...unless of course they were to scared to be around her anymore, but there was no hiding it, not when you're the only dragon flying around in a small forest...even though it was endless. But even so, this stag deserved to know what she was. It was only fair, since she knew about his powers. "To tell you the truth, you're not the only one here in this secluded space that has unnatural powers."
Shiori's picture

The stag could feel the

The stag could feel the beginnings of her discomfort. He could feel it in the way her muscles tensed as he shifted closer – but it was deeper than that. He could literally feel the emotion behind it, because suddenly it was his emotion, too. Hesitance, uncertainty...and then trust. Trust so certain that Eiros had no choice but to relax instantly. He could have tried to shake the feeling off, but he didn't want to...it had been so long since he had felt it for himself.

The doe quietly agreed to his terms, and while on most occasions he would have doubted her...he didn't. He couldn't. He felt too filled to the brim to care...but the glass was barely full yet.

The energy flowed a little more quickly now, washing over him in warm, pleasurable waves. His heart began to quicken and his lungs pulled more deeply for air. Everyone's energy was different, though not particularly unique – like different mixes in a cocktail. With Honeyfur, it felt as though a sudden surge of adrenaline had taken hold, speeding through his veins. It came quickly and eagerly in strong, confident pulses that just continued to intensify. He pressed even closer despite her discomfort, lowering his head to curl his neck around her haunches, acting instinctively as his own body betrayed him and ached for more. Honeyfur could feel the tingling of energy passing between them as well...but not like it was for him, though she would no doubt begin to feel traces of his emotional exhilaration.

“To tell you the truth, you're not the only one here in this secluded space that has unnatural powers."

...Eiros paused, then tilted his head around to look at her.
W-what? What did she mean by that- agh!
The stag tensed, sucking in a breath through his teeth as a sudden strong pulse of pain entered his body. It throbbed once or twice before dispersing quickly, spreading through his body, dividing into small, centralized throbs. He knew what was coming next. Honeyfur would know it too... Her injuries were preparing to heal. From her broken leg to the gash and scratches on her shoulders; every bruise and every cut would begin to tingle. The stag's breath grew shallower, but determined not to think on it, he focused on what she'd said.
“You...You have powers... as well?” he strained, his soft voice coming out in sighs of breath, “Your energy is...very strong...”
Honeyfur's picture

The tingling grew stronger in

The tingling grew stronger in her injured leg and scratches, causing them to sting and throb a little. It was only a mild discomfort, but it had still been unexpected. What was even more unexpecting was the feel of Eiros pressing even closer to her body, and the feel of his head and neck on her haunches. The doe was a little worried about how close they were becoming, and it was only made worse when she could feel the excited and thrilling emotions...that didn't come from her. She only got a taste of those emotions, but she knew that she herself didn't feel either of those. Could they be coming from Eiros himself?

Honeyfur snapped out of her thoughts when she realized that the stinging and throbing in her leg was subsiding. She managed to steal a glance at her right shoulder, and stifled a gasp when she noticed that her scratches and the gash were nearly cealed, to leave behind only scars. Next, she felt constriction in her leg as her bones started to rejoin. She flinched her leg as a sharp clicking noise could be heard from the leg, telling her that the bones had met once again. Normally this would hurt, but the tingling sensation was so great that it numbed her leg entirely, so she only felt a pinch when it happened.

“You...You have powers... as well?”

"Huh?" Honeyfur had been so distracted by fascination that she barely heard him. "Oh, oh yes! Yes, I have powers of my own also...although, not quite like your's. In fact they're far from it."

“Your energy is...very strong...”

