Yoga lesson

Enny005's picture
Hello, my friends!

Today we will have a short yoga lesson with Eagle. He will show some easy moves for you.
Let's start

You can find the moves under the cut

First you must warm up so we are starting with the "Tired Dog"

Now we can start to make the real moves

"The Little Butterfly"

It's a balance training. You must lift up three feet and stand on one back leg.

"The Hunting Fox"

You must jump up in the air and bow your legs near your body.

And the last one

"The Crazy Horse"

You must lift your back legs up in the air and try to stay on your front legs as long as possible

Now you have finished.
Now you can lie down and rest Smiling

Have a nice day Ooh Ooh Ooh
quadraptor's picture

Baww this is great! Awesome

Baww this is great! Awesome work, and I love the names for the different yoga moves.

the deer in the orca mask and

the deer in the orca mask and butterfly antlers is my inca Smiling

LOL I love the first one xD

LOL I love the first one xD
Selene38's picture

Lol awesome screenshots

Lol awesome screenshots Laughing out loud
Eagle is really a great yoga master! Smiling
Sira & Ophidia
Enny005's picture

Thank you

Thank you Smiling