magnanimous's blog

Switching accounts

I'm switching to the account Magnanimousity. I won't be around as much as I wish I could, but I'll be around the site every other day and in-game when I find time.

Free custom pixel deer (Adolf done)

I haven't done much pixel art in a while, and I want to practice it. That means free stuff for you guys!

They'll be something along the lines of

Sooo post a comment with a link to either their bio or a visual reference, and include a few defining personality traits. Also specify if you want a picto to be included or not, if you don't it will automatically default to a picto included. Shading may be added at random.

1.) Rhea ||
2.) Andromeda ||
3.) Kuro ||
4.) Adolf ||
5.) Kai, picto, aggressive, romantic, mysterious, honest, territorial ||
6.) Pega, picto, Leader - Headstrong - Brave - Stubborn - Arrogant - Reckless - Thief ||
7.) Osmotious, red picto, timid, enjoys life (lounges in pond a lot), protective, sincere ||
8.) Darkweaver, picto, Grumpy, dominant, wise, fatherly, protective, evil ||
9.) Barwick, picto, gentle, kind, accommodating, peaceful, rather weak-willed/easily discouraged ||
10.) ||


Sketch blog


A quick warning for skype users

If someone sends you a message that says "this is my favorite pic of you lol" don't click the attached link, it'll infect your computer with a virus that will then use your Skype account to try to infect others. Just thought I'd say something because a few people have gotten it already.

Casting DOTD set, Crying mask, and Candles (Offline)

The title explains it, really. Post what you need here, and post what set your deer currently has.
Then, come find the deer with this picto, and moo once to get my attention.
Please note that I cannot cast pelt spells on minis in the version of TEF needed to cast these spells(version 3.13).

CSS testing


Entirely hypothetical poll (Game discussion)

Say someone were to make a game similar to, for example, TEF or FH, in the fact that it's based around animals and community. What sort of animals would you like to see? Should it focus mainly on one animal, or have multiple creatures to play as? Should there be some sort of theme? Would more realism or fantasy be more interesting? What are your favorite features of similar games?

Again, this is all entirely hypothetical and probably nothing will come of it. But it's some fun thoughts to toy with!
I've included a voting system this time for each idea, every vote will be marked with a |. There is no limit on how many things you can vote on, as long as they don't clash with each other.

Ideas to discuss in the comments:
Non-chat based interaction(Body language, facial expression, etc) { | }
Non-chat interaction + chat { ||| }
Difficulty-based servers (Ranging from No challenge/Peaceful to Hardcore) { }
Realistic wing movement and flying
Fall damage { | }
Reluctance to go certain places { | }
Replacement for invisible walls (Mountains, strong tide, rough wind currents) { |||| }
NPC hunting in place of players being hunted { ||| }
Hunger/Thirst/Health system { || }
Sleep system { ||| }
Ability to play as a child { || }
Ability to go through a lifecycle, up to adulthood { || }
Singleplayer challenge modes { }
Ability to turn certain aspects of the game off { | }
Pregnancy { || }
NPC mates { }
Player mates { || }
Stamina { }
Optional wings for all creatures { | }
Singleplayer + Multiplayer options { ||| }
Fantasy and Realism servers { }
Unrealistic markings+colors { }
PvP area and/or server(For hunting/being hunted) { }
PvP options(Can be toggled on/off) { }
Status tags(OOC, AFK, etc. Can be toggled) { | }

Suggested themes:

Suggested animals:
Dragons { | }
Gryphons { | }
Various birds { || }
Horses { ||| }
Donkeys/Mules { | }
Canine { | }
Deer { || }
Feline { | }
Hybrids? { }

Secret Santa-ing (Honeyfur)

Merry Christmas, Honeyfur!
I meant to do a couple more things for you, but I got super busy and never got around to them in time ;___;


CSS under cut.
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