to every one. sorry its closed i just burned my hand trying to kill fleas that were on my cat.
but if you make a request here i will try to help you at this time ok.
Pelt, antler, and mask recovery severse is closed now! (whenever its open if you need set nod then touch ground in front of me, ( I am today in a devoity pelt, the pure white pelt with long mask and the very large antlers!)
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~ ==========
i am going to ask this.
who needs help with there sets. you will have to tell me what pelts and all you need.
puting your name up for my help will get you the masks, pelts and antlers you what.
i will help you when i see you in the forest though. so if you see your name on the list. beware the spells! LOL
i don't have spell data but everything else i can help out with.
just ask though if you what off the list.
my list to help so far. non so far
exact words from Enkou on the white pelt
so if it works tell Enkou thanks.
'...Although I'm disappointed that the Devout pelt is just like any other, I can tell you how. First, ensure you are wearing no pelt but the default one. Then, bow to the Twin Gods Statue. Once you obtain the Devout pelt, press escape or the button at the bottom left corner and click disconnect. Then, resume the game and make sure your deer is lying down while the server reconnects. After, once everything is set and you can play, the Devout pelt will stick and won't disappear...'
i tested this myself and it works. (when you disconnect remember to no have the thing that say loge me on audimaticly or something like that. but don't forget to turn it back on after!) have fun!
wow, so that's how you get
Asome! Keye is so getting
'Smile, it's easier than explaning why you're sad.'
i hope it works! right now
right now i'm playing around with the zombie set. i hope to try the white pelt myself.
if it works thank Enkou for letting me post his words.
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at
Oh my gosh, love this
Adonis fell in the pond attempting to jump onto the bridge, and lost his cute little set. I regained some of it, but I need some willing person to get me back to a mini-deer. :> And, if I don't have them already, I need the key antlers and the roaring mask....yes, it's sad I don't remember what he has on at the moment. xD I don't need any colors since he is a mini. :3
so you need me to turn you
ok i will help i just had to good aloe vira for my burn
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at
Um, I guess by the shore of
ok i will just have large
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at
there. i got to go
i got to go eat.
just ask if you ever need any more help.
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at