Hehe. Cata in the dust again. This time, he can feel the confidence. Everything will be okay, even when the wolves howl.
Everything was white today. White and foggy.
The fog was here again. It was more than ever before. And the bats where around, too.
I quivered. I didn't wonder when I heard the wolves cry again. Closer than the last time they appeared.
But this time, I didn't run in panic. I felt that the wolves weren't in the Forest. And they wouldn't come today.
The Twin Gods promised.
But I hardly saw even my own hooves in front of me. It was too foggy.
The bats flew over my head and laughed.
I just laughed back. They wanted to have fun? Okay, they would get it.
When I went on, I saw a lonely fawn standing in the fog. I stopped when my eyes crossed its; I just saw its silhouette.
How scary.
At first, I went to my favourite place, the Crying Idol. Its red flowers didn't glow as usual. Its tears went down into the little river faster than usual.
Nothing was logical this time. I quivered again.
Suddenly, I noticed a skull-masked stag with a skeleton pelt and big, red antlers.
He tried to chase a little fawn away. In disbelief, I stood still next to them. I wanted to help, but probably the fawn would have gotten more scared because there was another big stag.
But the fawn even didn't seem to be scared. It sticked the tongue to the angry skull-stag and went happily to me to greet me.
I had too laugh. Cute little thing. How good that the stag hadn't hurt it. He just went off. I even saw him laughing a little.
After that, I decided to leave my new company behind - they didn't really stick to me, and I felt nervous in the fog so I couldn't stay at one place.
I went to Twin Gods Hill and bowed. I felt their silent promise that they would keep the Forest safe.
I felt better now. But then I spied the Sunfire Light.
The Sunfire was gone and there was no light anymore. There were just the single plants. The fog took away everything.
But when a little, devout-pelted fawn came to me and brought some light there I got hope. It wasn't so dramatic. The light will return, I told myself.
Then I suddenly saw the silhouette of a doe in the fog. I recognized her pictogram and look, even if I had to go closer to see it: Lemon. She stood by a small, sleeping child, guarding its dreams. But she greeted me when I bowed and sniffed her. When I did it, my heart was screaming out loud for my one and only doe: Sunfyra. I missed her so much. But she wasn't around...
Anyway, I enjoyed having Lemon around for a while. I tried to tell her how scary the whole wolf thing was, while the bats were dancing over our heads. I wanted her to know that she should watch out for the fawn having no bad dreams. I didn't know whether she understood.
But then, the mini deer Vala came to us and brought some hyper in our quiet conversation. She greeted us happily, and started to dance.
When I and Lemon joined the dancing, we suddenly fell down - WHAT WAS THAT MUSIC?
It was - - - scary! Scary music! Not the usual calm notes, but haunted-tree-whispering-sounds!
It was great... scary, but somehow I enjoyed this music. The other two does seemed to do that, too, and we had some fun.
Then, a peacock doe called Rowan came to us and made us running around greeting and not dancing anymore.
But I could enjoy her company just for a while, because suddenly I saw a stag standing a few trees away from us, almost completely hidden in the fog.
I couldn't help staring to him. I had never seen a ... mysterious stag like that, apart from Pi'yu. But this stag almost seemed to be as ... strange as the aura mystic. He was white. Completely white. He wore the devout pelt. The permanent devout pelt. No mask - just like me. And his antlers were similar to mine.
Curious as I became, I walked to him for sniffing to get a better feeling about what he was.
But he ran away in panic.
What am I just doing wrong? Do I look so horrible?, I asked myself. Why do I see so many deer running away from me the last time?
I trotted back to the three does company. But Lemon and Rowan just lay around, and Vala didn't seem to feel like spending some time with me either. So I just stood there, feeling a little helpless.
But when I looked up again - I saw the white stag. Again standing a few trees away in the fog and looking at us - at me?
What did he want?
Slowly and carefully I approached. Will you let me?, I murmured.
The stag shook his head.
Okay. That was fine. I bowed and went backwards.
He seemed to be relieved and bowed back.
What a weird guy. But my feelings told me that he was special. Special in a... special way.
Suddenly, a deer out of my sight began to chase him. He ran away quickly. My eyes followed him through the fog.
But even now he came back. Still far away from me, but he looked to me.
May I approach now?
I couldn't really see it in the distance, but it seemed like he nodded.
So I came closer. And closer. He didn't go away.
But then, I were now really close to him, he shook his head again and went backwards. It was too much for him. I nodded and went back, too.
Just when I did this, again another doe suddenly ran to him and chased him away.
I couldn't help sighing. Why the hell were he so shy? What was the mysterious thing about him? Where did he come from? What was his name?
The ladies behind me were still there. Vala casted a pelt spell on me and suddenly I wore the white pelt with the black wings and red dots.
I looked more than before like the mysterious stag, so I decided to wear it for a while.
I didn't expected this, but he came back again. He stopped in the distance. But closer than before. Still, I couldn't come too close to him. But if I had the chance to continue, maybe I would win his trust ...
No. He didn't wanted me to come closer. I stopped, thoughtful sneezing off the white pelt. It didn't really fit me.
I got a little tired after that. So I sat down, still watching him.
He came closer. And closer. And closer. My heart beat aloud. Couldn't he hear it? Ba-Bumm, Ba-Bumm. Would I win his trust?
But then, it happened again. This time it was a fawn. It ran to him and nuzzled him just before he could run. But he did after that, he ran faster than before, and he ran away. He really ran away.
Wait!, I could shout before he disappeared. But it was too late.
Rowan and Lemon had fallen asleep. I bowed to them and were sad, together with Vala. Sadly, I went back to the Sunfire Light and sat down. The bats danced through my antlers.
Do you know who he is?, I asked them. They knew who I were talking about.
