
as requested by zioomka, I hope you like it! c:
side note: the thing really made my heart jump yesterday. I hope we can keep the forest up ♥ this place is like home.
Curusant's picture

Holy crapola! I love his

Holy crapola!
I love his furrrr so much?
Markrocknroll's picture



thank you both so much!

thank you both so much! ♥

ohhh babyyyy I like the tonal

ohhh babyyyy
I like the tonal shading and how you can see the brushstrokes so clearly, but they add to this sense of character in the piece.
Beautiful art style.

Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!

AAA ;; Wru looks fantastic. I

AAA ;; Wru looks fantastic. I love atmosphere in this picture. His fluffy mane. Hhh, thank you. ♥

niriya; thank you so much,

thank you so much, it really makes my day hearing that c:

I'm glad you like it! c: