Why oh Why

nor's picture
Auto Music Warning

Oh hi hi! There you are! Finally found me did you? Hechechec! Well, it's about tiiiiiiiime m'dear. You tally, tally, tally in finding things such as me. My name?


Not a question, but my name, first word I heard when I was born.

'Why are you throwing away your baby girl?"




Why is the first word I heard, first word I called myself. Myself, I call, I call myself Why. Hechec, keep up if you can with my legs of four, see them four, pillars like sticks but strong like metal, see if you can keep up, up, up!

My likes? What I like? My desires? Things I search, search, search for in this Forest of yours?

I like flutterbies, those little winged things, things, things over the violet patches of flowers, insects that fly without angel wings of feathers, their wings are not of feathers but of thin velvet! Flutterbies that flutter in my face, I shall daaaaaaance with them, shall dance oh yes!



Hechec, he's already dead! Hec, I have a dead friend, how odd, odd, odd is thaaaaaat?

My first friend, he lets me touch his mane and kiss, kiss his horns. Hello handsome.

ocean's picture

-definite track-

-definite track-
Halafax's picture


Kiraki's picture


Katara00176's picture

Traaackkk.... So nice

Traaackkk.... So nice picture!
- Pringlez munch -
- beans chomp -
- forestnuzzle offer! - n.n

i don't know what to use a forestnuzzle, only offers to offer! ^^.

Just follow me!