Let me be your hero [Honeyfur]

Honeyfur's picture


Is already mated, so has no interest in romance. Is only participating for the social aspect and meeting new faces, along with old ones.

Bio - fixed the broken pic :' D

Mental 95% | Emotional Curious, confused, tired | Physical 74%


Had spent her day underneath the willow tree by the pond, no reason to move anywhere else. Was approached however by a fawn. Sniffed him, his scent unfamiliar, yet his appearance struck a cord. Was suddenly reminded of a certain stag that had caused much trouble in the past, Walter. Couldn't believe that this fawn might be him, but she realized that there had been no sign of the stag anywhere. Still unsure, but if the fawn is him, he must have no memory of his past, for he showed no recollection of her or any aggressive behavior. Figures that he'll need some positive guidance from many if he were to avoid being what he once was, and so joined him in a mini romping session. Took it easy and didn't go overboard because of her wounds, but couldn't play for too long before she had to stop. Watched as Walter joined another group nearby. Took this as an opportunity to grab a drink before sitting down again, but not before she was bombarded by a group of fawns. Politely bid them a good day and turning down any play they might have wanted to strike up, feeling a little overwhelmed and wanting to rest her injuries some more. Finally settled back down in her spot under the willow, though sleep didn't come.
Joined later by Deimos, happy and relieved to see her son. Reassured him when he showed his shock and concern for her health. Wasn't surprised when he grew angry when she filled him in on what happened, though did her best to comfort him and let him know that she was recovering at a good speed. He stayed with her for the rest of the evening and through the night.

Was resting in the poppy glen (LOLYEP NO SURPRISE) when she heard Pho's call not far off. Answered back and ran to greet him. Lots and lots of herping and derping through the forest like spell-spamming and butt-nuzzling. Came to rest beside some small rocks in the birch near the Playground.
Waited there while Pho went to go fulfill his hunger with some blueberries. Noticed a bigger animal circle her, and came closer. Got to her feet, sniffing it after it sniffed her. However, it kept circling, sniffing every side of her; started feeling uneasy. Startled when it lunged for her, calling for her blood. Ran toward the pond before turning around, meeting the predator head on. She was not going to be hunted today. Fought the creature, lashing out with her antlers and pummeling it with her hooves, teeth knashing at whatever flesh she could bite down on. Had two sections of her own flesh ripped off by the others' powerful jaws. Took a moment to compose herself, limping heavily on her right shoulder. Protected a mini from those salivating jaws, swinging her antlers at the beast to make it turn its focus back on her. It worked, and watched as the predator slunk away, out of sight.
Limped down to the pond for a drink and possibly a good soaking. Clambered out only to meet that beast again. Had enough, and turned and ran as fast as she could away from the hungry predator. Was chased across the birch all the way back into the first forest, completely out of breath and her strength starting to fail her. Much blood loss from the gaping wound on her shoulder and one on her back. Fought the creature a little longer before it relented again, this time for good. Watched it leave, legs shaking from exhaustion and heart racing.
Phobos charged up to her, horrified. Was helped over to their initial resting area by the rocks, and immediately set to work healing her wounds, making sure they were completely covered in her saliva. Needed a leaf for the one on her back however, so asked Pho to fetch some for her. Spat onto one of the fern leaves and had him rub it in to the wound on her back. Started joking with him in an attempt to lighten the mood, until he said something that got her heart racing. It was something that friends normally didn't say to one another..it was something usually lovers say. Couldn't believe her ears, but hoped it was true. However, Pho seemed to have caught himself and denied it indirectly. Looked away then, momentary hopes beaten down. Didn't meet his gaze again for the rest of the night.
Joined later by Naru, overjoyed to see the young doe again, though wishes it were under different circumstances. Appreciated her company, and ended up falling asleep with her two companions, utterly exhausted from her escapade.

Started off her day in a patch of lilacs near the Old Oak. Wasn't there long when she scented Phobos off toward the creek. Ran to meet him, almost having a head on collision. Much nuzzling was exchanged before the two headed off to another flower patch, where they sat until Pho had something to show her; a flute. Excited at the prospect of seeing another flute, having been in her high school band several years ago back home. Followed him to his stash tree, where he brought out the wooden instrument and played a note. Even though it was one note, was impacted greatly by it, a flood of memories and nostalgia overcoming her thoughts. Sat down with him afterward, and told him about high school, since he asked what it was. Wasn't too thrilled on the topic, since high school was pretty much centered around pointless drama, but was eager to tell him something of her old home.
Noticed a small fawn off in the distance (Sierra) after Pho did. Got up with him and greeted the fawn, who, unsurprisingly, seemed timid toward them. Joined by Seed, happy to see their old friend. A cuddle pile formed, with Sierra in the middle, who was now comfortable enough to rest with them; warmed by the young fawn's presence. Approached later by another fawn (Indigo), who knew the female fawn. Perhaps siblings? Watched them play, a smile on her face the whole time. Unaware that they are Sianna's offspring, though even if she did would not blame the children for what their mother had done in the past. After the two fawns carried their play elsewhere, fell asleep.

Awoke later to notice a figure off in the distance. Got up, eyes wide and ears erect. She knew that figure, but it couldn't be. Took a few paces forward, sure that she wasn't mistaken. Didn't realize that Pho was beside her, asking her who the figure was. Didn't even hear the impatience in his voice. All her attention was for the stag near the pond. Suddenly lurched forward, running full throttle toward the stag. It was him! Their long lost son...Deimos! Pelted him with nuzzles, letting her tears of jubilation run down her cheeks. Nuzzled over and over again in return, her son equally happy to see her as well.
The moment turned tense however when Phobos finally approached, Deimos turning to him, but not rushing over. Couldn't blame either of them for how they felt, but wished that it didn't have to be this way. Let them converse, their exchange neither words of welcome nor hostile. Each wanted to know where the other had been. Surprised when their son said he had been out looking for Phobos, having used the portal and traveled to different areas in search of his father. Asked why he didn't tell her, but he hadn't expected to be away so long. Could only listen as he pushed Phobos to answer his only question, why he himself, his father, abandoned him when he was so young. Followed Phobos when he said he'd tell them the whole story in a more secluded location. Traveled into the birch, where the three sat next to a thin tree. Both mother and son listened carefully with wrapped attention as Phobos told them of his past life, before he ever entered the forest, and what happened during his absence. Felt an array of emotions at what he told them. There had been a war going on, and he had been in the midst of it before he came here. He was dragged away again right after Deimos was born, his family slain. Felt nothing but sorrow for him, and fear that he had been fighting in a war this whole time. More tears were shed and emotions running high as father and son embraced for the first time, their warm reunion finally taking place.
Suddenly told by Pho that she and him needed to discuss something alone. Promised Dei they'd be back, and walked a little ways off to talk. It was about them not being together, and how to break the news to their son. Couldn't bear to discuss this topic, it hurt too much. If they put it in words, it would be like finalizing it. She wanted to hold on to that last shred of hope that they would be one again, lovers like before. She couldn't stand them being apart, but didn't know how to bring it up. Wanted to, but their son had just returned. Only saw it fitting to talk about it another day. Relented when Pho verbalized that they should wait, and walked back with him to their son, putting on a happy face for him. Settled down next to him, sitting between her most treasured family.

The Doe

Name: Honeyfur
Nicknames: Honey, HF
Identity: [x]
Gender: Antlered Doe
Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 3 years old
Species: Endless Forest deer/dragon
Voice: Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite
Speaks in #33FF00
# 17
Kirin pelt, poppies, real deer mask
~Saliva has a healing rate of 3-6% a day; depends on the severity of the wound(s)

Honeyfur is a selfless individual, willing to do anything in order to help her loved ones. In her old home, New York City, she was always quick to help others. She still is now, but after spending a year here, she has come to find that most deer don't need others to protect them. However, she will still keep defending those she loves, and those who aren't able to protect themselves. Her soul goal in life is to please others, even if it means giving up her own happiness. Of course, she can tell which one is a good egg and which is a rotten one. That is to say, she won't mingle or try to please those who have a bad heart and soul, but once in a while, if they're willing to listen, she'll reach out to them and try to have them see reason.
Her biggest fears are being unable to help her loved ones for any reason, and not feeling needed or wanted. If the latter is the case, she'll go in a state of silent panic, as she wouldn't be wanted, but still wants to linger in case any trouble comes their way.
She's built a nasty habit of punishing herself for any problems someone dear to her is having, if they involve her, when she arrived in the forest. She'll blame herself for them without thinking. She's trying to work on it, and isn't sure how this habit was brought about, but hopes to overcome this some day.

The Dragon

Identity: [x]

Looks very similar to Jake Long (more like the one on the right). Only she's lime green, and her lime green eyes are very noticeable, not beady (and are human like - no slits for pupils). Her back feet are paws with three claws on each paw. Her hair isn't as poofy on her head, and the black part of her hair runs all the way down to her tail along with the green part. Her muzzle is thinner, and contains two venom glands inside at the very front, one on top and one on bottom. Her tail has two tail fins to assist her with flight (steering).

Honeyfur knows her strength as a dragon, and she knows that she possesses abilities most others do not. While she was quick to use her powers back in her old home, she refuses to do them here in the forest. Her power is that of fire breathing, which can easily cause forest fires if not used correctly, endangering all the other forest inhabitants. Besides, it wouldn't be a fair fight. She's abandoned this ability unless a rare, severe situation calls for it. Otherwise, she will fight with tooth, claw, and her wits.


Jumps to conclusions
Unafraid to stick up for herself and others
Puts the blame on herself if a loved one is suffering

• Whenever she decides to change forms, she'll hide her mask in a hollow in a tree. Has grown attached to it after having it for three years.

• Omnivorous, though eats more plants/fruit than meat. Will tend to have sudden cravings for meat however.

• Scars lace her body, but mostly her forelegs. One gash mark/scar can be seen on her left side from where the flesh was ripped off by a Rock Hound. Also inflicted by the skeleton creature are four parallel scars running across her belly.

• Since she doesn't lose her antlers when most stags do, her antlers stay stationary growth wise for quite a while, unless broken off. Although, they can become unhealthy. For example, if a tine breaks off, it will not regrow unless the antler goes through a complete growth cycle again. To keep them healthy without breaking them off, her antlers will fall on their own after a certain period of time to begin the growth cycle again. Every four months they will do this.

WIP will be adding hovers
I apologize for the color of the hovers. For some reason it won't allow me to change it ;n;
I'll try to figure it out so they're easier to read.


Deimos Biological son through Phobos. Loves unconditionally. Hasn't seen him for quite some time. Worries over him, though hopes that wherever he may be he is safe and happy.
Crucio Adopted brother, adores. Has been through a lot with him, some moments not so pleasant, but it has only made their bond stronger. A cherished relation. Doesn't see him quite often, but when she does, is sure to make the best of it with much romping and spazz-dancing (and perhaps some peacocking, though is normally the one that is peacocked...100% of the time).
Tandem Adopted brother, adores. Like Cru, has been through a lot together, though pulled through each tough moment with a stronger bond. A cherished relation. Also hasn't seen him around very often, but will spend as much time with him as possible when she does.
Ozzie Adopted brother, adores. Known him since fawnhood, making him one of her first friends in the forest. Loves her time spent with him, all very upbeat and hyperactive. Hasn't seen him for a while; hopes that will change soon.
Amelia Adopted niece through Crucio. Doesn't see hardly at all, though has helped her out a couple times in the past, both during fights. Despite her fiery temper, still loves as if she were of the same blood.
Harley Adopted nephew through Crucio. Like Amelia, hardly ever sees him, though cares for and loves him as if he were biologically related.