She cocked an eyebrow. This was a weird thing to hear. "Oh...I guess it must be because I'm part dragon...sorry about that," she said guiltly, noticing how he was straining to get his words out. "This should hopefully be done soon." Her injuries were healed, and the tingling was also starting to subside, at least a little now that there weren't anymore injuries. Now concern welled up inside her for the stag, hoping that he wasn't struggling to much with this.
uwharrie's picture

hehe, I love when I go in

hehe, I love when I go in forest and all I have to do is see Honey's antlers are flower-less to know something's going down.
Lol, I saw her before I saw Eighteen and was like uh no... O.O
Honeyfur's picture

LOL I know, I find it amusing

LOL I know, I find it amusing myself xD
This won't always be the case anymore though. She'll use her dragon form if she reeeaaally needs to, and right now, that's the case xD"

Drama! 8D
Shiori's picture

[Sorry this took so long .__.

[Sorry this took so long .__. And sorry it IS so long lol.]

Eiros was barely listening anymore. His head felt light and his thoughts swam as he struggled to differentiate his emotions from hers. Worry, fascination, guilt, apprehension, discomfort, worry. His ears flattened against his head, which he he continued to rest upon her for stability. The pain intensified. As the doe gasped and turned to watch the tears in her skin fade to nothing, Eiros clenched his jaw and tensed against her as his own skin began to split beneath his fur. The gash was the worst. The wound grew wider and wider, agonizingly slow – slower, he was sure, than it felt to be delivered in the first place.

His chest heaved as he summoned all his willpower to remain still; to not act out in his pain. He didn't even make a sound, his teeth clenched firmly together to prevent it. No...he concentrated on the energy, the way it made his body warm and invincible, even as it broke him down, cut by cut. This energy...Part dragon...part...what? The stag could barely understand what she was saying.


Eiros flinched. A strangled cry caught in his throat, which he quickly turned to muffle in her fur. His breath came in short, desperate gasps as an intense pain burst to life from his leg as the bone within it tightened, then cracked. He shifted where he lay, struggling to get his weight off of the limb – but no, he couldn't move. Not yet. The blond tilted his head, resting his forehead on her hip as he buried his face in her fur to hide his pain. It was a bit invasive of him but...ha, who were we kidding! He had crossed that bridge a long time ago with far worse intrusions. Eiros felt her tense against him. He felt her nervousness as she caught on to his discomfort, and the growing impulse to break their connection.
“No!” he cried, though his voice was quiet and muffled in her fur. Lifting his head every so slightly, he gave his mouth room to draw in a deep, shuddering breath before he opened his eyes and staring up at her imploringly.
“Not...not yet.”
All her wounds were healed. The older ones that had already began to heal had left scars, but the newer ones sealed cleanly. His job was done, she was right...but he didn't move. He continued to draw on her energy. Now that he was weak, his body starved for it; hungered for it more than it had before...and he drew on it shamelessly. There was just...so much! How could that be? Was it because of this power she spoke of? He closed his eyes again, for the first time, concentrated on it...

Suddenly it dawned on him. He had been too entranced before to notice but now...now it was clear. It wasn't just one pulsing energy that flowed into him...
It was three.
Eiros' head snapped up in an instant, violet eyes widening at the horrifying realization. She was...she had to be...! The stag hurriedly stumbled to his feet - impressive considering his newly accumulated injuries, but the excess energy he'd stolen gave him plenty to spare. Stolen, yes...From unborn children! He backed away from her, hobbling on three legs, too panicked to be bothered with pain.
"You're...you're pregnant," he stammered, his voice a whisper.
wingeddeer's picture

Oh my 0-0 Many deer seem to

Oh my 0-0 Many deer seem to be intrested in their future children xD Thats ok though,I find it quite cute <3


I love their relationship.A dragon for a mate equals one lucky stag.In his,and mine opinion. <3

uwharrie's picture

Nane would probably yell at

Nane would probably yell at Honey for what she did today -but seceretly be thankful-
if she was talking lol
Mauvable's picture

Track ^^ lovely CSS

Track ^^ lovely CSS

Just a thing for you - the

Just a thing for you - the link for HF's chibi isn't working for me. Possibly because you changed the title?
Honeyfur's picture

WD: Lol I find it cute too,

WD: Lol I find it cute too, so long as it's in a good way xD"
Awww a fawn shower would be adorable! <3
Hehe, I bet Phoby never thought he'd have a dragon for a mate xD"

