We are never alone

A will of my own
Not to be deceived
A heart with good intentions
Will forever be tried
To be broken down
In pieces
That float in the the breeze
Scattered across the horizon

Days or maybe years will pass
Until someone discovers that piece
Someone who will not disguard it
Beacause they see the potential
That you yourself never saw

Time,trust and love
Soon restores that broken puzzle
Stronger than you were
Even though it seems impossible
Your pride and humility
Glow about you

Thank those who broke you down
For their words and actions started a journey to a better you
And know they are suffering in some way or anothers
Behind their hards mask do they hide
With a steel barrier between themselves and others
That can easly be shattered by a simple knock.

Thanks those who took the time to piece you back together
For they to might have been where you were
Together you can strenghten one another
But alone you can stand and fight for yourself
Even so why be alone
Since the beginning of time
They can be our strenghth
But also our greatest weakness
All in all we all have a will
An unknown plan with some purpose
That we are fullfilling
It's not written in gold
Nor something that can be foretold

It's what we do from day to day
The dreams we dwell on
And chase so vigorously
But on this e journey we are never alone

Zeekii's picture

Such a lovely poem, very true

Such a lovely poem, very true it is as well ^^

Thank you

Thank you Smiling