?Curious of



In Memory
Adele Adopted niece through Crucio and Tandem. Stillborn. Loves. RIP ♥

Art by me


Art by others



CSS (c) Orangejuicemoon, Torn, and Brit; thank you! ♥
Bottom poem by Seed ♥
Top art (c) me
Honeyfur is in-character 99% of the time. Her actions and thoughts do not reflect those of myself, her player. If you have any questions or concerns about her behavior, you may ask me here or through my email, animalwolfgirl@hotmail(dot)com.


This doe, who switches
with honey smoothness between
earnest and game, between laughter
and tears, flowers and bare antlers,
dancing out of reach all the while;

Who blends in with poppies,
with her long green stalks,
with her slender neck, her festooned antlers
with all the glowing red, softening the tips,
with the fields and flowers reflected in her eyes.

Who'd run to shield precious things
until there's no running left,
until the ground breaks,
until the stilt-like legs fall away:
She if needed, Would keep running.

uwharrie's picture

*jumps like a puma* MINE...

*jumps like a puma*

carry on xD
Honeyfur's picture


DOHHH I WAS THIS CLOSE *hold fingers apart*
BluedeerLegend18's picture



(sorry, was watching Avatar The Last Airbender again)
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
uwharrie's picture

LOL you're all just jealous

you're all just jealous of meh mad skillz
wingeddeer's picture

Just wait,one day i'll spam

Just wait,one day i'll spam your place xD

Pegasicorn's picture

*officially tracks this* Cuz

*officially tracks this* Cuz I've been meaning to. |D
Honeyfur's picture

WD: With what I wonder

WD: With what I wonder >>

Thank you Pega! 8D <3
Shiori's picture

Eiros' shock quickly turned

Eiros' shock quickly turned into bewilderment as he stared into her eyes and found...anger. Rage, even. He flinched as she spat at him, his head lowering as his ears pressed flat against his head. He made to take a step back, but merely stumbled an inch or two, forgetting his leg. Even the surge of pain couldn't distract him from the kind doe's sudden glowering. He was used to pain, but this? This was a new situation entirely. Why was she...why was she angry?
“Why...did you rob me...us, of what precious energy we have?”
The blonde went rigid, his eyes widening. How did...how did she know that's what he was doing? Of course Eiros didn't see it as 'robbing'. It seemed fair, to take a little back...considering he'd given so much more to her.
But he'd... never taken from a pregnant doe before... He'd never felt anything like that and he...he didn't know what that meant.
“I can't afford losing energy like this.”
Something stirred within him...something dark and restless. It made his lips tighten and his eyes narrow a bit. It was an unfamiliar emotion. Blood trickled slowly down his broken leg from the fresh wounds on his shoulder – no longer hers- and she was... upset about being a little woozy?

It didn't last long, however. As soon as he recognized his anger for what it was he forced a bit of saliva into his dry mouth to swallow it down into the pit of his stomach. From surprise, to fear, to anger, to unease, the stag shifted fluidly from one emotion to the next in the very short amount of time it took for Honeyfur to scold him. The blonde stared down at the dirt now, completely avoiding her eye, his hidden expression nervous and guarded.
“I'm sorry...it was just...just a little. To help. You'll be fine...you...you all have plenty left,” he tried to reassure her, though he had no idea if the 'all' part was true. What if he'd done something awful? What if he had gotten too caught up in it and taken too much?! No, his conscience soothed him. There had been plenty left when he'd pulled away... They would be okay.
“You'll feel better soon...I am sorry.”
He was backing away now, mindful of his injuries this time. As soon as he reached the edge of the thicket he spun and bolted as quickly as he could manage on three legs into the forest.
Honeyfur's picture

“I'm sorry...it was

“I'm sorry...it was just...just a little. To help. You'll be fine...you...you all have plenty left.”

Honeyfur's eyes softened when he showed his nervousness. Had she come on a bit to strong? Then again, she was thinking about her fawns, so it was instinctual. Although, she couldn't help but feel some regret for snapping at him. She let all her anger go with sigh, and looked back into his violet colored eyes. "I'm also sorry for my outburst...it just startled me. Despite that, though, I'm very grateful for your help," she said sincerely. It was a very heroic act he had done, to exchange her pain onto himself...something else they had in common.

