you're my problem [ Phoebus ]

in which Jared is a pushover and Dannii can't be bothered writing more


Look, I'm not askin' you to stay forever. I just--I need help, I can't raise this kid by myself. Do I look like a dad to you? I've--fuck, I've been lettin' her just--wander around without me, is that somethin' a good parent does? I'm shit at this, J, seriously.

Rut, I left for a reason. Come on - there are plenty of fawns wanderin' around by themselves, she's going to be fine. I don't want to come back, Rut. I'm sorry.

Come--come on, Jared, come on! Julia'll want t'know her uncle an'--well--you know, I barely see you here an'' wouldn't be permanent, not if you didn't wanna stay. Just--please? For a while?

...Fine. But it's not permanent, Rut.