August 31, 2008 - 12:53pm — Witcher
It all happened so fast.I never tought it will actually happen.Everything went perfect , no , you didn't knew...Now I see you dashing off , and I feel my heart is breaking , but I don't blame you , because you didn't knew...Now I feel like I'm invisible , now I feel like I don't belong..But I don't blame you , because you didn't knew...You didn't knew that I... love you.. SS
Witcher finally told it
P.s, might want to translate that into German....
*grabs a translator* All das
All das geschah so schnell. Ich nie tought es werde wirklich geschehen. Alles ging vollkommen, nein, Sie taten nicht wusste... Jetzt sehe ich Sie davonstürzen, und ich finde, dass mein Herz bricht, aber ich mache Sie nicht verantwortlich, weil Sie nicht taten, wusste... Jetzt bin ich aufgelegt, dass ich unsichtbar bin, jetzt bin ich aufgelegt, dass ich nicht gehöre.. Aber ich mache Sie nicht verantwortlich, weil Sie nicht taten, wusste... Sie taten nicht wusste, dass Ich..Liebe dich.. SS
thats what is hard when talking to SS
I know what you mean.... You
Oh good point
Wow.... never saw that
Snowrift's Updates
"SS" WOW! O.O That is
That is genuinly sweet from you, but since when you love me? I thought you hate me? How last it if we only good friends become? I cannot abandon Noekie…: ( But you can be my good buddy.
But SS , I don't think
"SS" Noekie has still
Noekie has still another another Avar indication. As a baby. It has two deer… as you, you has directly 4 to 5. I am at the same time its mother, and at the same time with him gets used to very closely. In addition, Witcher you is my buddy!!!
0.o" *dies* I sleep?! Lucky
*dies* I sleep?!
Lucky SS, Witcher is good stag >.<
The Killer Ero - my second I.
Fel in corde, fraus in factis.