Who is a Vegetarian ...???

Vala 's picture
Who is a Vegetarian

It's already been asked, I think on the forum, but here I go again, who is a vegetarian ?
I'm bored I can not play the game so ....

I am for 14 years now , and I feel very good about it, I do not eat animals...
Bubblegum909's picture

I've been a

I've been a vegetarian/pescetarian for my whole life. P.s a pescetarian is someone who doesn't eat meat of any other animals besides fish and other sea creatures.
It's lovely to meet other vegetarians!
All art by me!

Been one since I was a little

Been one since I was a little younger than you, and I know there's a few others on here too.

I'm glad you're enjoying it! Was it a recent choice for you? Let me know if you ever need any help or have any questions--I've been doing this a while and definitely know some of the "in's and out's.":)
idiosyncrasies's picture

I'm also pescetarian. c: My

I'm also pescetarian. c: My family doesn't eat fish a lot, though, so I'm thinking of going full vegetarian.
Carry's picture

You mean you don't eat

You mean you don't eat animals Eye
Not just dead ones.

And I'm not a veterinarian, but me and my boyfriend want to take a vegetarian challenge in July for the month to see if we like it or not.
But I'd probably be a pescetarian seeing how I'm a sushi lover.

...I can't NOT do this. You

...I can't NOT do this. You mean you're not a vegetarian, Carry?
And a veterinarian too, possibly...;)

But for serious, sushi is awesome and there is some really good vegetable sushi commonly available there for anyone interested, not something you have to give up if you go vegetarian. Also: inari.

And the slow transition approach really works for some people, even if it's just a temporary thing you do/you keep seafood in. I hope you and your bf enjoy it for however long you do it!
Unplugged's picture

Not yet... for kind of silly

Not yet... for kind of silly reasons... (like being judged by my parents and "having no time", lol) but I plan on changing that very soon.

I've actually been considering full-on veganism for moral reasons, yes, but I'll have to take a much closer look at that before making any big decision.

Argh you'd be an awesome

Argh you'd be an awesome vegan, Unplugged, knowing how thoughtfully you approach things.

I'm one too and I know how hard it can be while you still live with/are dependent on your parents. Internet savvy as I know you are, still feel free to let me know if you ever need any help. <3
Unplugged's picture

haha thanks 11dollarbills.

haha thanks 11dollarbills. I'll remember to get back to you.
Carry's picture

@11dollarbills; Oh, I meant

Oh, I meant I'm not a veterinarian, but I want to try being one for a month with my boyfriend. He actually wants to be a veterinarian for health and moral reasons; but wants to try first at the moment. We are planing to do some research to find out best replacements and restaurants that serve good veterinarian dishes. <3
Vala 's picture

Good to see that we have a

Good to see that we have a few vegetarian here... Its not difficult , once you start with not eaten meat or fish anymore you have very quick this "Goodfeeling" , and its better for our sweet planet .... Carry i change it ... Eye
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Hum's picture

I have been vegetarian (ovo

I have been vegetarian (ovo lacto vegetarian: I eat plants and milk products and eggs, in the not posh-fancy terms) since I was sixteen, so, for about five years. It's nice. It's nothing special, to me. It's kind of just habit, by now. I rarely even think about it.

Also, at Carry...

I... I think you're saying "veterinarian" when you mean "vegetarian..." Just... I... Think, yeah. Either that, or you're about to have a very interesting month which I would like to hear about. Well, I guess either way, it will be an interesting month for you.
Vala 's picture

For me it is simply a way of

For me it is simply a way of life, it's like I'm , just normal ..And like Hum said ," I rarely even think about it "
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Sighthoundlady's picture

I’ve been a veterinarian for

I’ve been a veterinarian for 11 years and have yet to find any special restaurants for us. Do they serve veterinarians or do they SERVE veterinarians? Eye

But no, I’m not a vegetarian though I have no problem with the choice. We are lucky to have the choice either way I believe. Most of the world’s human population is vegetarian by necessity. And they aren’t happy about it.
Carry's picture

@Hum; Oh my goodness, I was.

Oh my goodness, I was. xD
Vasila's picture

I'm vegetarian! ____

I'm vegetarian! Laughing out loud
HolyMaria's picture

I've been vegetarian for many

I've been vegetarian for many years,
and I became vegan today ♥ ^^
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

I thought I posted on this

I thought I posted on this last year Oo oops.

