This guy here in the grey pelt totally reminded me, how much I miss Stark... hope we see each other again though.... you where fun :3
I just couldn't reach up to him... must... grow...!
Giant Deer or just Deer overhead? You decide. Oh yeah... by the right camera angle, we've got floating masks!
And a big sorry to Nine... guess I kinda freaked him out as I just cuddled up next to him... wasn't my purpose :3
Nono, I'm sorry- I need to
No worries. |D You're still loved~
{Click to view Nine's bio}
{Click to view Nine's bio}
-pointsdramaticly- I see my
I see my Giant deer XD
Zirooossss D': *kicks
We need to talk more. Do you have MS/IM/whatever?
Zirooossss D': *kicks
We need to talk more. Do you have MSN/IM/whatever?
Wake is me in the grey pelt.
Hope to see you soon too
Wake is me in the grey pelt.
Hope to see you soon too
I think Phee ninja'd you
"The cruelest prison is one we build for ourselves out of fear and regret."
Waaah! Ziros! ;~; I'm