Of course we know, I heard them laughing.
Who is he?
They laughed and flew away. Just a little bat answered, and all I understood was a word that sounded like "hijo".
Hijo? Ooookay. Which language was that? I had no idea. So I had to find out for myself. I left the Sunfire Light with a bow and followed the path which he had left.
I found him at The Playground. He sat at the rocks and stared into the fog.
I approached slowly and carefully. I didn't want him to see me.
But of course he did. When he heard me, he quickly stood up and ran away. No, better he flew away.
And left me behind.
Okay, I told myself. No problem. It's his fault. If he doesn't want to have somebody around, he shouldn't get one.
I were only a few minutes alone. A little fawn came to me and gave me a mask. I wore now the same mask as the little cutie - and like Sunfyra. My heart began to whine again, but it looked so funny that my body had to laugh.
But guess what blowed away my sudden pain:
I noticed that Polt was coming!
Suddenly in a very happy and cheerful mood, I ran to her and almost fell over my hooves when I greeted her. She wore the DotD antlers in the fog instead of her feather or butterfly ones.
And she greeted back! She was happy and hyper, too! She didn't run away again!
What an awesome feeling that was. How nice to have her back.
She even had a surprise for me: a pelt spell! And, as if there really was luck around, I suddenly wore even Sunfyra's pelt! I had to laugh out loud hard. It looked so cool. Yes, I missed Sunfyra, of course, I miss her still so unbelievably much. But Polt was a big comfort. The little fawn left us after making odd moves to Polt. It was such an awkward little thing. How cute!
I sneezed the stuff off anyway. I just felt better in my own things. Polt and I spent some hyper time with hopping around. You know how much I adore hopping! After that, Polt did some magic and suddenly sit-slided! I still had to idea how to do this, I just got it that I could dance and moo while sitting. But it was great fun anyway!
Again Vala came to us and we started to dance! Vala really is a dancer. Always when she appears, our company starts dancing. It was so great with Polt and Vala in the fog, listening to the scary music!
But Vala left us for some reason, and Polt and me were alone again - awesome! We sat down at the rocks there - it was so funny!
But all the time the wolves were calling. It made me nervous again, I don't know why.
But luckily I had Polt on my side. She told me not to worry and just stick the tongue to them. They would never come.
Oh, Polt, I whispered through my tears of laughter. Yeah, I really had missed her...
After that, Polt climbed on my back and we pretended that she was my rider! xD
Our fun didn't come to an end: We went to the finger rocks - that's how I call them - and went inside of them so it looked like our heads had clinged to the finger rocks! See how funny it looked! =D
I didn't expect that you could ever have such a great day while it's foggy AND without my dear Sunfyra. But I had this today. It was great. I can't wait to see Polt again, in the fog or not. I even miss the bats and the wolf cries now!
And of course I can't wait to see Sunny!
After this all, Misako and I aka Polt and Cata started to do the sketches for the Poltergeist video, but I decided not to put it into the story because it's more a human thing. ^^ Anyway, here's a funny screenshot of the place where the video-part of Cata plays and where the two Polts - the instructor-Polt and the camera-Polt - are confusing Cata with their synchronal-excitement! x'DD
It was so great today in the Forest - too sad that we haven't met, Sunny... ;_; But Misako, it's so cool that Polt isn't sad about Cata anymore! I had some great fun! =D
And shimmyshimmy... the white, mysterious stag was your Wudiin, wasn't he? He was amazing. Cata is still curious about him and if he sees him sometimes, he will try to approach again. ^^
See you in The Forest! <333333333
Lemon had fun with Rowan,
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
Such a long journal! I wish
Oh, Wudiin! I'm glad he's in the forest too, I've seen him some times before too! I guess my deer must've been too busy then, or I had Horrie in XDD
*Terrified look*
Hey there! I had a lot of fun too. Wolves sure don't scare me, I've learned that from my mother! And hey, haven't you looked at those huge antlers of yourself? They'd never dare to come close anyway. And tsk, keep missing Sunny? Horizon hasn't seen Jared for a month and I still haven't heard him! Maybe two months!
He's mute!
..Oh. Right. Yeah, I liked the DotD antlers, Rowan gave them to me. I think they match my pelt. *Pose*
--Stays a lonely Seele
Sun was in the forest that
she hates the fog and the bats so she wasn't there for a long time!
but...as always:EPIC, ....awwwwww awesome!!^^<333 *kiss*<3
+*Sunfyra's Biography*+
@LT: Don't worry! He had
See you again! <33
@Misako: Oh you're right... I didn't realize it was that long! xD And see, you had the patience! Congratz!
This sentende with Movier Maker... um... I don't really understand, but OK ^^ Maybe it's even my fault. ;^^
Tweehehe, poor Horri! xD But Polt just approached with more success to him, didn't she? Lucky you! ^^
It's not your fault that he ran away, Cata. He's just he and you're just you.
Great. That makes me happy. *grumbles more*
Ignore him... (:>
Hey Polty! I really enjoyed the time with you! Thank you for helping me over my flurry with the wolves... that was great! (; And maybe they wouldn't dare to come to me... but if they came and wanted to chase after others, I would come and show them my antlers. :x ^^ But you're right, they didn't come and that was good! <3
Oh, maybe I shouldn't worry to much about Sunny, I'll meet her again to have some great fun... But we're "fresh" in love and we have spent so little time in love... o:
Oh, poor Horri! *hugs her* And poor Jared! *hugs him too*
Right! These antlers are very nice on you! *hugs you too*
@Sunfyra: Oh crap! ;-; But Cata's glad that she didn't stay so near to the wolves for long. Especially when he isn't there to protect him.
We will meet again, m'deer!
Oh and thank you!
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu