This is Raz speaking, otherwise known as Draak's human. I'm gonna be in this colour for the diaries while Draak will be in normal/this colour.
Most of the diaries will be done by Draak. I'm trying something a little different here by doing this. This is a tryout for a diary entry.
Before I let Draak take over I wanna know if the 'Nuzzle points' you get for posting go towards anything? or are they just for fun?
Last night I was able to properly meet up with Quamar's sister Mitra, she was a lot of fun to play with, just like her big brother XD.
My time in the forest began with meeting up with Sluggs and shortly after Echo appeared. Which lead to Sluggs dancing around in circles and lots of nuzzles with her XD. He then decided to become Echo's semi twin:
Then Mitra appeared and I began to play around with her, Sluggs and Echo.
Sniff, Sniff:
As I played with Mitra Sluggs and Echo dissapeared. We roflled around for a while XD until she had to go...
I then caught up with Sluggs and Echo again, Sluggs then began chasing and casting pelt spells on Echo and I until I got him back with a transformation spell and turned him into a frog

. He then ran off and Echo and I began to chase him all around the forest XDDD
And then I decided to leave Echo and Sluggs alone. And by chance Seele and Mitra appeared

we then began to dance and play around which was fun. Until we got tired and sat down. I spotted Sluggs and Echo not to far away:
I turned away for a second and then Sluggs had multiplied by 2 O_o
After sitting down for a bit we got back up again and began to dance and run around ending up at the pond where we had a drink and a play in the water XP
Dive! Dive! Dive!
Mmmm dirt again
And sadly shorly after that Mitra had to leave again...Seele also ran off and I went to go find Sluggs and Echo again. They were with a few deer and some fawns, they had also turned themselves into fawns, Sluggs still had his clone too o.o. We also figured out how many fawns would fit under me. And that was 3 XD
We then ran off to the rocks close to the bowl or playground...I forget >_> during Echo and Sluggs random leaping in and out of the rock I sat down which then led Sluggs to sit on me |D
Then one of Sluggs dissapeared and we ran to the Pond, where they began to fly over it and water walk. I had a turn too, I flew over the Pond once. But didnt dare water walking as I didn't want to risk losing my Forest magic.
I have your spells all saved you know.... Wha?...O_o.
Echo looks at a water lily:
I then left because they stayed put at the middle of the Pond and I couldnt get to them. I ran and came across Elian 8D where we then took off to the Playground where we became twins and messed around on the rocks XD
Elian looks like he's actually grinning XD
Sluggs then came because I think Echo left and we cheered him up a bit.
Closeup of Elian:

And one of Sluggs:
Mitra then appeared again and I took Elian and introduced him XP. We became Quads with the same grey pelt and then were found by some more deer and we all became Devout Deer.
After we messed around as white deer we let it wear off. Sluggs then preceeded to sit on a sitting Mitra XD.
Elian, Sluggs and I then tried to become all Kirin Pelt Deer. It took a long time for me to get that pelt o.o cast after cast, I didnt think it was gonna happen until eventually it did. But then when it did we messed around for a bit and then went back to being grey. Soon it was time for me to go, and not before Raz took a closeup of Mitra:
Me thinks Draak has taken a slight liking to Mitra XD lets just hope Quamar wont come and bite his head off XD
~Draak and
Raz out
It's always though for me to
xD yeah it is for me too
XD; Well I'm messing with Quamar now and he's not biting my head I think I'm safe.
Quammy wont bite heads off
I'm happy she's managed to get many good friends so fast. She loves messing around with you two, Draak and Seele.
Dirt, nam nam xD Mitra's favourite thing to eat.
Cool diary btw. *stalks*
Ah thats good that means
Draak~*hands over a thank you fawn head*
She does? yay =D. Draak will be pleased with that XD. She's fun to mess around with.
xD its the best tasting dirt around! lol
Naaa I didn't see this until
Or well, I did see this before, but I had to leave before I got to the part where Elian came. XD
"Elian looks like he's actually grinning XD" he sure does! .DD
and on the Mitra's closeup pic, I think that's Elian's antler there....... XD
Anyway, I got a bunch of screenies of Draak back then on the playground, but I can't post them, since I don't have my own computer now.... .__. But I will post them someday, in summer, IF I'll get the comp back.
Yeah! lol thats probably one of the most funniest things about the skull mask, it + upsidedown XD
Yeah it is 8D lol
Oooh you did