Who are you?

Pretzil's picture
Sonata's picture

I believe that's

I believe that's Epouvantail...

but I didn't know he laid with deer he didn't know, I could be wrong though.

Thats not epou XD im very

Thats not epou XD im very curious to know who that is though
my deer have come in contact with that deer before

hello, it's my deer Siryah

hello, it's my deer Siryah bio
glad to know you:)
Pretzil's picture

Kewl! Would you like to join

Kewl! Would you like to join my herd? Shocked
Lanithedeer's picture

You have a herd? I may as

You have a herd?

I may as well warn you, most herds get out of hand, unless they are very organised, such as Ravynn's herd.

I used to have an open mind... but my brains kept falling out.


Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
Pretzil's picture

Thanks for your concern. I'll

Thanks for your concern. I'll have a hierarchy, which should keep balance among the members and also, I might limit only like 12 members.
Lanithedeer's picture

Anytime. Your herd sounds

Anytime. Your herd sounds very organised. What kind of herd is it? (Like a certain pelt or mask herd etcetera etcetera)
I used to have an open mind... but my brains kept falling out.


Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
Pretzil's picture

It's a any-type sort of herd.

It's a any-type sort of herd. You dont have to have any certain pelt or mask. But, I don't want any look-alikes.