I've been a vegetarian since late Sept - Early Oct 2013. I quit meat cold turkey (PUNZ). I have tried on and off for about.....5-6 years before that to become a vegetarian but I was doing it wrong; I was ALWAYS HUNGRY. Now I am doing it correctly despite the fact I do need to get a multivitamin (but doctors are evil :<)

I plan on going full vegan, but I love milk wayyy too much right now, and I think going straight to vegetarian cold turkey makes up for it ;; I discovered vegan deli meats the other day, so I am reveling in being able to have sandwiches again, and they are super delicious ^^
Deyna's picture

Not me. Love raw, wholesome

Not me. Love raw, wholesome milk, real butter, fresh eggs from my chickens. And FISH especially.

Now, what I'd like to ask, is why you chose to be vegetarian? Was it out of guilt for the way typical livestock are treated (and would you feel differently if the animals were well raised and killed quickly and respectfully)? Or perhaps a food allergy/ health problem? Or just have never liked the taste of meat? Or a combination of all of them?
hadoukin's picture

My closest friend is vegan

My closest friend is vegan and gluten free, vegan by choice, gluten free due to allergies. When she was thinking about becoming vegan I was like what can you even eat then, grass?! Of course I was wrong, I mean there's tons of vegan, vegetarian and gluten free brands out there, we even have a vegan restaurant near us. It's kind of neat how veganism [is that even a word i dont even know] and vegetarianism is growing so quickly.
Personally, I'm too lazy to do it, but it was fun watching my best friend kind of transition into it. I think it would be rather easy where I live, since it's fairly 'urban' and it's one of those growing health things around here. Plus, I couldn't give up eggs man [get um' fresh from my chickens], or chocolate milk.
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

For me, I just hated the idea

For me, I just hated the idea of eating other living beings (and I KNOW plants are living). Livestock are treated horribly, hell, all animals are. But I also saw photos of meat on facebook and whether its natural or not I nearly puked at how disgusting it was. It's just gross. I quit that very day and don't regret it. I'll never regret it.

I love milk and eggs, which is why I didn't immediately go to Vegan. I will eventually, but I would like to transition there rather than go straight, as (chocolate) Milk is pretty much all I drink. We do get organic milk though, so I know the cows are treated well (or at the very least thats what it says on the carton and I PRAY they arent lying), and I only eat eggs once a week (from a deli) if that so we don't really buy them because I R LAZY COOK.

It's a shame my husband is like...a hyper carnivore though. e_e He'd never quit.

Me.. I've been so since age

I've been so since age 13. I was once a vegan, but i stopped because of my own ego. I couldn't accept food from people, and it also made restaurants awkward. Plus veganism is also a bit of a luxury.
Sleepything's picture

I slowly transitioned into

I slowly transitioned into going vegetarian when I was abouuut.. 14, I think.
I'm 22 now and I've been vegan for almost 5 years and it's one of the best decisions I ever made. c:

I really love to cook so if anyone ever needs some ideas/recipes, let me know, I'd be happy to share some of my kitchen adventures~

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥

Ditto on helping anyone who's

Ditto on helping anyone who's trying to transition! Soli, you're making me cry talking about having to give up chocolate milk or other things. Eggs are a little case-by-case for straight up replacing, depending on the dish, but milk beverages are one of the easiest things to veganize. Whenever you have the chance, just try to find more vegan dishes that you enjoy, rather than taking out the things you love that happen to still be non-vegan. I honestly eat way more of a variety of stuff now than I did before going vegan and think that helps both the health and sanity aspect of it all.

W0lfclaw, I think veganism is definitely something where you have to balance buying premade stuff and making your own. Too much of the former IS a luxury (just like any processed food, plus they can be hard to find depending on where you live) and costly and less healthier, too. Too much of the latter and you'll go crazy, haha. But you don't get much cheaper than beans and rice when it comes down to it.
HolyMaria's picture

^ yes

^ yes
Mahj's picture

Was Vegetarian for years,

Was Vegetarian for years, then Vegan for a few more years when I was younger. Quit for multiple reasons. The biggest of which being I can't be due to some of my illnesses.

In spreading iron darkness, I

In spreading iron darkness, I raise my hand to expose myself, as a vegetarian. Indeed here are a surprisingly great amount of vegetarians and vegans. I'd say it to be nice to meet them all, but we'll never meet.
ApoideaBee's picture

Soli, I encourage you to try

Soli, I encourage you to try some Silk Chocolate Almond milk. It's a great vegan alternative and it tastes like the real deal. My family drinks it like crazy.
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