“You'll feel better soon...I am sorry.”

Surprise flickered on her face as she noticed him backing away. Had she scared him that much? She silently cursed herself, not intending to startle him so bad at all. "Look, I'm very sorry for-" but he was now bolting away through the forest. "Wait!" The doe didn't know if he heard her or not...or if he would even heed her call. It wouldn't be surprising if he didn't. Guilt wrapped all around her as she looked on to where he had fled, wondering if she had scared him away for good. I sure hope not...I don't want that on my conscience. If she did in fact scare him away, and if he didn't halt at her call, she would turn, ears drooping, back toward the pond, feeling even more aweful than when she was wounded.

(If he does decide to ignore her, then thanks for the RP! I had fun! ^^)
wingeddeer's picture

The atmosphere is very

The atmosphere is very romantic...I wonder where Phobos is....

Hehe..I think Pho is going to have some similar,yet very romantic thoughts.The perv.

uwharrie's picture

^ Heh, Nane's missing Flammi

^ Heh, Nane's missing Flammi too... *coughcough*
wingeddeer's picture

Hehe xD Our lovestruck

Hehe xD Our lovestruck characters <3

Honeyfur's picture

Oh yes, romantic thoughts he

Oh yes, romantic thoughts he had indeed, LOL.

Ya gotta love them and their mushroom highs <3
Well, I don't know about Flammi, but who knows! ;D
Xemi's picture

... Can you imagine Flammi

... Can you imagine Flammi high?
I wanna draw that. /brick'd

Flammel could've gotten laid last night man. D: /smacked
uwharrie's picture

LOLOL that would be

that would be funnnnnnny

pfffftttt, poor Flammi
Mhmm... salad...
Xemi's picture

I had a full serving of

I had a full serving of caesar and greek salad last night..

Two huge salads + 110 lb twig = massive stomachache and 11:30 bedtime
I felt awful. ;; I'm still a little sore today LOL
But I love salad man. >>;
uwharrie's picture

Owhhh, sorry about your belly

Owhhh, sorry about your belly ;A;
who knew salads have an evil side...
Xemi's picture

Indeed they do! D:

Indeed they do! D:<
wingeddeer's picture

LOL HONEY Her thoughts last

Her thoughts last night made me laugh xD That was great.

Awh,I was hoping Flammi or Cru would come on! Along with Kirness too ^^
LOL For some reason I can't imagine Flammel like that.

Now I want a ceasar salad.That dish is diviinnneee.

Dx I closed the game because

Dx I closed the game because it was lagging and now that I reopened it I lost my set!! Shocked Shocked Shocked

That's what I get for trying to peacock an innocent sleeping deer ._.
Honeyfur's picture

Awww D8 Don't worry, we'll

Awww D8 Don't worry, we'll help you get your set back after the peacock dance <3

I saw that...I saw eeevveeerrryyythiiiing x]

LOL I knew it ¬¬ I was

LOL I knew it ¬¬
I was suspicious you were looking everything xD
quadraptor's picture

Heya! I put together a

Heya! I put together a dragon directory and would love for your character to be included!
Honeyfur's picture

I'm typing up a reply right

I'm typing up a reply right now 8D
I love the idea, because I've been wondering who all has some dragon genes in them here <3
quadraptor's picture

It's a shame the only one I

It's a shame the only one I have right now is a baddie XD

Who knows...maybe Quad will get a dragon form one day. After all he's got a wolf, tiger, and human form...and I DO really like dragons *shrugs*
Honeyfur's picture

Ohh Quad dragon...I like the

Ohh Quad dragon...I like the sound of that! 8D
Although, you'd have to be extra careful around him...because both ends might shoot out fire xD"
Xemi's picture


quadraptor's picture



"Are...are you Hunyfur-sama?"

