
Plagued's picture

First day pictures

My first day, meeting some of the more established deer in the forest.
Run's picture

My newest pictures(and some old)

I've been in the forest and I took some pictures!
It's pictures from Sunday(?) to today. =)
I'll tell a bit about them! (If I remember what happened at that moment)

This was after Sluggs told me that he found another Doe..

Liëka came being with me for a while..

I went to the Playground and found out that Sluggs followed me..

I ran to Walter..

Quamar, Walter and I..

I didn't want to play..

From here it's random - I think. I'll still tell about them!

Sluggs and I are together again!

Look at cute Echo-fawn!

*Eats Walter* nomnomnom...

Happy Zombie-couple!

I'm one of the Twin Gods! Twisted PRAAAY!

I got a new friend. Don't know who it is though.

I found a "spot" in the middle of the triangle!

When I walked on it, Liëka suddenly came. =0

Yeye, there he goes again.. R.D's are weird.

I have more pictures, but it's so many!

But look at this! This is maybe the first picture of me as fawn!

This is me and Perplex. (also when I was fawn)

And the first picture of me as an adult Doe. =)
Ghost's picture

Art Blog

Okay, I'm not one for promoting anything I create, or spamming places to advertise my art or writings, but I've made this little post to link to my Art Blog.

I took the original blog off of my website and now have it hosted through WordPress. It's a lot less of a hassle now. No longer do I have to worry about upgrading my copy or worrying about spam.

New Art Blog

Archived (old) Art Blog

Why have an Art Blog? I've been wanting to strengthen my confidence in art, and I haven't been practicing that much lately. (Writing has taken up most of my time.) I really want to get extremely comfortable with Painter. Thus all of my crappy sketches that will appear on the blog.

(Original Entry: March 17, 2008)
Why post this now? Well, I'm still on a natural high from gaining a new host. That's right! No free host for me. It's back to a paid host, something I really missed.

I'm thinking about creating a new gallery for my site. I'm looking at gallery archiving scripts right now. I'm still amazed at how far webpage designing has come. I remember the look of the internet back in the mid 90s. Oh how much has changed indeed. I feel like an old relic from the past. Serves me right, I guess, for ignoring the new stuff coming out yearly, monthly, and even daily. *kicks herself for not learning Flash* Such a confusing program.
(/End Original Entry)

EDIT: Updated the link.
Blake's picture

Skyler's Message Board

Heres Sky's MB!
Run's picture


Kogy's picture


blah i am sick in real life, so i probably wont be in the forest much for a few days T__T i have to co to classes too, if i miss a certain amount of hours (with or without a doctors note) i automatically fail but still have to pay for it! ugh.

otherwise, i think kogy found a new set he likes! with all the drama llamas about the zombie pelts, ive been trying to find a set that looks just as cool (doubtful) and doesnt have zombie parts. so far i have the default antlers, zombie pelt, and the noh mask (the sleepy face orange one). i think i like it! i wanted to try on the nightfall pelt, but no one seemed to get the hint that i wanted a pelt spell -__-

Her is still Kogy's favorite doe, but Taiko is growing on him =) Sluggs of course, has no class and sneaks off with Vinyelle whenever Run's not around. he went from being so territorial over run to veeery friendly with Vinyelle XD

i also came up with a pelt idea! a canadian goose.

Lyrak's picture


Well, there's a blizzard today and I'm kinda snowed in, so might as well post again.

The other job didn't come through - it was a mutual agreement that the position wasn't right for me. And I have a deep respect for the company's owner for being so upfront about what he wanted. We were both disappointed about the decision, but in the end I know it was the right one for now.

One more week and my current job is switching me to day shift. I still won't get weekends, nor two days back to back resembling a weekend, but at least I should be able to sleep a little better, maybe get a social life again. I'll still have Saturdays off so maybe I can drop by for a drink or two on my way home on Friday nights.

Now I'm hunting down jobs at animal hospitals and the like, hoping to break into a more enjoyable field.

Wish me luck. I'm tired of having no meaning.
Kogy's picture

what a day!

deer diary-

i woke up without antlers today... does that makes me a cross dresser?

i sat on a tiny tree.. im surprised it could hold my weight..

P.S. i turned myself invisible and freed the lost souls from the deermuda triangle.. thankfully it was all caught on camera, it was scary...

Xand's picture

Stag Day

Wow, Yesterday was the best day ever because it was my stag day! Yesh the once was fawn is now a beautiful stag. I cannot believe it. Its been a month already but it doesnt feel like it at all.
I would love to say thanks to my muddy, Ridge.

Thankyou Muddy, who brought meh up and helped meh celebrate yesterday! It was a blast. You should have been there!

Xand xx
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