This immediately made me think of WoW, the Devilsaurs in the jungle-place (it's been so long now, I cannot recall the name). Think it starts with a G. In any case, It's awesome, just plain awesome, haha~ ♥
Considering we've had everything from little old ladies to massive-ass elephants, this would be totally believable. And you got me, dern you. Holy wowzah, that's a spicy meatball edit! *giggles* I love it! ♥
These are my favorite pajama pants, too :C *woe*
I died and now I really want to show this to my friends who are all like "LOL your deer game is stupid because you can't level up and kill other deer."
and I'll be all like "yeah? well.. we'd be killing each other if there wasn't a GIANT T-REX ALREADY KILLING US OFF"
WOE WUT!? I thought that was
HAH! I got yoouu~
That is awesome! *glomps the
Lol, thanks.
This immediately made me
That's awesome. |D
You fooled me! xD
Et de son père vient la lune
Et de l'enfant venu des étoiles
Et le ciel est devenu le refuge~
AHHHH That is a seriously
That is a seriously good manip rofl :'D
XD You got me!
Considering we've had
LOL, thank you everyoneee.
Lololol Sarita, that made me laugh. xD
i wish that here was one he
p.s. u didn't fooled meh x']
-Laughing so hard.-
We've had elephants? T-REX
T-REX FTW. -nuzzles it-
xDD Wonderful manip.
ps we had elephants in tef? WTF
DANGIT. These are my
These are my favorite pajama pants, too :C *woe*
I died and now I really want to show this to my friends who are all like "LOL your deer game is stupid because you can't level up and kill other deer."
and I'll be all like "yeah? well.. we'd be killing each other if there wasn't a GIANT T-REX ALREADY KILLING US OFF"
For a Moment there I thought
I wish we could level up and
Thanks everyone. <3 (: I'll make more. ;o
...I didn't know we had elephants in TEF...
Woah, dude... Thats...
And also, was that just a Kingdom Hearts avatar that just flashed across my field of vision O.o?