Zergarikiaka's picture
I'd be tweeting this if I used twitter. DX *wins for not twittering*

But yes, I just got home and right as I step out of the car my head nearly comes in contact with a freaking bannana spider. DDDDDDDDDDDXXXXXXXX (Yes we get Bannana Spiders in the Chicago Suburbs. I also know them immediatly when I see them. They're very distinct. Like a Black widow or Brown recluse, both which we get here too.)
My natural responce as an arachnophobic was to scream and run around my car, leaving the door open, getting to the other side to close the door to prevent it getting into my car, then scream again BECAUSE IT MOVES FAST and run into the house trembling like a chuihauah to get someone to kill it.

It was only a baby bannana spider, but compaired to other spiders I usually encounter, it's still freaking huge. If it were an adult... I'd have died in terror. DX *trembles in corner of shameful fear*
Tally's picture

I nearly spit out my coffee

I nearly spit out my coffee thinking about you running around your car. XD
Zergarikiaka's picture

X'D haha, I immagine it

X'D haha, I immagine it must've looked very amusing to anyone but me.

but yes, can you immagine stepping out of your car, and suddenly having one of these within inches of your face? DX

silverdragon's picture

you've made me shiver...

you've made me shiver... brrr

you have my sympathies, i can't stand spiders and that thing if friggin huge! and uhhh.... *shivers*

thanks you've creeped me out now lol
Lu's picture


Normally it's wolf spiders with me, though. Never bananafaces.

;3; The one in that picture's kinda cute, though. Looks like it's wearing a little skull helmet.

Zergarikiaka's picture

Uuuuugh Wolf Spiders are

Uuuuugh Wolf Spiders are evil too. D8 Don't they chase their targets?
*points out Bannanar spiders are aggressive/venomous, too.* This is like the third time I've been this close to one. D8 They always scare the crud out of me, especially when they snap at you or MOVE. It's dead now, but I'm still shaking and feel sick from fear. DX *trying not to vomit irl*

|D I tried to grab a picture that wasn't going to scare everyone who looked at it. I mean I already gave Kaoori (I think) nightmares once from a doodle of one of my characters... so some cencorship needed. |D

Pfft. Spiders are just

Pfft. Spiders are just animals that - -sees a spider run on the desk- OH GOD. -SCREAMS and falls over in her chair-

Actually I'm more of a needle-phobic person myself. I will NOT let a nurse get near me with one of those things. Whenever I have to get my blood tested, it takes three nurses to hold me down. 8|

Tally's picture

Rebecca: ME TOO. Accept I'm

Accept I'm worse than you. I get so violent they sedate me. XD
Thank goodness for them nasal spray vaccine thingys.
Zergarikiaka's picture

Ditto that, though I've

Ditto that, though I've managed to train myself not to flip out when I see a needle... mostly threw looking the other way, eyes closed, and with some super distraction in place, AND I have to be clutching onto my Nintendo DS for life. |D

Actually, for the last five

Actually, for the last five times I've gone in to get my blood tested, I refused to do it unless I was knocked out. xD

Lu's picture

@Zerg: D8 Yeah, they do

@Zerg: D8 Yeah, they do chase. And if you don't kill it on the first try, it WILL be pissed and it WILL jump at you. Hence why I have a few handy-dandy bricks next to my desk.

I mean, don't get me wrong, spiders are okay. I respect 'em. 8| But when I look down and see one of them sitting on my chest, that guy's gonna get a brick to the head just like anything else.

@Rebecca: xD Ditto to that. Though I've taught myself to tolerate it to some degree...if my demands are met. A comfy chair, some form of sugar, and a consolation prize. Even then I have to be sure the nurse is capable.
...;__; Learned that the hard way when I had blood drawn by a nurse who put the needle in, then tried to fine the vein. Ohgawd...*gag reflex*

Zergarikiaka's picture

Urgh, I've had one of those

Urgh, I've had one of those incapable nurses once. 8|
Stuck my arm 8 times looking for a vein, then switched arms.
Me: DX *mentally cursing her up and down*

Halafax's picture

I nearly died when I clicked

I nearly died when I clicked on the link.

I hope that's the last big spider you see for awhile <:c

EDIT: Don't google image camel spiders -hurk-
Zergarikiaka's picture

Dx Too late, I did that

Dx Too late, I did that previously.

pickle96's picture

*discreetly feeds pet

*discreetly feeds pet spider* Kinda the opposite of a spider phobic, I use to catalog the growth rate of spiders in my back yard when I was little, I even gave them names and took pictures. >.>

*weeps over the loss of baby bannana spider*

Lu's picture

You cannot fathom how much

You cannot fathom how much that amuses me. <3

Her's picture

I'm not terrified of spiders

I'm not terrified of spiders by any means--I jump, but then I cup them up and toss them outside. xD To be blunt I can't think of much that would actually make me scream.
However, you CAN be thankful that it wasn't a camel spider. I can't even bother to Google up an image because they make me want to cry jfk ls kflldsa gfds.
Kaoori's picture




I'm a little wolf inside a girl.

Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Tally's picture

Pickle i have an 8inch dock

Pickle i have an 8inch dock spider as my pet right now. :3 <3
pickle96's picture

oh my gosh! I only have

oh my gosh! I only have spiders from my back yard, I saved them from the snow. :3 my favorite right now is a rather large common spider named Charlotte. <3

(parents are too afraid of spiders to let me get a big one XD)


Goodness XD For me I'd like

Goodness XD For me I'd like have done the same if it was IN my face in particular. If they ya know hang a distance away from me I'm fine. Unless it's like a Wolf Spider OR Recluse... then I'll go batshit on them <_<;;;;;

We have Banana Spider's here but their typically smaller than those found in other areas. There not GIANORMOUS <_< like many pictures I've seen XD One spider in particular I'd NEVER want to see is the Camel Spider <_<; those things are huge AND they have like a set of chompers on them O_O;;; They aren't dangerous, but are very aggressive it seems... <_<;;;; Creepy as hell... *shudders*
Cyaneus's picture

I kind of wish we had banana

I kind of wish we had banana spiders in Maryland, because I think they're neat looking. Are they in the argiope family? They look like the golden argiopes we have here.

Zergarikiaka's picture

urk, here we get like six

urk, here we get like six types of spider that I'm aware of: Zebra Spider, Brown Recluse, Black Widow, Jumping Spider (clear or white... hard to see them until they bite you), Bannana Spider, and common house spiders. |D
Iaurdagnire's picture

I just google imaged Banana

I just google imaged Banana Spider, and my god, I think I would cry if I met one of those.

I'm terrified of spiders! But strangely only if they're in the house or somewhere enclosed where I am (a car, for example hehe). Outside, I'm completely fine because generally I like looking at creepy crawlies outside. So I can look at them and know that "they can't get me"... Arachnophobia is fun?

Thankfully I live in England and the only big spiders we get are just common house spiders and raft spiders. Raft spiders live by rivers and things so they're very nice from my point of view, but huge house spiders... If they catch me off guard, I panic, run, and am so terrified that I start to see them out of the corner of my eye even though they're not there! Haha, how lame.