Beast from the past!
September 7, 2015 - 9:28pm — Vessan

Name: Bersaba )
Species: Homotherium
Nature: She is playful, competative and energetic.
Her favourite food: proboscideans.
Favourite activity: sleeping and eating.
In the forest:
Usually avoids the weird looking deer,
+ considers them to be 'gods' as simple as they may look
+ does not want to anger said gods! Acts with humility towards them
+ might claw the nearby predator that mocks her for this
+ they look intimidating to her, like nothing else she had ever seen back home!
+ might chase big feral chracters from time to time, its just for fun
+ does not enjoy extra company for longer periods of time while resting, she usually just ignores them
Sometimes she looks at the halo, wondering what it is, it is only preset while she is in the forest
+ most of the time she spends sleeping or wandering about
+ usually wanders in the forest to find peace
+ she does not talk in any known language but is capable of reason
Interest traaack
I remember her!! Damn she
Thank you for the tracks
Yee, yee Vee, but I think I forgot, perhaps she was a Smilodon when I adopted her? But I think Homotherini fits a bit better.