Uwharrie: Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if she did, but it was with good intentions anyway <3

Mauvable: Thank you! <3

BJ: Yeah, I had forgotten to change the link. It's fixed now! ^^

Shiori: Sorry I'm taking so long. I'll get a reply up shortly ^^"
Shiori's picture

You don't have to reply if

You don't have to reply if you don't want to.
Xemi's picture

Hey, Honey? Rename your bio

Hey, Honey? Rename your bio to just a . and save it. Then it'll be assigned as a node (a link with just numbers) and no matter what you change the title to, you'll never, never have to replace and fix links. ^^ It's what I do with my bios. After you save it as only . you can then go and change the title again to whatever you want. :B
Skitties's picture

So... I figure I've been

So... I figure I've been stalking this long enough I should probably actually track it now. >_>

Signature by Roo ♥
Honeyfur's picture

Xemi: OH, yes, ok. I figured

Xemi: OH, yes, ok. I figured that's how you do that, but I just never got around to doing that with my bios...should probably not be so lazy and fix that xD"

Shiori: Eh, yeah, but I just feel the need to reply, because in my mind it won't seem like the RP is finished...kind of OCD with that ^^"

Right after her leg had healed, she started as a snap could be heard. Her body tensed when she felt Eiros press his face into her fur. What happened? She turned head to make sure he was alright, and gasped when she noticed fresh cuts and a gash on his right shoulder. "What...this is hurting you!" She was about to get up when he called out, though his call was muffled by her fur. Still, it made her pause.

“No! Not...not yet.”

Her expression was one of confusion as she looked at him. Her wounds were healed...or rather, being transfered over to him. Obviously it was time to stop, so why was he refusing? But she found that she couldn't move, despite herself. She began to feel light headed, and her body felt heavy, as if all her energy was leaving her. A small growl grew in her throat as she realized what was happening. He was robbing her of her energy, and not just her's, but her children as well.

They both ended up srambling to their feet at the same time, Honeyfur eyes filled with alarm and anger. She barely even registered that his leg was now broken.

"You're...you're pregnant,"

"Of course I am!" Could he not tell? Her stomach was obviously disdented, despite her being only a little over a month in. Hopefully her fawns were alright. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the inferno within so she wouldn't transform. "Why...did you rob me...us, of what precious energy we have? I have two jobs to do: protecting my friends and taking care of my unborn fawns. I can't afford losing energy like this." Her voice was calm, but it had an edge to it. She should've known this stag was going try any funny business. She had been a fool for trusting him...though, he did heal her, so she should be grateful for that...but right now, it was a hard thing to come by.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

If you were confused about

If you were confused about why Voice was lowering her antlers at Honey, it was because she was guarding Peirce, who was in a deep coma and losing lots of blood. She knew that Peirce and Honeyfur, and Phobos and Nane, had had very unpleasant events, and she knew they all hated him, so she was afraid they would walk up to him and kill them.

....... PEIRCE AND VOICE SITTING IN A TREE, K.I.-*knocked out by Voice and laying on the ground*
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Honeyfur's picture

Lol don't worry, I knew what

Lol don't worry, I knew what it was about. HF just didn't want to attack her as a dragon, and has been in plenty enough fights recently that she didn't want to put up with another. She didn't feel the need to attack Pierce anyway, since she's not the type to attack those that are already severely wounded.

Hehe xD
BluedeerLegend18's picture

DARN IT.... Anyways, I knew


Anyways, I knew that, it's just that Voice is basically going into the same phase that HF was when Phobos was attacked by the Rock Hound. All her focus is centered on any living creature that goes near Peirce and she is very worried and will attack anyone who dare hurts him. She just didn't know Phobos and HF yet so she was like... just... I don't know. Scared? XD anyways until Peirce wakes up Voice is going to be pretty protective of him.
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Honeyfur's picture

Ahh ok, got'cha C: Hopefully

Ahh ok, got'cha C: Hopefully Pierce will heal soon ;_;