Came into the forest tonight and it seemed like every deer wants nothing to do with me, just runs away without hardly an acknowledgement- or worse, tries to fight me off. If it's not too much to ask, could you perhaps humble yourselves to allow my company?

I think I deserve a bit more respect from ya.
Heh, I think there were just
Yes, sorry about that. 21
;3 Personally I would've loved to stay and dance but I had to stick to character.
If I'd had had 88 or Clover
You're right, you do. D8
Forest FAQ
Agreed-it was an angry
...Got a request, Ephra? ^^ I don't mind kicking in any of my deer. <3
Bring anyone you like, I
Alright, let's kick in my
You will have to come
edit: What a great de-stresser, thank you
Found ya. Very awesome.
[e]: Any time. That's Ulh, happy psycho as he is. Can't make enemies. x3 I know, I'm glad it's Friday! Alright.
Well The Omen tried to come