January 10, 2009 - 3:49am — Larr
I would realy like the spell data for the NightFall [ jet black ] pelt . I know its rare but I saw someone wearing it at the last Abiogenesis. Well its for Mushroom, he wants to wear it. I got DotD pelt if u want to trade ..
This pelt isn't permanent
Cyric [Bellamy] used to
Cyric used to wear the
Maybe you were in phase 2 when you saw him? The zombie pelt shows up black in that version.
edit: Why, Cyric was on just a half-hour ago!
Yer - speak of the devil,
I'm sure he was wearing the black pelt in phase 3 [ he was the only one I ever saw wearing it ] then he went back into zombie form. I'll have to ask him about it.
Mushroom is in the forest now BTW, I saw 21 sleeping there ..
It is impossible to keep the
He used to wear as a
No, that's because you were
I'm sure I wasnt playing
Look, I don't know. All I
Ohhh, it dosnt matter that
I dont see Bellamy around much these days..