April 18, 2009 - 10:33pm — Anzel
At least, good for me --- back-up server will be up until tomorrow.
I hope and pray and beg and squee that I'll be able to get in and play with some of you today. Wish me luck ^^;
Since Anzel has bad luck with these things...I'm letting Nurra try and get in instead x3;; Then I'll change to Zelly.
I hope everyone had fun at the Abio!!!
;_; I hope I can meet you
I hope I can meet you today, if my pictos spread... I'm not even trying anymore, my mum got mad at me staying on the computer for so long...
So she probably won't let me go on...
I find it really hard to understand why I couldn't connect when so many people with much lower internet speeds could... ;_;
And I haven't been able to connect since yesterday... Sorry... I just... yeah...
Just...try it. :3 Michael
I'm not having much, but that's to be expected with 42 people in the forest, lol.
If I get in, I'll tell you. But first, I must get in.
Nurra hears nothing but annoying frogs right now, heh.
I'll be leaving soon for a
Aww ;-; Well, I'll be online
Well, I'll be online all night trying to get in, so...:3