Self-effacing • Independent • Manipulative • Intelligent • Elegant • Reclusive • Feminine • Stoic
Her house sinks down to death,
And her course leads to the shades.
All who go to her cannot return
And find again the paths of life.
— Proverbs 2:18-19
• C u r r e n t
Mood: Amused, relaxed •
Health: Neutral P: 100% M: 85% •
Activity: Last seen sitting by Kaoori. •
Thoughts: I'll get you...let it be known. •
• S i d e N o t e s
Sniff + Respect = Hello
Sniff + Amazement = Hi, I missed you!
Roar + Scratch + Yes = Follow me
Taunt + Anger = Fight me
Taunt + Laugh = Flirting
Taunt + Affection = Flirting
Confusion + Sad = Vulnerable / Shy
Anger + Roar + Stand = Get away from me!
Roar + No = Leave me alone!
Sad + Bow = I have to go / Bye
Sad + Affection = I will miss you / I have to go
“Be sober, be vigilant;
because your adversary the devil
walks about like a roaring lion,
seeking whom 'she' may devour.”
— 1 Peter 5:8
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u p d a t e s
I wasn't going to let the
I'm glad you did! I've been
It's also nice to meet you, too!
I'm a little confused by his
Oh what the - SORRY. D:
SORRY. D: Scare is trying to pick up pelt spells in forest, but for some reason TEF does not want him to pick them up.
u p d a t e s
It's okay! I understood
Wesker: It has been some
Asbjørn: Wesker, I
Wesker: There is no need for
Asbjørn: I am NOT weak, so
Wesker: *straightens his
She stares at him for a
Wesker can not help but
o: ooh so this's who that
One of my secret fawns was the one that sat with you XD. He was wondering why she was sad and trying to cheer her up.
DraakxMitra C:
Usually Asbjørn will ignore
You know, she and Amara are
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
I don't think Asbjørn has
Yeah? awww 8D I'm glad she
DraakxMitra C:
In response to
Asbjørn stiffens, pausing before sharply turning herself around to glare into the deep holes of Weskers eyes, hidden behind his mask. Her tears long gone and replaced with anger. "I've misunderstood you, Wesker. I've mistaken your actions for something other than irritation." She lowers her eyes to his throat, wanting to bite, but ignores the aggressive feeling burning in her chest. "I've finally realized I will not be getting the answer I so desperately want from you now. I doubt I'll ever." She keeps her chin held high, refusing to appear vulnerable before Wesker again ... it's something she can't afford. She waits for a response.
"Hnn..." Wesker nearly
Horribly belated track.
Your Biography is so
Edit`` If you have any music from Bjrk, can you email them to me?
That music is so, so beautiful...<3
Thank you, dear! You mean
You mean Björk? I don't know why the music player cut that part of her name out. A lot of her music can easily be found anywhere (Youtube, too!) But of course I could send you some of her music! May I have your e-mail then, please? :3
Biography & Updates
Nvm I found it was
I found it was Bjork.
Thank you, though. <3
she is so beautiful.
Kaoori finds her fascinating too- not in THAT way- just a hi I really need to get to know you way. If that even makes sense. It's 1 am and I don't even know why I'm awake. x_x
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Aw, thank you, hun. ;u; I
I understand what you mean, though. XD Odd enough, Asbjørn doesn't like other female deer, but don't let that discourage you or Kaoori! She's just a "tough girl" and when meeting her, she almost NEVER greets anyone (bow or sniff), which may seem awkward and rude, but it's not because she doesn't like you, it's because she doesn't know how to introduce herself ... so, she'll probably just stare at Kaoori and/or sit down. She's very quiet. XD;
She displays a lot of my
I'm very sophisticated when meeting new people and often come across as cold. (:
People don't know how to act around me really.
I have personally taken a huge liking to your deer. <3
I wonder if other deer get
Wesker approached the
Asbjørn growled, aware of
Wesker could only raise an
<3 Tyerk and Wook~ 9 &
9 & nameless
Can I ask why though? Was it
Asbjørn and Bylah had a
Oh well then... I can't
Not at all, I'm really
Well, we'll just have to see what happens won't we hmm?
I really want to meeeet. ~
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Asbjørn is a female?...
Oh look more Norwegians! Yay
♥♥♥ A
It's good to see you again.
I saw you last night.
(this song is beautiful. I've
The small doe hesitantly walked up to the other, offering a deep bow. She had always respected Asbjorn, but never knew how to act around her.. as Asbjorn was cool and collected, Kaoori was clumsy and silly. Large purple eyes looked up at Asbjorn, and Kaoori offered a small smile.
It's been some time since we've seen you here in the forest... welcome back. It's good to see you again..
(I love it, too! It's from
Asbjørn stiffened and stared at Kaoori, unsure of how to react. She was hardly ever approached by does and when she was, she would casually scare them off. She felt comfortable being intimidating, but when it came to being friendly, she was at a loss. However, Kaoori was a different story. Asbjørn always liked Kaoori; as she had never gotten in her way. You could say that Asbjørn respected Kaoori and sensed that she respected her as well.
Asbjørn nodded as Kaoori smiled, leaning forward into a bow.
Thank you. It is good to see a familiar face.
Asbjørn was quiet as she has always been.
Oh, you're back.. &hearts
{Click to view Nine's bio}
Normally Kaoori didn't have
Tell me.. I hope you have been well?
Happy 1 year and 1 week
@Kaoori: Asbjørn continued to
Asbjørn continued to stare apathetically at Kaoori. She wasn't much for conversation, let alone small talk. Asbjørn hated talking about herself and she did her best to avoid the subject at all costs. Asbjørn snorted, "How have you been, Kaoori?" She grinned, almost sarcastically, but with interest. She wanted to know how Wesker and her came to be in her absence...
Thank you,
deerdear! <3The small doe blinked at the