I Was A Teenage Abiogenesis -lots of pictures-

Flyra's picture
Yop, I was one of the happy people who could join the Abio from the beginning. So here are a few of the hundreds screenies I took. :3

I caught the pre-party for 3 seconds before I got kicked off.

After I tried to restart, it worked and I came back again. See how less people only had success too!

Bow seriously fell in love with this set. 8D

See how she stands next to him? SHAME ON YOU BOW. You can't love a god like that. xD

Let the fun begin!

I thought that would make a pretty beautiful banner.

At the Old Oak. ZOMG BIG BUBBLE.

I SEE JENDEER. -hurrays- & Rinta, you run into the wrong direction. 8D

Ohai. Nice views.

Still not sure what these things are.

Bow's new addiction again. HE'S GROWN WHOHOO. I think she was a little "OMG" too. |D

See how strong he is running through the fire!

Oh noes, his look has changed. And see the idols!

W00t sexyass. |D BIG PARTY.

A little messy.


Beautiful stars & flowers huh? And beautiful god again. [Bow: *nods*]

But now she was afraid.

Um. Yes. *remembers this meaning from when her mother translated this after the last Abio*

Inside of the bubbles, everything turns into the normal way.


Beautiful flowers.

This BAN'd stag has a kinda evil look.

THUS AIRPLANESHADOW again! And lightnings. And mist!

Um. Help?!

Afterparty. They already showed "The End". The End of an Endless Forest? Nah.

OH looks like fun. 8D

Afterpartydance with a now normal-looking god!
[Bow: Where is this goodlooking godguy? 8U]
|D I told you you can't get him.

Hope you liked them.

& Thanks gods! It was amazing again! I had great fun, even if I also felt bad for all those who weren't able to connect. I'm so sorry for you guys! I hope you will catch the next Abio! Good luck! <3
Haru's picture

Great screenies XD I spotted

Great screenies XD I spotted your deer a few times during the Abio ^^
Speaking of spotting deer, I spotted mine (Sorcha) in three different pictures =D
Rouda's picture

Wow, screenies really are

Wow, screenies really are great! Especially the one you thought would make a beautiful banner. I'm in love with it. Seriously. 8>

Ooo! I'm so jealous to you. 8D I wanted to be there to, but it just didn't connect, so my little Roti missed his first Abio. ):

I bet you all had amazing time there! 8>>

LMAO!! Lun's a flying

LMAO!! Lun's a flying rainbow deer! xD I...have to steal that picture. :3 xD Awesome screenies. I sadly couldn't get any good ones. Everytime I thought I could get a good one my TEF window would close. xD

But was all awesome all the same. My first Abio. :3

I missed

I missed it.


Click here for your Dragon! : http://www.dragonadopters.com/

A L E X ! (: 's picture


And omg. I found Aurore in one of them! Hurrah for me. :]
She's in the "Oh noes, his look has changed. And see the idols!" pic, not exactly the furthest to the right, but to the right next to the idol and the green feathed dude with the default pelt and the purple/blue flowers in her antlers. =D
-had so much fun in my first Abio-
YIPPEE. 8DD there was quite a lag though, wasn't there? *shakes head*

A L E X ! (:
A L E X ! (:
Sunflyra's picture


xD nice screenis by the way xD <3

~*~Sunfyra's Biography~*~
Flyra's picture

Haru: Thankies! 8> And it

Haru: Thankies! 8> And it was very messy there, but I spotted some guys I know anyway - Sorcha as well I think.

Rouda: You like them? That's great! And yes, I'm in love with that banner too. Good to hear others think the same. =D
I am very sorry for you that you couldn't be there! ): -hugs tightly- Maybe the next time. Sure it was amazing, but not so different from other Abios, so you will have the chance to catch other great events as well!

LaVae: So that was you? This screenshot looked very cool, eh? |D Well, you can steal my screenies if you want to, no probs. ^^ Glad to hear you had fun and could connect!

Pride: Oh, poor you! ): I hope you will be able to catch the next one!

Alex: Haha, I spy her! (8 Good to hear you had fun! But yes, it was laggy. Too bad some guys couldn't connect and join the fun. ;_;

Sun: *is hugged to dead* |D *hugs back*
LOL thanks. <3

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Lyeekha's picture

I see one and a half times.

I see one and a half times. |D Woooo!
Liëka~FIU~~Artemis~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Yahrl-Li~Irish Elk~Rakiël~Iranu&Uvavu~WLiiA?
Current obsessions:
Rouda's picture

I reallyreallyREALLY like

I reallyreallyREALLY like them<3(:

yeah, Maybe next time. Hopefully I won't miss it for some reason. If that happens, I'll be sad. So sad. 8< But it's still nice to hear that everyone who was able to be there enjoyed it! (: