ah, the white doe with the feathers is my deer, Fulu c: she was just being protective of the dark stag because he IS skittish XD she was trying to get him to warm up a little around you and the fawn
All he wanted to do was say hi. XD
And Rev was wondering why the white doe kept circling around. And what the heck were you two doing by the point, rolling INTO the ground laughing?
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."
The Beluga pelted stag is my Corvus, he's very shy. He doesnt do well with meeting new deer XD. Especially ones that keep trying to walk up to him/run up/follow etc. Slow and steady wins with him.
Rev sort of figured that. That's why he lay down. Unfortunately, when you greeted him, he was going to get up to return the favor and be polite, but you ran away!
"I am not the Kirin Prince my father wished me to be. I am the three-horned darling of the Forest,
and my friends are my strength."
ah, the white doe with the
All he wanted to do was say
And Rev was wondering why the white doe kept circling around. And what the heck were you two doing by the point, rolling INTO the ground laughing?
and my friends are my strength."
LOL by that time we were
... the point? The POND.
and my friends are my strength."
The Beluga pelted stag is my
DraakxMitra C:
Rev sort of figured that.
and my friends are my strength."
He got startled because they
DraakxMitra C:
Aaaah. I see~ Rev: "I
Rev: "I apologize for startling you! Next time we meet, I shall be far more gentle."
and my friends are my strength."
Yeah XD Corvus: ....mm
Corvus: ....mm
DraakxMitra C: