What's in there ...

Blackhoof's picture

What's in there?
A curios fawn asked
Is there some type of sceme
or evil trap?

Who's in there?
Some deer who's swallowed his

Who's watching?
With one eye focused on us?

Who's in there and do
they look somewhat like us?

No matter,
Says the one fawn with
no eyes in his head.

The pond is but a portal,
for the gone, and the dead.

Random rhymes X P Inspiration came form
this lil quote from the website

"First looks can be deceiving, however. As any jewel can quickly lead to
envy, greed, violence or madness, so does the pond hold a strange secret.
Or what to think of the source of the water: the eternal sadness of an ancient idol?
There's a strange look to the water, as if we're not seeing everything
that is supposed to be there..."
Fenqua's picture

That fawn looks eyeless O_O

That fawn looks eyeless O_O

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Blackhoof's picture

Yes, I've been having

Yes, I've been having problems with that
lately. I'm probably going to re-upload the forest soon.

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