"Are...are you Hunyfur-sama?" A little fawn stood a few feet away sobing wet. She had strange glowing spots and tuffs under her ears. Her eyes seemed to glow too though it was faint. Her body shook slightly and she had such a pitiful look about her face. "M-my mommy told me th-that you w-would look after m-me." Her voice trembled and she shook more.
Honeyfur's picture

The green dragon doe cocked

The green dragon doe cocked an ear backward at the young, innocent voice. Her lime green eyes were soft as she looked back at the little fawn. However, concern soon flooded them as they met the pitiful look that was given off from the innocent fawn.

"Yes, I am Honeyfur," she said in a voice that matched her name...as smooth as honey. The dragon doe turned her whole body around to face the little fawn, worry and concern welling up inside her as she heard her next words.

"Of course I will. What wrong?" Was the fawn in danger? Was something after her? And who was her mother? If her mother told her that Honeyfur would look after her, surely she knew the dragon doe. So many questions and thoughts built up inside her head, but since she had already asked what the problem was, she decided to go with the next one that was on her mind.

"Who is your mother, little one?" she asked gently, and proceeded to scan the area for any sign of the fawn's mother, as well as anything that would be threatening this sweet, innocent fawn.

(I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, so if I don't reply then that's why. If I'm gone when you reply, I'll get started on my own as soon as I get back ^^)

hikari!!? honeyfur!!? the

hikari!!? honeyfur!!?
the limping doe called,
but her adopted fawn did'nt call back, inca was very worred, but also in pain, so she made her-self sit down, night night!

"Honeyfur-sama mama Inca

"Honeyfur-sama mama Inca wasn't around and... and someone chased me.... chased me into the pond." She whimpered softly as she stood before the dragon doe shivering. She wabbled up to the doe and stood between her front legs. She didn't think of drying off, she only wanted to warm up and be safe. She rested her head against the does leg unable to hear her adopted mother's calls.

*raises hand* I has a

*raises hand*
I has a question about her dragon form, does she have horns?
*is curious*
Honeyfur's picture

@ Wiana: Nope! No horns. The

@ Wiana: Nope! No horns. The only thing she has on her head is green and black hair ^^

Zoetrope and Zero, I'll get to the RP when I arrive home Thursday. I apologize for making you wait so long ^^"

Don't apologize Honeyfur it's

Don't apologize Honeyfur it's alright with me. I have been kind of busy lately anyway.

its ok i've been real busy

its ok i've been real busy to, i've started horse riding(the teacher made me jump on my 3 time!) and just going out alot more Smiling
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Question, in dragon form,

Question, in dragon form, does Honeyfur have ears or webs?
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Honeyfur's picture

She has ears ^^ Now that I'm

She has ears ^^
Now that I'm home, I'll have to get working again on her ref, so it should be up within a few days ;]
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Does she have spikes?

Does she have spikes?
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
Honeyfur's picture

Nope, she only has black and

Nope, she only has black and green hair on her head that runs all the way down her back and to her tail ^^
Kirness's picture

That stag we're sitting with

That stag we're sitting with is Xetkal, for the record. XD

"I can.. see how confused you look and, well... it's a.. long, long story. One I fear I can't rightfully tell you about here or.. maybe anytime. Though I have missed having you around; it's just a shame you had to return to see how much has changed.." Tandem mumbled, nuzzling against the doe's shoulder. It hurt to think about it, and.. maybe it did help to talk about it, but he wasn't going put Honey in the same situation poor Nane found herself in.
Please call me Lyssa or Kir. n.n

Art by Anjali. ♥
Honeyfur's picture

(LOL okey doke; I recognized

(LOL okey doke; I recognized the picto but didn't know his name xD" Thank you! <3)

Honeyfur's eyes stared off into the distance, glazed over with guilt and depression. But her right ear cocked toward her feathered friend as he spoke, soaking in every word. Changed? How much? What had happened between her two friends, and what other changes were there? Her brows furrowed a little as the questions swam aimlessly within her clouded mind, trying to make sense of them. However, it seemed that Tandem's tone of voice told her enough. Whatever happened, it was enough to throw the crow into...sorrow? Depression? She couldn't tell between emotions in her condition, but she knew enough to know that it was a sad tone.

