{Arrow's Art Updates}

arrowdoe's picture
My scanner is broken- so no art until it's fixed.
I'm going to be gone a lot.

Art Trade Status


Current Trades

Fayne (both)
Density (my half)
Trigger_Mortis (my half)
Xylv (my half)
Shva (my half)

If I forgot you, PLEASE let me know!

Art Requests

1. AnimaSoul - Kylar
2. Seele - Poltergeist Finished
3. Apparanza - Friiha
4. MrsHalloween - Lust
5. -name- - -deername-

I only take 5 at a time. After these slots are filled, you will have to wait until I finish them to request.

Finished Requests

Poltergeist for Seele
Tails for Trigger_Mortis



AnimaSoul's picture

-ninjarequest- Can me has


Can me has Kylar drawn pwease?

he has carnival mask, nightfall pelt, and zombie antlers. The second deer in my siggy rofl.
The Soul Of Souls
silentlikethat's picture

I know they're closed, but

I know they're closed, but I'm totally tracking this so I can grab you for a Trade when you're open again. <3

Verycrazygirl's picture

Gah, call me a sucker but

Gah, call me a sucker but I've always, always admired your art style. xD May I make a request of Seele's Poltergeist please? Laughing out loud

arrowdoe's picture


FFFFF <3 -muchlove-

Wanna art trade with me? C8

Wanna art trade with me? C8 Would you draw Moonloght playing with Six? :3
I draw Moki..Kay? =D

arrowdoe's picture

Sorry, Nopje, but I would

Sorry, Nopje, but I would like to finish these trades I have now first. After I get them done I will re-open them and I will do a trade with you then ^^ <3
Apparanza's picture

May I request my Friiha? C:

May I request my Friiha? C: Your artwork just leaves me speechless so I'd love to see what you do with her <333

By Leuvr
Custard's picture



May I request Lust?

May I request Lust?
arrowdoe's picture

No. >:C You may certainly not

No. >:C You may certainly not request Lust. She's mine >w< -murder'd-
Of course! 8DDD <333

PFFTTT X3 Well...wait...so if

PFFTTT X3 Well...wait...so if she's yours, wouldn't that be a yes then? 8O lmao Thank you dearest, you dunno how excited I am >8| <----srs business
arrowdoe's picture

sdflaksdfaksjlh >:C Yes. It

sdflaksdfaksjlh >:C Yes. It would be a yes x'D
I'll do my best >8| -salute-

XDD I bet even if you did

XDD I bet even if you did your worst it'd be your best. >8| -salutesback-