EternalWanderer's blog

EternalWanderer's picture

Explanations, contacts, the uncertainty of my visits (&livestream offline)

This beautiful community offered me so many things I could create but too many plans for my low resistance to pressure and time limits.

Right now I'm in the community once a week, I post art once a month and I go to the forest once a season. I'm not very happy with that situation. I love the characters I created here for the first time. They are childish and reveal so much of my instability and yet this was the place that nailed my interest to fictional characters and art. I also love the people here. But I never seem to use the right words and always end up offending the people I admire with my joked seriousness or my acted-out childishness. I've never been good relating to people, although without the real-time conversations, that's alot less visible in virtual contact.

Everytime I close the laptop to go do something else, I remember all the gift arts I showed while they were incomplete, all the requests I promised, all the RPs started by me that I didn't answer, all the unfinished CSS, all the projects I had and it's not hard to guess what I feel about that. I'm dumb, rude and anti-social but I'm human :b

I suppose that's the very reason why I turn my backs at my plans instead of kicking away that burden, no?

I'm rambling already. I don't think many are interested, but here go my contacts; I doubt I'll teach myself organizing time in a nearby future.

I've only used it twice so far, but I love knowing there's someone that will read me if I desperately need to share something.

I've actually created that yesterday. I haven't figured how to work with it yet. I'll often invite people from other places; if there are watchers I've met through PlaystationNetwork there will be probably pretty (im)mature stuff on the screen and heavy or just plain silly music on the speakers.

PS, excuse the poor coherence, during school time I'm constantly under a writer block. It's like my mind is wrapped in a very thick blanket. I can think through images and structure thoughts, but when I try to translate those into words and actions, it's like I'm speaking in a foreign language and pulling the strings of a puppet. I just can't remember the right words or get my body to agree with me.

I also sound grumpy like wut. Not truth.

EternalWanderer's picture

Could I ask you a little, little, size=5 favour?

It's not relevant and doesn't deserve big attention, but it irritates me when I'm obliged to use stupid browsers or small devices to access the community.

Please, please, please avoid sizing body text bellow 10.*
It's only an inconvenience. I never see any advantages in using it. (if you do, tell me.)

Public computers are likely to have horribly slow browsing. That's a fact. Zooming and dragging only gets it worse, if the page is full of moving content or CSS it can actually freeze it.

Copy-paste doesn't copy all the text effects and MS Word took longer starting up than IE's refresh.

In apple products you have to practically "drag-zoom-drag" some 10 times every time you change page and many cellphones can't zoom at all. Mine zooms twice; text under size 10 looks like smashed ants on the screen to my myopic eyes.

*With this I mean the main text of the blog or comment, of course the timid paragraph is a classic that I don't want to private anyone from, however when I only want my main text to fit better I never go under size 9. Think of the others, people.

Thank-you :)
EternalWanderer's picture

«When it's your sanity in danger {Zichroni} Reality is Secondary» - placeholdaa!

A few informations undercut. If you ever met him, have a look please.

Including on that you-know-what account |D

EternalWanderer's picture


EternalWanderer's picture

.:|Accepting All Kind of Art Trades|:.

Well, the title says it, this is not a just tef related art trade blog, I accept all kind of requests. For some general examples of my style and technics check (will be added another time)


If you wish a deer fan art trade, these are the blogs dedicated to them. Some don't have exactly a bio yet.

Bio:.:|The Hallowed Water[Lilly's] of the Pond [Biography] - TEMPORARY&WIP|:.
Reference: x, x2
~Zichri/Zichron/Mr Forday (yah to be added)


I'll have a list of other art trades/requests here too, so see if you don't confuse them.
    Deer fan art:
  • Raleigh, to Chickenwhite I never feel satisfied with the result :L
  • Katara, to Katara00176 Will probably pick up the hand sketch again, someday...
  • Nacadia, to lolamad911
  • Sulgalaj, to Sulgalaj Same than Katara.
  • Splinter, for Splinters (the bio keeps changing title? D: )
  • Ryff, for Ryff Same as for Chickenwhite... I suck at refs.

EternalWanderer's picture


So... uh... instead of posting each sketch separatedly, I'll be throwing everything here. I'm not much for organization. This should save space in people's Track list, if you want to comment. I'll probably be updating alot.

Constructive critics are more than welcome.

All the drawings are sorted from the oldest to the newest but most are unfinished (yes I'm that lazy).

.:|Accepting All Kind of Art Trades Here|:.
EternalWanderer's picture

«The Hallowed Water[Lilly's] of the Pond [Biography]» - WIP, ignore constant bumping

~Forgive my unbelievable inactiveness.

preliminary notes
Lilly's actions, words or toughts are usually not my own. She often just says things she heard others mention simply to sound smart. Definitly NOT my avatar
♠Anyone can contact me for whatever reason through my msn/hotmail I don't check it very often :p
This biography is under very heavy construction >.> If you mean to track this, remember it will be updated regularly

EternalWanderer's picture

{Tutorial} How to Resize your Shapeshifted deer {growing the creatures your deer turns into}

♣Replaced link by node. If you shared, better fix it
♣Title change. Was itching. How picky, yes, I know
♣Adding steps for causing this glitch in version 3.4
♣Added some fail CSS, it's merely for organization
♣Minor updates here and there, such as, grammar

Probably you've seen giant-sized shapeshifts around; most caused by the beta of the newest version. However, you can enjoy this glitch in every version.
With this tutorial you will be able to change the size of your shapeshifted animal.
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