Why am I awake?

Cyaneus's picture
I have rehearsal in five hours. D:

These are my characters. I really wish I had Photoshop on my new computer so I could save them as a transparent PNG but all I have is Opencanvas and the Artrage Demo. Booooo!
ocean's picture

Lovely. Go to bed, though.

Lovely. Shocked
Go to bed, though. D:

i love them. they're so well

i love them. they're so well done. x3 <3
and i have the same problem as you. i also had opencanvas on my conputer. but for about two days ago my computer went poff and now it's restarted without al my files and programs. so all my pictures and my opencanvas is gone Dx
oh well 8D

These look beautiful. I've

These look beautiful. I've always loved that soft look in these types of drawin's <3
Spyrre's picture

Woah, I love how these look!

Woah, I love how these look! You have beautiful style! <3
quaesting's picture

These are beautiful!

These are beautiful!