"I'm sorry, Tandem...for, whatever it was that happened....I'm here though, for both of you....It's good to be back...with friends...." Her glazed eyes now looked at the ground, ears drooping. She bit her lip, trying to hold in the oncoming tears, not knowing why either. She was a failure...such a failure. He's gone, and it was all her fault.
quadraptor's picture

Hey I know this song really

Hey I know this song really doesn't fit Honeyfur, but whenever I see the title of this bio, it pops up in my mind, so I wanted to share it with you XD

Kirness's picture

Yupyup. XD --- The crow

Yupyup. XD


The crow sighed, feeling further guilt tug at his heartstrings when he saw how upset his dear friend was, bringing him to nuzzle against him further. It hurt him enough just being in this situation, he could only imagine how awful it must feel to return to find everything he knew was torn to shreds.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault in the slightest. I'm sorry you had to come back to this mess and chaos.. but there's nothing to be done about it." Tandem spoke quietly so only the doe could hear him, yet still carefully. Things were bad already, and he didn't need to make things worse.
"I'm certain.. you'll be able to figure things out on your own, but.." Maybe he could fill her in some other time if she really couldn't fill in all the blanks, because.. did he really have that much to lose anymore?
Please call me Lyssa or Kir. n.n

Art by Anjali. ♥
Honeyfur's picture

Quad: That song is awesome,

Quad: That song is awesome, even if it doesn't really fit her (besides the title, LOL) 8D Thank you for sharing it! <3

Kirness: Honeyfur turned her head to look down at her friend, sympathy masking her face. She wanted to say something to comfort her 'brother', but she was afraid that it'd make things worse, so she held her tongue. She hated seeing those she loved in distress...and that she couldn't do anything about it. Wasn't she suppose to help others in need? Wasn't that the role she had chosen to play? Of course it was...only, helping someone inwardly didn't appear to be in the job description. Only time can be the hero for that, and try to patch things up.

An eyebrow slightly cocked upward at his last statement. There appeared to be more that he wanted to say. "But...? she asked gently, knowing that her friend was suffering. It also made her suffer even more to see him like this. If only she could help him inwardly too, and take all the pain away...but life was never that easy.
Kirness's picture

Tandem sighed softly,

Tandem sighed softly, ruffling his feathers uneasily. He didn't know what to say; technically Honey was part of Crucio's family, his sister, so.. he figured he had to speak carefully and quietly. Didn't know who was listening anymore, after all.

"Mmph.. I.. I dunno. It's just so complicated and confusing, not even I fully understand it all. It.. it hurts and I.. I just miss him so much," the crow started without even thinking, sounding as pitiful as ever. "But.. I'm feeling so many other feelings that clash against that, almost overpowering it. I don't even fully understand how I feel either."

And, despite what he said, it was still obvious how hurt and upset he was over this; seeing those two together all day stirred up many feelings ranging from sadness to anger and everything else in between. He didn't even know how to cope with this and he hated it.
Please call me Lyssa or Kir. n.n

Art by Anjali. ♥
wingeddeer's picture

That jornal was a bit tear

That jornal was a bit tear jerking,wonderfull <3 Meep,Pho is lucky to have her.And sorry I left so soon,going to a monument park...thing.

Guys... I'm not sure but I

Guys... I'm not sure but I think that's not a vulture xD
That player isn't even in the community. Besides, that player was a deer before and was playing with Ozzie (Question)
wingeddeer's picture

FFFFFF I felt so guilty after

FFFFFF I felt so guilty after I recgonized the deer.I did'nt see it's picto as a crow so....I hope the player did'nt take us seriously xD

wingeddeer's picture

BUT ANYWAY Welcome back!

Welcome back! ^^

But Who Can Hate Such Moves? Gif -But Who Can Hate Such Moves?
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