April 6, 2010 - 6:34pm — faunet
"Do you know why I called you here?"the king questioned the peasant girl while pacing about his study.The peasant girl Ravena replied"No my king"not looking up at him. "It is because I hear from people you are honest,diligent,and hardworking,and probably if you had something decent to wear besides those long ragged garments you might be beautiful. He sighed. My advisers tell me I must marry tiss not bad for you after all you will become queen and have many fine riches.He looked at the girl expecting to see a happy face,only discovering a questiong glance."What troubles you ?'he questioned. "Your highness do not believe in marriage as a sacred act created for two people who love each other?she asked slightly raising her head. "I believe marriage is the joining of a man and women to gether nothing more and nothing less" he replied."Then your majesty Im afraid I will decline. she said standing and turning to walk away.The king was almost speechlees but commanded that she stop.
titled cause well it was a
Woah. Did you wake up after
Yep and I have a few ideas on
It is interesting to me
Could you describe the palace? I want to try and draw it.
The walls have hiroglyphics
Woah o3o Interesting. I
I love hearing dreams people have |D
Its strange cause when he
Should I continue with it??
That is sure a nice dream.
Much better that the one I had recently - to do the school leaving exam again after three years.
I think your dream is worth continuing it.
Oh definitely :D
(No subject)