Who is this?
April 25, 2008 - 6:08am — Pegasicorn
Hey, Magnet here.
Yep. Just me talking this time. =]
Not too much to say, cuz not much happened.
But I ran into Her and Halogen. ...or more like, I was slowly approaching when Her noticed me and came over. ^^; Anyway, it looked like she kept changing her mind about her set, cuz she was getting deer to cast masks on her. That's when Halogen showed up and helped.
Later, after Her left (I'm pretty sure she was with Esll.), I was able to get a semi-closeup of Halogen and another deer while I was sitting in the river.

And I met a strange fawn. They seemed nice, but they kinda confused me. O.o

I wonder who they are...
Hmmm, I might be the deer
LOL SORRY. Your right
Your right though, I was having some set frustrations and absolutely could NOT decide on what I wanted. So I was off and on messing with old spell data, sneezing, and pawing at trees all day. xD Rather boring, but I did in the end find something I like a lot.
:0 Esll was on for a short while but I got off about two minutes after our visit to get more spell data. xD I came back on and he wasn't on, so I just ran around sneezing stuff off to see how it'd look and Esll popped up out of no where so I spent about five more minutes with him. :/ Rather uneventful but fun, sorry if I seemed awkward.
Long, unneeded post is..long and unneeded. :B
@squeegie: Nah, that's
@Her: Heh, it's alright.