Who are you?~

MapleTree's picture

Who are you?
I'd like to know.
My Doe Trinity is accepting you as a friend now. Smiling
Pegasicorn's picture

Yo. That's my

Yo. Laughing out loud That's my reindeer/caribou Toukan. He's the silver deer in my sig.
MapleTree's picture

Kewl! Lol, I'm having a lot

Lol, I'm having a lot of fun xD
Ourania's picture

That's a bump on a log 83

That's a bump on a log 83 /flees
Pegasicorn's picture

Toukan: *chases Oura* >|

Toukan: *chases Oura* >|
Ourania's picture

Oura: How are you gonna do

Oura: How are you gonna do that? >8D *trots away*
Pegasicorn's picture

Toukan: *sitslides after* B|

Toukan: *sitslides after* B|