
Vessan's picture
I, I kind of vanished didn't I? Heh.
Been coming round through the most stressful epoch of my life and I closeted myself to a few sites here and there till I eventually burned out completely. Not fun for soul or stomach.
wooh... well now.

-> but I'm not really returning right now. I can't really.

Just stating this here. I'll be back soon I promise.

Are there any things I have to check up on? I had this one trade iirc. Yes I'd like to continue on it!
It'll be easier for me to find out stuff right now than later when i return and the search has to begin again.

We are looking at month or so.

Party anybody? I'm available on my skype if anyone is curious to contact me for some fun time like y.y
-> Anybody wanna plan some rp's with my bebs to get me back and going when I return? It is allways such a nice stress relief.

I hope things go better for

I hope things go better for you soon! The saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" isn't very helpful, but I feel that tough times provide good experiences for learning.

Good luck to you! You an do this!
Here's a cute vine that I'd like to share because I hope it will make you smile
Vessan's picture

(No subject)

Eq's picture


Vessan's picture

Heloo ^^

Heloo ^^